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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ H ] / He was

He was Çeviri Portekizce

192,540 parallel translation
And he was holding a paper bag.
E ele segurava um saco de papel.
Uh, he was a little bit taller than me.
Era um pouco mais alto que eu.
[crying] When he looked at me, it was like he was looking right through me.
Quando ele olhou para mim, foi como estivesse a olhar através de mim.
Bobby was working. If he wasn't, what the hell was he doing here?
Se não estava, o que diabo estava aqui a fazer?
And he said he was here.
E ele disse que estava aqui.
He was found at 6 : 12 a.m.
Ele foi encontrado às 18 : 12.
He was careful.
Ele foi cuidadoso.
He found out who she was.
Descobriu quem era ela.
He was driving some car when some guy got shot.
Ele estava a conduzir um carro quando alguém foi atingido.
He was stalking me?
Ele estava a perseguir-me?
You didn't know that he was filming you?
Não sabia que ele estava a filmá-la?
He went to school three blocks from the house, and her therapy / rehab didn't start till she was 19.
Ele foi à escola, a três blocos de casa, e a reabilitação dela começou aos 19 anos.
Your boy swallowed it right before he was shot.
O seu rapaz engoliu isto antes de ser atingido.
If that's what he was doing, I didn't know.
Se era isso que ele estava a fazer, não sabia.
If you didn't know he was filming you, okay, fine.
Se não soubesse que ele estava a filmá-la, tudo bem.
If I'd known he was gonna film it, I would've...
Se soubesse que ele ia filmá-lo, teria...
Yeah, he was paranoid, convinced her to be too.
Sim, ele estava paranóico e convenceu-a a também ser.
He was my friend, and you took him too, you just...
Ele era meu amigo e mataste-o, tu apenas...
When I found him, he was strangely silent, but I thought he was merely ignoring me, as usual.
Quando o encontrei, ele estava estranhamente silencioso. Mas pensei que estivesse a ignorar-me, como de costume.
Maybe he was wrong.
Talvez ele estivesse errado.
If he was alive, do you think he would be hiding on some backwater world instead of helping us?
Se ele estivesse vivo, achas que estaria a esconder-se em algum mundo remoto, em vez de nos ajudar?
Uh, the man he was with hasn't been I.D.'d yet, but an artist is working with the restaurant staff to create a composite sketch.
- A pessoa que estava com ele ainda não foi identificada. Está lá um artista a conversar para criar um retrato falado. Câmaras de segurança?
If he was a member of Almawt, I bet that's their spot.
Se ele era membro da Almawt, aposto que se encontravam lá.
He said he was gonna find the police, and Austin said no police.
Ele disse que ia chamar a polícia, e o Austin disse "sem polícia".
He was in an accident, right?
Ele teve um acidente, certo?
Tech thinks he was young, maybe 25 at the most, based on the development of the skull.
O laboratório pensa que ele era novo, talvez 25 anos, no máximo, com base no desenvolvimento do crânio.
And they didn't heal because he was starved.
E eles não curavam porque estavam famintos.
He was touched.
Ele foi tocado.
I tried to warn him, but he was very proud of his bushcraft.
Tentei avisá-lo, mas estava orgulhoso do sua vida secreta.
They told me that if I didn't ensure that he was found guilty, they'd bring me up on charges.
Disseram que, se eu não garantisse que ele era condenado, me acusariam a mim. Nem sei porquê.
He was very clear about it.
Ele foi muito claro em relação a isso.
He was not projecting.
Ele não estava a projectar.
In the field, he was primarily stationed in Russia and he worked in counter-intelligence.
No terreno, esteve principalmente na Rússia e trabalhou em contra-inteligência.
He was working as an American entrepreneur trying to garner Russian capital.
Era um empreendedor americano a tentar juntar capital russo.
Or maybe he was onto something bigger than he realized.
Ou talvez tenha descoberto algo maior do que imaginava.
He was an asset in Moscow.
Foi um activo em Moscovo.
He was a quiet but persistent opponent of corruption in the Russian government.
Ele era um opositor discreto mas persistente da corrupção - no governo russo.
He didn't know if Bobby was working but there were three shootings in the area,
Ele não sabia se o Bobby estava a trabalhar mas houve três tiroteios na área,
What was he paranoid about?
Paranóico sobre o quê?
My dad said it was'cause he had the wrong friends, but I looked it up.
O meu pai disse que foi porque ele tinha os amigos errados, mas eu fiz uma pesquisa.
But was he with anyone?
- Ele estava com alguém?
He said that Logan still had his wallet and was wearing what looked like a pricey watch when his body was found.
Disse que o Logan estava com a carteira dele, e que estava a usar um relógio muito caro, - quando o corpo foi encontrado.
Well, he shut down on me for awhile, which was understandable.
Ele afastou-se por algum tempo. Foi compreensível.
Was... was a guy in our unit, he had redeployed, and, um, he didn't...
Era... Eu estava, tipo, inconsciente a maioria das noites, estávamos ambos muito abalados.
What if it was his corporation he "sold it" to?
E se a companhia a quem ela a "vendeu" fosse dele?
Did he tell you that was his girlfriend?
Ele disse-te que era a namorada dele?
He's an assignment, was an assignment.
- Ele é um trabalho. Era um trabalho.
Right, just like Judge Kaplan assured us there was no pressure when he imposed that unofficial deadline for the verdict?
Pois. Como o Juiz Kaplan garantiu que não queria pressionar-nos quando impôs aquela prazo oficioso para o veredicto?
It's like he knew this was gonna happen.
Até parece que sabiam.
Right, that's true, but that false memory was directly related to the stress he's currently experiencing.
É verdade, mas aquela memória falsa estava directamente relacionada com o stress que está a sofrer.
Garcia : Wait, how was he?
Espera, como ele estava?

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