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And why was that Çeviri Portekizce

935 parallel translation
And why was it so urgent that I contact you about him?
E porque era tão urgente que o contactasse?
I know, and... that's why I told her it was a bad idea, and I already shot it down.
Eu sei, e... e por isso que eu disse a ela que era uma ma ideia, e eu ja atirei para baixo.
And that's why the grass was so stubborn-straight, but with wild field-flowers between.
É por isso que a relva estava tão teimosamente direita, mas com flores do campo selvagens no meio.
But the minute he started doing better, you know what I mean... why, he made me give up my job and take a trip to London and Paris... and.... I think that was pretty swell, don't you?
Mas assim que ele começou a ganhar mais, percebe o que digo, obrigou-me a desistir do emprego e viajar para Londres, Paris... e... acho que foi uma maravilha, não acha?
That's why your dog was friends with them, let them come and go.
Por isso o seu cão era amigo deles e deixava-os entrar e sair.
Why, I'd given up preaching and was making an honest living off the land until that dad-swinged railroad swindled me out of my own home.
Tinha desistido da pregação e vivia honestamente da terra até aquela maldita via-férrea me espoliar a minha própria casa.
Schultz is accused of treason, and you know why. Schultz was a friend of that barber.
O Comandante Schultz cometeu traição... por amizade ao barbeiro.
I suppose that's why you married me, because you knew I was dull and gauche and inexperienced, and there'd never be any gossip about me.
Acho que é por isso que casou comigo. Por que sabia que eu era uma estúpida e desajeitada e inexperiente e não teriam nada de interessante para falar de mim.
Why, this was my daddy's place before me and his daddy's place before him and Lord knows how many Lesters before that.
Antes de mim esta casa pertencia ao meu pai, e antes era a casa do pai do meu pai e Deus sabe de quantos outros Lester.
Maybe you went to Chattez and told him I'd gone out, that's why Toriano was waiting.
Talvez você procurou Chattez e lhe contou que eu tinha saído, por isso que Toriano estava me esperando.
And that was why he went out to a hill beyond Brigadoon...
Por isso foi a uma colina além de Brigadoon...
And I knew what a fool I was to be there and who made me that fool and why.
E soube o estúpido que fui por estar ali e quem me fez de estúpido e porquê.
"Peter Rabbit was a very bad little rabbit, " and that's why Peter Rabbit " was sent to bed without his supper.
" Peter Rabbit era um coelho traquinas, por isso, foi para a cama sem jantar.
I guess she was trying to work out in her own mind why I ran and left her alone like that.
Eu acho que ela estava tentando descobrir o motivo pelo qual eu corri e a deixei sozinha daquele maneira.
Why, even when he was a free man, he was always stirring up the slaves, persuading them that they worked too hard and ate too little.
Mesmo quando era livre incitava os escravos, persuadindo-os que trabalhavam muito e ganhavam pouco.
That Melisande... she was so beautiful, and her hair was so long and curly... why, every time he looked at her... he just fell right down and died.
Essa Melissa... Era tão linda, e seu cabelo era tão longo e encaracolado... por isso, cada vez que ele olhava para ela... ele simplesmente caía e morria.
Instead of putting all the blame on Tate, why aren't you big enough to admit that whatever happened was just as much, and probably more, your fault than anyone else's?
Em vez de dar toda culpa a Tate, porque não é bastante homem para admitir que o que aconteceu pode ser também sua culpa?
And all the time I was thinking that was why he was taking Billy in to hang. To get even.
E achei sempre que era por isso que ele levava o Billy para a forca, para se vingar.
That was why you presented the cancan, and why you thought I lied to you.
Obrigado. Queres dizer que posso ficar com os meus 10000 francos e o meu café fica aberto?
I was tryin'to explain to that darn lady teacher... why he didn't have no money for his lunch, and she got sore at me!
Eu estava a tentar explicar àquela maldita professora... por que é que ele não tinha dinheiro para o almoço, e ela zangou-se comigo!
But maybe he was fed up with her, and that's why he went to the Trojan War.
Talvez estivesse farto dela e por isso fosse para a Guerra de Tróia.
and what you thought was due to it! That's why I forbid you to smile while Becket is being destroyed!
Eu a proíbo de sorrir enquanto Becket é destruido!
I wanted to box, the way I have... I was already in love with it, and that's why some ladies asked if I would let them raise her, so I let them, because I didn't want to ruin my daughter's happiness... I knew she would be all right with those ladies, and I couldn't do anything more for her.
Eu queria seguir o boxe como segui e já tinha amor à arte e foi por isso que me pediram se deixava criá-la e eu deixei, para não estragar a felicidade dela, porque sabia que a vida dela na mão daquelas senhoras que estava bem
- Then the person that gave me blood he was a Punjabi and that's why I write in Punjabi.
Então a pessoa que me doou sangue era um Punjabi e é por isso que eu escrevo em Punjabi.
That's why his paper was so trusted and respected.
Foi por isso que o jornal era de confiança e respeitado.
Why, in all the years I've been with them, I've only taken six or seven. And that was only to please the Chief.
Em todos estes anos, apenas tomei,... umas seis ou sete e só para agradar o chefe.
So that's why Chain was such an unreliable agent, and why Whitaker was such a terrific shot.
Então por isso é que o Chain era um agente pouco confiável,.. ... e o Whitaker tinha boa pontaria.
As though the seaweed pie was all that marvelous. Why should Spain and Tahiti and Rio
Que desejamos ver.
That's why we went to so much trouble and it was no lark, you know... Major, to bring you halfway across North Africa.
E foi por isso que tivemos tanto trabalho, e não foi nada fácil, acredite, major, trazê-lo da outra ponta do Norte de África.
"I was born in Düsseldorf" "And that is why they call me Rolf"
Eu nasci em Dusseldorf, e por isso chamam-me Rolf.
When I told one of the Alices that the Enterprise was a lovely lady and we loved her, she said, "Norman, co-ordinate." Why Norman?
Quando eu disse a uma Alice que a Enterprise era uma bela dama e que a amávamos, ela disse : "Norman, coordena." Porquê o Norman?
And that's why I was waiting for you.
E foi por isso que estava à vossa espera.
Isn't is the business that we hear when... the young boy, Jesus, was lost for a matter of three days or so? And they said to him, " Why didn't you follow us?
Não é aquele comércio que ouvimos falar quando... o jovem Jesus desapareceu por uns três dias ou mais... e disseram para ele :
There was a rich man who had a steward, and... the same was accused by him that he had wasted his goods, and he called him and said, "why do I hear this of thee?"
Era uma vez um homem rico, que tinha um capataz, o qual foi acusado de delapidar os seus bens. Ele chamou-o e disse-lhe :
Upon this hope, that you shall give me reasons why and wherein Caesar was dangerous.
Mas espero que... explicareis porque César era perigoso.
That was why Shadow was there and that was why he'd fought so hard.
O Sombra estava ali e tinha lutado com tanta bravura por causa daquilo,
Why? I couldn't find the typewriter that this report was written on and Benson, he had an idea that Quincy might have had another hideaway someplace.
Não encontrei a máquina de escrever em que foi escrito este relatório, e o Benson achava que o Quincy talvez tivesse um esconderijo, algures.
You see, when I saw the type of woman that she was, it suddenly occurred to me... why you were in such a hurry to rush out of that house and get to an outside phone.
Quando vi o tipo de mulher que ela era, ocorreu-me por que motivo estava com tanta pressa de sair da casa e encontrar um telefone exterior.
Why, they claim that I was rustling cattle up around Paso del Norte way... and they had to blame somebody... and I swear, I never even been arrested before.
Eles dizem que andava roubando gado para os lados de Paso del Norte, mas... tinham de culpar alguém, mas eu juro que nunca fui preso antes.
And you know that very well. Why, why didn't you tell me he was in love with you?
Por que não me contaste que ele te ama?
I thinK EImyr's problem for years and the reason why he... couldn't succeed as a painter in his own right was that... the type of Iife he led prohibited him from... having a personal vision.
Penso que o problema de Elmyr durante anos e a razão pela qual ele não poderia ter sucesso como pintor, por si mesmo, foi que o tipo de vida que ele levou, o proibiu de ter uma visão pessoal.
I was at first in a very excited mood, because I expected that I would be the first and the only one who knows, who is going to know the explanation and declaration why the war had come to this end and why Hitler couldn't stop
Comecei por estar empolgada por pensar que seria a primeira e única a conhecer a explicação e a declaração da razão pela qual a guerra terminara assim.
And I'm interested in why I got roughed up for something that was supposed to be hidden in his place in the Quarter.
E quero saber por que quiseram me pegar... por causa de algo que devia estar na casa dele.
- Your father was just asking me... why I wasn't decorated for the deeds that I did that day, and... as I said to him... the joy of serving my country has been satisfaction enough.
- O seu pai perguntou por que não fui eu condecorado pelos meus feitos. Respondi-lhe que a alegria que sinto ao servir o meu país é prémio suficiente.
Why was I led up onto that podium and humiliated in front of the stockholders?
Por que me puseram naquele pedestal, e me humilharam em frente dos accionistas? Porra!
And why was I not told that, that man was called back?
Porque não me disseram da volta desse homem?
That is why I want you to know want you to know.that it was only an accident . .and I didn't get damaged.anywhere important.
Por isso, quero que saibas quero que saibas que foi só um acidente e que não sofri lesões em nenhuma parte importante.
That's why even with the largest telescope in the world it was necessary to take very long time exposures often lasting all night and sometimes requiring several successive nights.
E é por isso que mesmo com o maior telescópio no mundo, era necessário fazerem-se exposições muito longas, que muitas vezes duravam toda a noite, e por vezes requeriam várias noites sucessivas.
Very well, but without her knowing who I was and that is why Marianne was so surprised when she saw me today.
- Muito bem, mas não sabiam quem eu era. Daí a supresa de Mariane.
And why that is... is that Mitterrand at that time was not near power but under the table.
E não há nenhum pela simples razão de que Mitterrand nessa época não estava no poder mas debaixo da mesa.
Why do you think, whatever it was that happened in there... only happened to you and didn't happen to me?
O que quer que tenha acontecido lá... por que é que aconteceu contigo e não comigo?

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