Four of them Çeviri Portekizce
872 parallel translation
We went out together this morning and engaged four of them
Sabes, saímos juntos esta manhã e já conseguimos arranjar quatro.
How do you know there are four of them?
Como é que sabe que são quatro?
Give me the four of them.
Quero quatro.
Four of them came up and kissed me when I got off the train.
Vieram ter comigo quatro e deram - - me um beijo ao sair do combóio.
That ain't no good, you can only ride four of them at one time.
Isso näo adianta nada, só pode andar com quatro de cada vez.
Four of them.
São quatro.
There are four of them.
São quatro.
Four of them left already. Cleared off without pay. Took some of our supplies.
Cantam também para espantar a saudade, o que não é surpresa.
Four of them...
São quatro...
- You killed four of them?
- Matou quatro deles?
Well, honey, you have to talk to three or four of them before you can decide.
Bem, querida, você tem que falar com três ou quatro delas antes que possa decidir.
Four of them!
Que sejam quatro!
No, four of them!
Não, mais... 4!
Found a main trail, but four of them cut out here and rode on up through that pass.
Encontrei o rasto principal, mas... quatro deles cortaram aqui e subiram por aquele desfiladeiro.
I tried to be out of the state when all four of them were killed.
Eu tentei estar fora do estado quando os quatro foram mortos.
- Four of them?
- Quatro?
Why, I wind up with only 49 columns for news... and I won't waste four of them on whether those berries Art Smith... was selling yesterday were blueberries or huckleberries.
No fim, só tenho 49 colunas de notícias... e não gasto quatro a reflectir sobre se as amoras do Art Smith, que se vendiam ontem, eram mirtilos ou bagas de murta.
Four of them!
São quatro!
I got four of them, from four people.
Tenho quatro, de quatro pessoas.
We had to rescue four of them out of the duck pond.
Tivemos de socorrer 4 de uma lagoa.
I thought there were four of them.
Pensei que eram quatro!
I am suggesting that Dr. Cudler, who is the district psychologist to the Board of Education should visit you in the home with his three member board of psychologists and once they are in the home they can investigate thoroughly in the home situation, with all four of them.
- E o que sugere? - Sugiro... que o Dr. Cudler, o psicólogo distrital do Conselho de Educação... venha visitá-lo cá a casa com os três psicólogos do conselho. Uma vez no lar, eles podem investigar a fundo... a situação doméstica, todos os quatro.
That's why I had to kill them, all four of them.
Foi por isso que tive que matar os quatro. Acredite.
We just made all four of them parked alongside the road.
Esses quatro estão parados na estrada.
You killed all four of them.
Mataste os quatro.
Quatro deles atacaram um autocarro.
Four of them at intervals.
São quatro, com intervalos.
_ They're four of them!
- Eles são quatro!
Four of them, horsemen!
São quatro! Montados!
Four of them ought to be coming over that ridge soon.
Quatro deles deverão vir daquela crista.
- It was four of them!
Of course, we could take out the pieces... and distribute them in three or four boxes in the vault... and take a small room.
Claro que podíamos tirar as peças, colocá-las em três ou quatro caixas na caixa-forte... e ficar num quarto pequeno.
I've sort of missed them these last four years.
Tenho sentido saudades deles nestes últimos quatro anos.
There are three or four things he's considering... but he hasn't quite said yes or no to any of them yet.
Tem três ou quatro ofertas que ele está considerando... mas não disse nem sim nem não a nenhuma delas.
It seems to me that four of us holding off several hundred of them is nothing short of a miracle.
Parece-me que quatro de nós a reter várias centenas deles não é nada menos... do que um milagre.
Had four sons, each one of them skinnier than the other.
Tinham quatro filhos, cada um mais magricela que o outro.
Four of Crandall's supply wagons are overdue, with rifles in them.
Estão vindo quatro carroças do Crandall com os rifles e provisões.
A four-flusher, just like the rest of them.
Um fingidor, como todos os outros.
Willa Harper, there are certain plain facts of life that adds up just like two plus two makes four, and one of them is this.
Willa Harper, há coisas na vida que são tão certas como 2 mais 2 serem 4, e uma delas é esta.
It seems like to me if you have four good fingers and a thumb, you ought to be able to use all of them.
Não sei, mas acho que se tivermos quatro bons dedos e um polegar, devíamos usá-los todos.
Finally, we garnish this potpourri with a title composed of from one to four words, selected because they are eye-catching and provocative. And we arrange them in a manner designed to titillate and confuse.
Finalmente, enfeitamos essa miscelânea com um título composto de uma a quatro palavras, escolhidas por serem atraentes e provocantes, e organizamo-las de modo a provocarem e confundirem.
We will now ink the tips of the four fingers and transfer them in the same manner.
Pomos a tinta na ponta dos dedos e fazemos a mesma coisa. Está bem?
Well, I thought if you call them up, they might bring that larcenous old windbag of a justice on down with them, and the four of you could sit down and cut up the loot.
Pensei que, se os chamasse, eles trouxessem aquele ladrão do velho fala-barato do juiz, até aqui, com eles, e os quatro, sentavam-se a dividir o saque.
Four of them.
I talked to four of the screenwriters, one of them who'd actually read the book, and he told me they've only changed the last 200 pages of the original story.
Falei com quatro dos guionistas e um deles, que até leu o livro, disse-me que só alteraram as últimas 200 páginas da história original.
And how many of them four out of five, ain't gonna make no life ain't gonna find no land, no nothing?
E quantos deles... quatro de cada cinco, não vão ter vida alguma... não vão encontrar terra alguma, nada?
Four late lunches, Stacey's not one of them.
- We four? - How many be there of them?
- E quantos serão eles?
There's four of them.
Eles são quatro.
When I give you the signal... set them off one, two, three, four, and get the hell out of there.
Quando eu te fizer sinal, lanca-as. Ç Uma, duas, três, quatro, e pira-te daí.
Gentlemen four of your neighbors were slaughtered like hogs in a pen by them.
Cavalheiros... quatro vizinhos seus... foram abatidos como porcos num matadouro... por eles.
four of us 16
of them 508
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
of them 508
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
four years ago 183
four years later 24
four years old 22
four days ago 74
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four months ago 70
four five 21
four hours ago 22
theme song playing 16
four years ago 183
four years later 24
four years old 22
four days ago 74
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four months ago 70
four five 21
four hours ago 22
four words 20
four eyes 26
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four times a day 16
four o'clock 56
four hundred 28
four weeks 56
four eyes 26
four weeks ago 22
four days 120
four hours 154
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four times a day 16
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four hundred 28
four weeks 56