The one that says Çeviri Fransızca
529 parallel translation
How much is that belt in the window, the one that says 2.95?
Combien, cette ceinture marquee 2,95?
Will you get a towel? The first cupboard on the right... the one that says "clean rags".
Un torchon se trouve sous l'étiquette "chiffons propres".
I'm the one that says when we go.
C'est moi qui donne le signal.
Where's the one that says "Welcome Joe Viterbo"?
Pourquoi y a pas écrit "Joe Viterbo"?
Well, have a good day. One of my assistants just stopped by the Ohhyung Golf Course in Nonhyun-dong, and says that it looks really nice, perhaps they've renovated the interior.
passez une bonne journée. peut-être qu'ils ont rénové l'intérieur.
I'll kill the next one that says "ethics" to me.
Je tue le prochain qui dira éthique devant moi
Hey, Leo, that newspaper guy, the one who writes the columns, says he's gotta get in.
Léo, ce journaliste... celui qui écrit les rubriques, il dit qu'il doit entrer.
Jones says that mannion had one of the guards fixed.
Jones y dit que Mannion a acheté un gardien. - C'est exact.
They are all very good, but the highest one is that of Mr. Billings. He says he will give me 50,000 francs besides my salary, which is very big just to sign the contract.
Voyons, la plus alléchante... est celle de M.Billings. 50000 francs en plus de mes cachets.
Thou are like one of those fellows that, when he enters the confines of a tavern, claps me a sword upon the table and says,
Tu ressembles à un de ces gaillards qui, dès qu'il franchit le seuil d'une taverne, me flanque son épée sur la table et dit :
He says that Cuban threw a big knife at him. Might be the same one.
M.Charles dit que le Cubain lui a lancé un couteau identique.
That's when one half of Paris says to the other half :
L'heure où la moitié de Paris dit à l'autre :
He says it's our family tradition that the girls be disposed of one, two, three, four.
Dans notre famille, les filles se marient dans cet ordre... Une, deux, trois, quatre.
Because Gruber says, how could a nice girl like that run around like that... her father is one of the hostages going to be killed any minute. Come on, fatty, wake up.
Gruber veut savoir pourquoi elle mène une vie si dissolue quand son père est l'un des otages qui va être fusillé.
I got 3,000 ounces of dust, two to one that says the river freezes up... by September 15.
J'ai 85 kg de poussière d'or, deux contre un que la rivière gèle d'ici au 15 septembre.
One of us just says, "Let's break it up." That's the end. You go east, I go west.
Un de nous dit : "On arrête." Et chacun reprend son chemin.
She says that no one can understand the saint's struggle with temptation as she can.
Elle dit qu'elle comprend le saint.
It says in the Bible that "Whatever you did for one of these least brothers..."
Le Seigneur dit : "Donnez à vos frères..."
- Up to now one round, but now the commander will give me a machine gun because he says that my aim is good.
Au mousqueton, mais le chef va me donner une mitraillette parce que ma visée est bonne.
Ptolemy says that Trolius's ship, which was carrying the war booty of the Phoenicians, consisting of gold sesterces, packed as usual in stoneware pots called amphoras, sank in this very spot... and that no one
Ptolemee relate que la galere amirale de Trolius qui contenait dans ses flancs le tresor de guerre des Pheniciens, constitue par des sesterces d'or, enfermes selon la coutume dans des jarres de gres denommees amphores, coula a cet endroit precis... et que nul, jamais, depuis, ne sut ce qu'etait devenu le tresor de Trolius.
It's a meteor. Johnny says the biggest one that ever hit us.
Johnny dit que c'est le plus gros qu'on ait jamais vu.
He says that seeing as how you had all them other boyfriends before me seeing as I never even had one single gal friend before you he figures that between the two of us it kind of averages out to things being proper and right.
vous avez connu beaucoup d'hommes... je n'ai jamais connu de filles. Il dit que ça fait une moyenne. Que tout est en ordre, bien équilibré.
That one about the rabbit that fell on out of the tree and says,
C'est celle du lapin qui tombe de l'arbre et dit :
The Madonna says that if one doesn't build a church...
La Madone dit que si on ne bâtit pas une église...
One says that the world will be marvelous.
On dit que le monde sera merveilleux.
I followed the concept that I believed to be the highest in my profession, the concept that says : to sacrifice one's own sense of justice to the authoritative legal order, to ask only what the law is, and not to ask whether or not it is also justice.
Je suis toujours resté fidèle au principe qui gouverne ma profession, et qui consiste à subordonner sa conception de la justice à l'autorité judiciaire, et à se préoccuper de la loi sans chercher à savoir si elle est juste ou pas.
But Pete's ma and pa says that the Seminola College takes in special students for one or two classes, and, well, that's all I'm figuring on.
On dit que l'université Seminola accepte des étudiants à part dans quelques classes, et c'est ce à quoi je pensé.
Fukuchi says that one is enough for us two. I paid the rent overdue.
Fukuchi trouve que celui-ci nous suffit.
He says that's one of the fundamental laws of democracy, no exception.
Il prétend que c'est une "loi fondamentale de la démocratie!"
One of the kids says that you go to school in Hawaii.
On m'a dit que tu étais étudiante à Hawaï.
It's as Okishi says, Sakichi, you said very clearly, that the one to settle any incident on your ground is you.
Comme le dit Okishi, Sakichi, tu as dit très clairement que le seul capable de mettre de l'ordre sur tes terres, c'était toi.
He says that one of the planes hasn't turned back.
Il dit qu'un des avions n'a pas fait demi-tour.
However, one of the letters says he may be the boy that used to be seen playing in the ruins of the Army Hospital.
Oui. Cependant, il y a une histoire dont j'ai entendu parler à propos d'un enfant qui errait autour d'un hôpital militaire.
The one on the bottom, that says Sonora.
Celle du bas indique Sonora.
That captain there, the one with the... He thinks somebody's holding his men. Unless somebody produces them, he says, he's gonna open fire on the town.
- Celui avec le... ll pense qu'on tient ses hommes et à moins qu'on ne les rende, il va tirer sur la ville.
Crime lab says the bullet that hit Kosterman... and the one that went in Turpin came from the same gun.
Les balles tirées sur Kosterman et Turpin viennent du même revolver.
Look, it's all right, Doctor. One minute he says this, the next minute he says that.
D'abord il dit ceci, puis cela.
Thou art like one of these fellows that when he enters a tavern claps me his sword on the table and says, "God send me no need of thee!" And by the operation of the second cup draws him on the drawer when there is no need.
Tu parles comme ces gens... qui entrent dans une taverne et jettent leur épée sur la table... priant Dieu de n'en avoir pas besoin... et qui, la seconde coupe vidée, dègainent contre celui qui sert à boire!
a legend says that one amongst us, a noble man, discovered the way to free man's spirit, to enfranchise from corporal sadness and suffering from death and transfigurations, from irritation and apeasement.
Une légende dit que l'un d'entre nous, un homme droit et noble, a découvert la façon de libérer l'esprit de l'homme, de l'affranchir des malheurs et tristesses corporels, de la mort et des transfigurations, des irritations et des apaisements.
My father says that going to bed is an integral part of the job, and - And one must be good at it.
Il dit que l'amour fait partie du travail, et qu'il faut savoir s'y montrer experte.
Everyone says that The Thirty have already received hundreds of reports, on the other hand, our city has always been one of spies.
C'est ainsi. On dit que les Trente ont déjà reçu des centaines de rapports.
He says that if you saw him in the window, one, he was alone, and two, he was wearing a bathrobe.
Il dit que si vous l'avez vu à la fenêtre, il était seul et il portait un peignoir.
She says he's spent the last 60 years Trying to work that one out.
Elle dit qu'il a passé les 60 dernières années à essayer de résoudre cette question.
Well, you correct me if you want to, Mr. Jezdale but that little girl out there says this Chinese is the one that did it.
Corrigez-moi si vous voulez, M. Jezdale... mais la petite fille dit que c'est le Chinois qui l'a fait.
Coroner says that the victim Norris was evidently killed by one shot through the heart.
Le légiste dit qu'il a été tué d'une balle dans le coeur.
Everyone says you're senile with age but you're the only one that can help me.
Les gens disent que vous êtes sénile, mais vous seul pouvez m'aider.
He says that one day he'll found the General Confederation of Planets, from Mercury to Pluto.
Il dit qu'il fondera la Grande Confédération des planètes, de Mercure à Pluton.
Police reported that they have identified the body of one of the thieves have gone into hiding Mexican farmer is 41 years who last year fled a psychiatric hospital The police report says that three of the assailants escaped from the same center
La police a également identifié le corps de Robert Senegan, un irlandais de 41 ans qui s'est enfui il y a un an d'un hôpital psychiatrique en compagnie de deux autres détenus toujours en liberté il s'agit de Elvis Oaks Marshall Burns, 23 ans, 1m70, mince,...
- One of those places out in the desert says, "Real, live dragon, cactus candy, five miles ahead," that sort of thing.
" Dragon vivant, miel de cactus - 8 km''. C'est ça.
Lying beside me, he says you are the one that makes us work for the Governor.
Il dit que vous nous faites travailler pour le gouverneur.
Everybody says that Cyrus is the one and only.
On dit que Cyrus est le grand des grands.
the one and only 111
the one that got away 33
the one that 19
the one i told you about 27
the one 287
the one on the left 17
the one with the 40
the one who died 17
the one who 21
that says 62
the one that got away 33
the one that 19
the one i told you about 27
the one 287
the one on the left 17
the one with the 40
the one who died 17
the one who 21
that says 62
that says it all 20
the other night 242
the other half 29
the others 231
the odyssey 21
the other me 18
the other woman 16
the other way around 24
the old 139
the office 84
the other night 242
the other half 29
the others 231
the odyssey 21
the other me 18
the other woman 16
the other way around 24
the old 139
the office 84
the only way 33
the other side 74
the other guy 58
the other day 439
the other thing is 17
the only thing 56
the other way 103
the other thing 93
the other one 318
the old days 17
the other side 74
the other guy 58
the other day 439
the other thing is 17
the only thing 56
the other way 103
the other thing 93
the other one 318
the old days 17
the old woman 18
the opposite 109
the other two 35
the ocean 80
the old one 21
the other 237
the old lady 20
the opposite 109
the other two 35
the ocean 80
the old one 21
the other 237
the old lady 20