Both hands Çeviri Portekizce
793 parallel translation
Get both hands up on that wheel there.
Põe ambas as mãos no volante.
Yes, sorry for you because you throw away happiness with both hands... and reach out for something that'll never make you happy.
Sim, pena. Estás a deitar fora a felicidade com ambas as mãos à espera de alcançar algo que nunca te fará feliz.
- Try doing it with both hands.
- Tenta com ambas as mäos.
Ma'am, I want you to put both hands on the wheel.
Senhora, ponha ambas as mãos no volante.
Put both hands on the wheel.
Ponha ambas as mãos no volante.
It waved both hands at me.
Até me acenou com ambas as mãos.
I see you've learned to play with both hands.
Estou a ver que aprendeste a tocar com as duas mãos.
- I got both hands on the bar.
- Tenha as duas mãos aqui em cima.
No, use both hands.
Não, use ambas as mãos.
When a good opportunity comes along, grab it with both hands!
Quando surge uma boa oportunidade, devemos agarrá-la.
With the castle burned, the good Boeuf dead and Ivanhoe running loose, gathering that infernal ransom with both hands?
Com o castelo queimado, e o bom Boeuf morto e Ivanhoe à solta, a recolher esse infernal resgate com ambas as mãos?
Can't I once find you in the supply room working with both hands?
Será que nunca te apanho a trabalhar aqui no aprovisionamento?
A kid named Riley, both hands.
Um miúdo chamado Riley, usa as duas mãos.
If I tied both hands?
Se atasse as duas mãos?
Both hands on the table.
As duas mãos em cima da mesa.
The chart has for both hands, right and left.
A ficha dá para as duas mãos.
Why do you think this painting was stolen? Because the artist revealed both hands.
O quadro foi roubado porque o artista pintou ambas as mãos.
I've led more posses and hung more men than you can count on both hands.
Eu já liderei mais posses e enforquei mais homens que aqueles que pode contar com as duas mãos.
I got lightening in both hands, I'm just spoiling for a fight.
Tenho isqueiros em ambas as mãos, acabei de roubá-Ios para uma luta.
You'll be pulling your hair out with both hands.
Vai estar arrancando os cabelos com as duas mãos.
Both hands on the wheel! I'm a nervous passenger.
As duas mãos no volante, Sr. Jones.
At least I played it with both hands.
Pelo menos, toquei com ambas mãos.
Jump out, clutching revolvers in both hands and waving them about...
Saltar, agitando pistolas em ambas as mãos...
He could get you with both hands in his pockets.
Ele dá cabo de nós com uma perna atrás das costas.
É só usar as mãos fazendo pressão nos braços do sofá.
- I want both hands free.
Quero ter as mãos livres.
- I'll use both hands.
Usarei ambas as mãos.
She turned around, took his head in both hands and gave him her breast.
Ela virou-se, pegou na cabeça dele com ambas as mãos e deu-lhe o seu seio.
You never could find your head with both hands.
Foste sempre um despistado!
I know, but you'll need both hands because you got trouble coming.
Vai precisar das duas mãos, pois terá problemas.
- Put both hands up.
- Põe os dois.
Both hands.
As duas mãos.
Now, keeping both hands on the railing, come down the stairs.
Mantenha as mãos no corrimão, e desça as escadas.
No. Both hands.
Com as duas mãos.
Take it in both hands. Arms length, like so.
Segura-o com as duas mãos, no alto, com os braços estendidos.
Baby, keep both hands on the wheel.
Mantém ambas as mãos no volante.
He was playing with both hands.
Tocava com as duas mãos.
Both hands, man.
Com as duas mãos, homem.
I hold in my hands the pardons for both of you.
Tenho na mão o perdão para os dois.
Miss Harding and Mr. Kieran both have their hands up.
A Menina Harding e o Sr. Kiran estão com as mãos para cima.
Swing with both hands.
Só podemos culpar-nos a nós mesmos.
Take the reins in both hands.
Pegue nas rédeas com ambas as mãos.
'Tis is my ruling you both shake hands.
Esta é a minha decisão vocês devem apertar as mãos.
Put your hands behind you, both of you.
Ponham as maos atrás das costas.
If you don't, we both wind up holding dead hands.
Se não, ambos saímos de mãos vazias.
We got orders to bring you in, General, so drop what you got and hands up, both of ya.
Temos ordens para detê-lo. Larguem o que levam e levantem as mãos.
Some day the fighting will be over, and both sides will have to shake hands.
Algum dia, a luta terminará e os dois lados terão de apertar as mãos.
I said, take your hands off me, both of you.
Eu disse, tirem as mãos de mim. Os dois.
Eleanor, with both hands tied behind you.
Sim, Eleonora, com ambas as mãos atadas.
Two households, both alike in dignity, in fair Verona, where we lay our scene, from ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
Duas famílias, iguais em dignidade, na bela Verona, onde a nossa história se desenrola, de antigos rancores passam a novas discórdias, em que o sangue dos cidadãos as mãos dos cidadãos mancha.
"Clasp the broom with both hands."
Agarre a vassoura com as duas mãos...
handsome 790
hands 577
handsome man 22
hands off 293
hands in the air 324
hands on the wheel 31
hands where i can see them 140
hands behind your back 288
hands up 935
hands above your head 53
hands 577
handsome man 22
hands off 293
hands in the air 324
hands on the wheel 31
hands where i can see them 140
hands behind your back 288
hands up 935
hands above your head 53
hands on your head 187
hands behind your head 136
hands on your heads 24
hands in 40
hands down 114
hands on the wall 18
hands where i can see' em 44
hands on the table 23
hands where we can see them 33
hands over your head 24
hands behind your head 136
hands on your heads 24
hands in 40
hands down 114
hands on the wall 18
hands where i can see' em 44
hands on the table 23
hands where we can see them 33
hands over your head 24
hands on the car 22
hands where we can see' em 20
both of us 267
both of you 1783
both laugh 381
both of them 366
both screaming 34
both sides 54
both laughing 234
both grunting 124
hands where we can see' em 20
both of us 267
both of you 1783
both laugh 381
both of them 366
both screaming 34
both sides 54
both laughing 234
both grunting 124
both times 46
both dead 17
both grunt 36
both chuckling 67
both gasp 40
both of' em 29
both moaning 27
both chuckle 199
both groan 17
both scream 23
both dead 17
both grunt 36
both chuckling 67
both gasp 40
both of' em 29
both moaning 27
both chuckle 199
both groan 17
both scream 23