During the day Çeviri Portekizce
1,009 parallel translation
But you can't expect me to be a cook and housekeeper during the day... and a loving wife in the evening.
"Não esperes que seja dona de casa e empregada de manhã"... "e esposa dedicada à noite, só porque te apetece."
Night's better. I work during the day.
De noite é melhor, trabalho de dia.
Never during the day.
Não bebo durante o dia.
- Well, I've been letting her work here during the day.
- Bem, deixei-a trabalhar aqui durante o dia.
She said where she lived wasn't very cheerful for writing... so when she asked if she could work here during the day, I said okay.
Ela disse que onde vivia não era muito inspirador para escrever... portanto quando perguntou se podia trabalhar aqui durante o dia, eu aceitei.
The reason none of them have been seen during the day even by the police spotting planes is because they hate the heat of the desert.
A razão de não serem vistas de dia, mesmo pelos aviões da polícia... é porque elas não gostam do calor do deserto.
We take it in during the day.
- Tiramo-la durante o dia.
During the day I was kept busy enough, but sometimes at night, I get restless I wanted to keep my mind of the craving. I made that.
Durante o dia estava distraído estudava, mas à noite não conseguia dormir, e para não pensar nas drogas fazia isto.
Give him one of these every four hours during the day.
Dê-lhe um comprimido destes a cada quatro horas durante o dia.
Because people decrease in height during the day.
Porque as pessoas perdem altura durante o dia.
If I have been worried or sad during the day, it often calms me to recall childhood memories.
Se tivesse estado preocupado ou triste durante o dia, costumava tranquilizar-me a recordar as memórias da infância.
They may be taken out during the day, but under no circumstances even if the patient implores you, must they be removed at night.
Podem ser retiradas durante o dia. Mas de modo algum mesmo que a paciente lho implore, devem ser retiradas à noite.
And we also know that during the day the vampire must rest in his native soil.
E nós também sabemos que durante o dia o vampiro tem que dormir no seu solo natal.
Do you have any free time during the day?
Tem tempo livre durante o dia?
He seems to be better during the day.
Ele parece estar melhor durante o dia.
During the day he seeks our advice. Then comes the night and...
De dia, ele pede-nos conselho, mas chegando a noite...
I'll fill in for El Trovador if you give me a job as a lifeguard during the day.
Substituo El Trovador se puder ser nadador-salvador.
It was terribly hot on the road during the day.
Faz um calor incrível na estrada durante o dia.
I've got to find where they hide during the day.
Devo descobrir onde se ocultam durante o dia.
The plan is to travel at night when it's cool and then rest as best we can during the day.
O plano é viajar de noite quando está fresco... e descansar tanto quanto seja possível durante o dia.
As they seldom went out during the day, when everything was drowned in torrid sunshine, Spanish painters communed with the evening. "
Como raramente saíam de dia, quando o ar queima e o sol mata tudo, os pintores espanhóis comungavam com o anoitecer. "
É onde vou estar durante o dia, disfarçado de um deles.
Why don't we sleep during the day and walk at night?
Porque não dormimos durante o dia e à noite caminhamos?
How about sleeping during the day and running at night?
E se dormíssemos durante o dia e corrêssemos à noite?
During the day.
De dia, sim.
Tell me... does your husband, uh, work during the day? Yes.
Diga-me uma coisa, o seu marido trabalha durante o dia?
I work at home during the day.
- Sim. - Óptimo. Eu trabalho em casa.
I work during the day.
Podes procurar hoje à noite.
Devoted, competent takes care of everything for me during the day.
Dedicada, competente, trata das minhas coisas durante o dia.
You can switch it off during the day, claim reasonable wear and tear as allowable, professional expenses under...
Dá para desligar durante o dia, de desgaste razoável, de acordo com o permitido, despesas profissionais abaixo...
During the day, I want two men ahead of the column, two men at the rear and two on each flank.
De dia, quero dois homens na frente... dois atrás e dois de cada lado.
Too many people during the day.
Há muita gente durante o dia.
I don't get sleep and I feel tired during the day.
Não consigo dormir e sinto-me cansado durante o dia.
- During the day, you switch it off... and you can claim it as reasonable wear and tear under "allowable expenses"... under paragraph 335...
- Durante o dia, pode desligá-lo... e pode alegar que é uma despesa razoável e descontar na alínea "despesas permitidas"... ao abrigo do parágrafo 335...
There are enough of us to keep an eye on you during the day but at night, we'll lock you up again.
Garanto. Somos suficientes para o vigiar de dia mas à noite voltamos a fechá-lo.
And. um. during the day. when you're on the set between takes, you're talking about it and planning it and organizing.
E durante o dia, no set, entre as tomadas, ficavámos organizando.
Anyway we will be together during the day.
De qualquer forma estaremos juntos durante o dia.
During the day of June 3rd, no major engagement took place on the front.
Nada de substancial ocorreu na linha da frente, a 3 de Junho.
He was going to school during the day and then working nights at the gas station so that he could pay you.
Ele ia às aulas durante o dia e então trabalhava à noite na bomba de gasolina então ele pôde pagar-te.
Rattlesnakes crawl in here kinda thick during the heat of the day.
Cascavéis rastejam aqui durante o calor do dia.
So then, how can we explain the presence of such a creature during the present day?
Como podemos explicar a presença de tal criatura nos dias actuais?
Our best chance will be during the hottest part of the day tomorrow.
A nossa melhor hipótese será no calor do meio-dia, amanhã.
All day in the car, during stops for meals.
Todo o dia no carro e durante as paragens para comer.
During the ceremony, my thoughts strayed to the day's events, and it was then I decided to write down what had happened.
Naquele dia, durante a cerimónia, os meus pensamentos regressaram aos acontecimentos do dia, e foi então que decidi recordar e escrever o que sucedeu.
During which she tried to kill herself, incited the men's day room to a riot...
Durante as quais tentou matar-se, incitou um motim na sala...
He died during the night, and our ship combed the area the following day.
Procurámos na zona.
And from this minute on, we will devote our whole lives, both day and night, except during homework, to the study of the aforesaid Henry Orient.
E a partir deste momento dedicaremos as nossas vidas, dia e noite, excepto durante os trabalhos de casa, ao estudo do supracitado Henry Orient.
When I was 16 and going to prep school, during the Punic Wars a bunch of us would go to town the first day of vacation before we fanned out to our homes.
Quando eu tinha 16 anos e andava no liceu, durante as Guerras Púnicas, muitos de nós iam para a cidade no primeiro dia de férias antes de voltarmos para as nossas casas.
There are lots of people with the initials AF you could have come in contact with during the day.
Há muitas pessoas com as iniciais AF...
During the day?
De dia?
And remember, during the Great War, our men had to drink 3 liters of wine a day.
Não se esqueça que durante a Primeira Grande Guerra, obrigávamos os soldados franceses a beber 3 litros de vinho por dia.
during the night 25
during the 36
during the war 83
the day before yesterday 39
the day 56
the day after tomorrow 108
the day before 49
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the day she died 19
the day after that 18
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during the war 83
the day before yesterday 39
the day 56
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the day she died 19
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day and night 151
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day and night 151
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