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He was here Çeviri Portekizce

6,231 parallel translation
Did Pettigrew ever talk about why he was here?
O Pettigrew alguma vez disse a razão pela qual estava aqui?
The police told us he was here.
A polícia disse-nos que ele estava aqui.
and he was here my room.
E esteve aqui no meu quarto.
He was here for a few months?
Ele esteve aqui durante meses?
President Descoteaux told me you asked him the same thing when he was here.
O Presidente Descoteaux disse-me que lhe perguntou o mesmo quando esteve aqui.
- But he was here.
- Mas ele esteve aqui.
She said he was here for about a day.
Ela disse que ele esteve cá cerca de um dia.
Were you aware he was here?
Sabia que ele cá estava?
I know he was here.
Eu sei que ele esteve aqui. Porquê?
That's because he was here watching over you.
Porque ele estava aqui, a tomar conta de ti.
He was here the same night Wally came to ask smitty for more time.
Ele esteve aqui na mesma noite em que o Wally veio pedir mais tempo ao Smitty.
- JANET : He was here.
Ele estava aqui.
He was here.
- Ele estava aqui!
He was here with Janey.
Esteve aqui com a Janey.
Moffatte over here, he captured a whole kraut patrol... Where was that?
Moffatte capturou uma patrulha chucrute inteira.
Reverend Soane was just telling me that Luke was supposed to be here tonight, singing with a local band, but he didn't turn up.
O Reverendo Soane estava mesmo a dizer-me que era suposto o Luke estar aqui esta noite, a cantar com a banda local, mas não apareceu.
It looks as if he fell over here..... and was dragged to the big stone in the middle.
Parece que ele caiu aqui e foi arrastado para essa pedra aí no meio.
So of course he's going to pretend Annabel was his lover, now she's not here to deny it.
Claro que ele queria que a Annabel fosse sua amante, mas ela já não pode negá-o.
Well, Baaz. I guess the physics of David's mind was definitely off which is why he came here.
Eu acho que a física tinha saído da cabeça do David e foi por isso que ele veio aqui.
He was killed in a DUI accident, wound up here.
Foi morto num acidente de viação e acabou aqui.
How do you know he was buried here?
Como é que sabes que é ele?
I was hoping he'be here.
Queria que ele estivesse aqui.
He was staying here for a few months.
Ele esteve aqui durante alguns meses.
Okay, well-well, was he here on the night of the murder?
Okay, bem-bem, ele estava aqui na noite do homicidio?
He told me what was going on down here.
Disse-me aquilo que se passava aqui.
Jenkins, he's our judson. He's not here. But the thread of the labyrinth was right here.
O Jenkins, que é o nosso Judson, não está aqui mas o fio do labirinto estava aqui.
- No, he's here. - The Indian was never in the building.
- O índio nunca esteve no edifício.
He collapsed a few days ago and was brought here for examination.
Ele desmaiou há uns dias e trouxeram-no cá para fazer exames.
And that was shortly before he left and came here, he came to Boston.
Isto foi pouco antes de ele ter vindo para Boston.
He was just here, spellbound by my account of the Cocalus challenge.
Ele estava mesmo aqui, fascinado com o meu relato do desafio de Cocalus.
He knew I was never going to come and work here.
Ele sabia que eu nunca viria trabalhar para aqui.
If all he wanted was for this place to overheat, he wouldn't have to be here, so...
Se tudo aquilo que ele queria era superaquecer este lugar, não precisaria estar aqui, então...
He was always coming here.
Já se dirigia para cá.
Wes, Wes, what if all this, everything here, was just a-a-a wild goose chase... something to distract us while Sean got what he really wanted?
Wes, e se tudo isto, tudo aqui, for uma grande caça aos gambuzinos... Algo para nos distrair enquanto o Sean vai buscar aquilo que realmente quer?
He was so excited about coming here.
Ele estava tão contente por virmos cá.
But he was the boss here and at the Coffee Hut.
Mas era o chefe aqui e no café Hut.
He was in here a few days ago.
Ele esteve aqui, alguns dias atrás.
All afternoon, he was telling me stories about the art in here.
Durante toda a tarde, ele contou-me histórias sobre esta arte.
I was under the clear impression that he was going to be here!
Estava com a impressão que ia estar aqui!
Unless... He was undecided when he took the bus up here, you know? Uh-huh.
A não ser que... ele estivesse indeciso quando apanhou o autocarro para aqui, sabes?
I live here in Los Angeles, and I was walking through my neighborhood down the sidewalk, and I was passing this guy, and right when we were passing each other, right when we were passing each other, he said to me,
Eu vivo aqui em Los Angeles e estava a andar pelo passeio no meu bairro. Passei por um tipo e, no instante em que estávamos a cruzar-nos, nesse mesmo instante, ele disse :
Uh, Dr. Harris here told me he was bringing a colleague.
Dr. Harris disse-me que trazia uma colega.
He was a lay preacher in Germany after the war, came here with his disciples to set up a world according to his rules in the middle of nowhere.
Após a guerra ele foi um pregador na Alemanha, chegou aqui com os seus discípulos para criar um mundo de acordo com as suas regras no meio do nada.
He was taken here, just like your Hans.
Trouxeram ele para cá, assim como o teu Hans.
He told you that Malcolm was here?
Ele disse-te que o Malcolm estava aqui?
If any one of us were in there and Oliver was here, he'd think of something.
Se alguém estivesse no lugar do Oliver, pensava em alguma coisa.
Whenever he was shooting here.
Sempre que filmava cá.
Yeah, he was sometimes here at night.
Sim, ele por vezes estava aqui à noite.
So here's where he was before that.
Aqui foi onde ele esteve antes.
Look, I was driving backstrom here for his appointment, And then he got a very important phone call, all right?
Eu estava a trazer o Backstrom a consulta dele e depois ele recebeu uma ligação muito importante.
So are you honestly saying that you would be here trying to justify what he has done if he was not your husband?
Então, estás-me mesmo a dizer que estarias aqui a tentar justificar aquilo que ele fez, se ele não fosse teu marido?

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