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He was dead Çeviri Portekizce

2,980 parallel translation
He was dead before he hit the fruit. Colchicine?
Estava morto antes de atingir a frutaria.
She had no idea that he was dead.
Não fazia ideia de que estava morto.
He just said it would be safer for me and my mom if people thought he was dead.
Só disse que seria mais seguro para mim e para a minha mãe se as pessoas pensassem que estava morto.
You know, when he was dead, I knew what to think.
Sabes, quando ele estava morto, eu sabia o que pensar.
He-he was all torn up when I told him she was dead.
Ele ficou todo perturbado quando lhe disse que estava morta.
Wanted to make sure he was dead.
Queria ter certeza de que morria.
So Why'd you lie and say he was dead?
Então, por que mentiste e disseste que estava morto?
He was dead.
Estava morto.
Everybody thought he was dead.
Todos pensaram que ele estava morto.
He was dead before he was run over.
Estava morto antes do atropelamento.
Next thing I heard about Gary Hawkins was when I walked in here, and your colleague told me he was dead.
Só voltei a ouvir falar do Gary quando entrei aqui e o seu colega me disse que ele estava morto.
I thought he was dead.
Pensei que ele estivesse morto.
He was dead when I got here.
Já estava morto quando eu cheguei.
My mom still hasn't called me back since I told her he was dead.
A minha mãe ainda não me ligou de volta desde que lhe contei que ele estava morto.
If he was dropped here when he was dead, you wouldn't see that coloring.
Se ele tivesse sido deixado aqui depois de morto, não verias esta coloração.
I always wondered whether or not he was dead.
Estou sempre a pensar se ele está morto ou não.
But you told me he was dead or in the wind?
Disseste-me que ele estava morto ou desaparecido!
We put it out, and then I went back upstairs to check on Mr. Morton, and he was dead.
Apagámos o fogo e voltei para ver o Sr. Morton, ele estava morto.
By the time I got there he was dead.
Quando cheguei lá, ele estava morto.
And then I woke up, and he was dead.
Depois acordei, e ele estava morto.
No, my mom told me he was dead.
Não, a minha mãe disse-me que ele estava morto.
He told me that your dead mama was one big shot-caller.
Ele contou-me que a tua falecida mãe era a manda-chuva por aqueles lados.
With the King recently dead and talk that he was murdered?
Com a recente morte do Rei e os rumores de que foi assassinado...
He was my first dead person.
Foi o meu primeiro morto.
I was dead to my father, but my mother and I kept in touch always, and secretly, so he wouldn't know.
Para o meu pai, eu tinha morrido, mas falava com a minha mãe, em segredo, para ele não saber.
Besides, he was already dead.
Além disso, já estava morto.
There is a disturbing coda to Samurai Seven's interview with us. Not long after we talked to him, he was found dead in a burned-out car.
Vou de terno, todo chique, usando meu braço, ou eu vou sem o braço e dobro as mangas?
So when you woke up, he was already dead?
Quando você acordou, ele já estava morto?
Dr. Turner? He was already dead.
Dra. Turner?
Well, if the doctors believe that he was indeed brain-dead, they would never have tried to revive him.
Bem, se os médicos acreditam que ele está de facto, morto cerebralmente, eles nunca o teriam reanimado.
His name is Robert Green, and Miss Lavender was already lying dead inside her locked office when he threw a brick through her front door.
Chama-se Robert Green e Miss Lavender já estava morta quando ele atirou um tijolo à porta.
He was pronounced dead that night.
Morreu naquela noite.
He was shot dead... as payback...
Levou com um tiro... Em forma de pagamento...
Joe Pesci thought he was getting made--he got dead.
Joe Pesci achou que se ia dar bem. Foi morto.
What I meant was now that she's dead, does that mean that he's coming back?
O que quis dizer foi... Agora que ela morreu significa que ele vai voltar? Na verdade, parece que a fila está a andar.
Maybe he was left for dead.
Talvez tenha sido deixado a morrer.
I looked at him straight in the eye that day, and he knew I was gonna be dead later.
Olhei-o nos olhos, naquele dia, e ele sabia que eu ia morrer, mais tarde.
Cabot claims that he was only there to get the guy's documents, but when he arrived, the man was already dead. Hm.
O Cabot alega que só lá estava para obter os documentos do tipo, mas quando chegou, o homem já estava morto.
One of the kids in the video, Tony Dolan, he was found dead a day after he jumped.
Um dos putos no vídeo, Tony Dolan, foi encontrado morto um dia após saltar.
I went to help, and that's when I found Brandon lying in the woods, but he was already dead.
Foi quando achei o Brandon caído na floresta, mas ele já estava morto.
Gaskin was dead before he hit the ground.
O Gaskin já estava morto antes de sofrer a queda.
You let me think he was dead? !
- Deixou-me acreditar que estava morto!
AIDAN : Oh, he was most definitely dead.
Ele estava definitivamente morto.
And he said that he would go back and tell even / one that I was dead.
E ele disse-me que ia voltar, e dizer a todos que eu tinha morrido.
By the time he left... Joe was dead.
Quando ele partiu o Joe estava morto.
Young woman, early 20s. She's the last person to enter Ellis Hinkley's service station in cedar pass before he was shot dead.
Ela foi a última a entrar no posto do Ellis Hinkley, antes dele ser morto.
He was lying... dead.
Estava no chão, morto.
Your friend was dead, at the moment he entered the building.
O teu amigo estava morto desde que entrou no prédio.
Well, was it you or a religious group that got into an altercation with the victim two days before he was found dead.
Foi você ou um grupo religioso que teve uma discussão com a vítima dois dias antes de ter sido encontrada morta?
but every time I made it outside, I could hear his voice inside my head... that they didn't want me, that I was dead to them, and that the only reason I finally ran away was because he told me that he was gonna take another girl... because I was too old and used up
mas sempre que conseguia sair de casa ouvia a voz dele dentro da cabeça, dizendo-me que já não me queriam, que para eles estava morta, e que a única razão porque finalmente escapei, foi porque ele me disse que ia arranjar outra rapariga,
I find it to be a very big coincidence that you used to work bomb squad and now this guy's dead, and he was killed by a bomb.
Acho uma grande coincidência você ter sido do esquadrão anti bombas e agora o homem está morto e foi morto por uma bomba.

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