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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / We had an accident

We had an accident Çeviri Fransızca

127 parallel translation
I'll take you back to Carvel, wherever it is, and, see, you can tell them we had an accident.
Je vais vous ramener à Carvel.
We had an accident when we returned from the market.
En revenant du marché, nous avons eu un accident.
Yes. Well, we had an accident, our car ran into a bridge.
Oui, mais on a eu un petit accident de voiture.
We had an accident.
On a eu un accident.
Some time ago, we had a little accident, and ever since... we had an accident, my husband...
Il y a quelque temps, nous avons eu un accident et depuis... depuis cet accident, mon mari...
So we had an accident. We'll blame it on A.E.C.
On dira qu'on a eu un dérapage, et voilà.
Look, we had an accident of our own last week.
On a eu un accident la semaine dernière.
We had an accident.
Il y a eu un accident.
WE had an accident.
Nous avons eu un accident.
We're from Barcelona and we had an accident.
On est de Barcelone et on a eu un accident.
Unfortunately we had an accident just now.
Malheureusement, nous avons eu un petit incident.
We had an accident. Cynthia spilled the tea.
Cynthia a renversé le thé.
We've been walking all day... We had an accident, about 30 kilometers from here.
On a eu un accident à 30 km d'ici.
Hi, what's up? I was just telling these guys that we had an accident and...
Je disais au petit qu'on a eu un accident et que...
We had an accident recently and I lost my memory.
On a eu un accident il y a peu et j'ai perdu la mémoire.
I think we had an accident or something.
Je crois qu'iI y a eu un accident.
- And we had an accident with the car. It's a little crumpled.
On a eu un accident, ta voiture est un peu froissée.
We had an accident with the blood samples.
Nous avons eu un accident avec les échantillons.
- We had an accident when we jumped.
- On a eu un accident quand on a sauté.
- We had an accident.
On a eu un accident
I know sweetie, we had an accident.
Je sais, on a eu un accident.
We had an accident with our vehicle outside your town.
Nous avons eu un accident avec notre véhicule en dehors de la ville.
We had an accident with our car.
On a eu un accident de voiture.
If she'd had an accident, we would've heard from the hospital.
Si elle avait eu un accident, l'hôpital aurait prévenu.
You see, blacksmith, we've had an accident with these, and as they are wanted for immediate service,
Voyez, nous avons eu un accident et il nous les faut tout de suite.
We haven't had an accident in this town since 1908 and Joe will want to make the most of it.
Cette ville n'a pas connu d'accident depuis 1908. Joe va en faire tout un plat.
One morning, we'll come in find you had an accident.
Un matin, on découvrira que tu as eu un accident.
We'd have had his at the house, but there was an accident on the lake and the police took it there.
Il y avait eu un accident sur le lac, la police l'avait emprunté.
We thought she'd had an accident.
On commençait à s'inquiéter.
We thought you had an accident.
On a cru que tu avais eu un accident.
If he had an accident, we would know.
Si y avait eu un accident, ça se saurait.
Dear lady, I was beginning to fear we had created an unfortunate impression on you, in view of today's accident.
Chère madame, j'ai eu peur d'avoir fait mauvaise impression avec l'accident d'aujourd'hui.
But after we took our vows, I had an accident, and that very same week Ralph started fooling around with a new lady.
Mais après avoir échangé nos vœux, j'ai eu un accident, et c'est cette semaine-là que Ralph a commencé à aller voir ailleurs.
We've had an accident in the desert.
On est perdus. On a eu un accident dans le désert.
The incident was an error on your part. In order to have the case settled as an accident, we had to make arrangements with the police, and that cost money.
Vous avez commis une erreur, et pour la maquiller en accident, on a dû s'arranger avec la police, ce qui coûte cher.
Say, excuse me, but I think we've had an accident.
Excusez-moi, mais nous avons eu un accident.
We've had an accident in the shower, and Pete has cut himself.
On a eu un accident dans la douche, et Pete s'est coupé.
Listen, uh, we just had an accident out in the street, and if we could get some help -
Écoutez, on vient juste d'avoir un accident dans la rue, et si on pouvait avoir de l'aide...
We've had an accident.
On a eu un accident.
We almost had an accident today.
Nous avons faillit avoir un accident aujourd'hui.
- We've had an accident.
- Nous avons eu un accident.
We had an accident, baby.
On a eu un accident.
We had a bit of an accident, son.
On a eu un petit accident.
Seems we've had an accident, Miss Langenkamp.
On s'est blessée, Mlle Langenkamp?
- Except we had an incident at the jail.
- Sauf qu'il y a eu un accident à la prison.
First time we had to use one of these without an accident.
On s'en sert jamais sans qu'il y ait eu d'accident.
If he'd had an accident, we'd know about it.
S'il avait eu un accident, on le saurait deja.
We were just curious if you knew whether he'd had an accident or something, or died.
Nous nous demandions juste si vous saviez... s'il avait eu un accident ou s'il était mort.
We'd had an accident and my suitcase broke.
On avait eu un accident. Et ma valise s'était cassée.
We haven't had an accident here in 10 years!
On n'a pas eu un seul accident en dix ans!
He was rescued, and thus we heard he'd had an accident.
Il a été secouru et comme-ça on a appris son accident.

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