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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ J ] / Just talk to him

Just talk to him Çeviri Portekizce

910 parallel translation
Just talk to him.
Fala com ele.
We just talk to him a while, then you turn casually and say :
Nós falamos com ele um bocado e tu voltas-te casualmente e dizes :
Well, just talk to him.
Só fale com ele.
But if an officer appears to destination for those parts... I have orders to send him just talk to him.
Mas se aparece um oficial com destino para aqueles lados... tenho ordens de mandá-lo logo falar com ele.
But if you just talk to him!
Mas se pelo menos falasse com ele!
I'm only a poor milkman's daughter. Just talk to him.
E eu sou filha de um pobre leiteiro.
And if you could just talk to him, get with him... then everybody could be...
E se pudesse falar com ele, entender-se com ele, vocês poderiam...
If I could just talk to him eye to eye.
Se eu conseguisse falar com ele olhos nos olhos.
Just talk to him for a minute.
Fale com ele um minuto.
Just talk to him :
Fale com ele.
He'd tell you if you'd just talk to him.
Falaria se você conversasse com ele.
Why can't I just talk to him?
Porque é que não posso falar com ele?
No use trying to talk to him, he just cain't answer.
Não serve de nada tentar falar-lhe. Simplesmente não responde.
And I thought if someone so successful like you would talk to him, you might just cheer him up.
"Que também é um grande pintor e pensei que alguém como você..."
There were just some matters I want to talk over with him.
Havia apenas alguns assuntos que queria tratar com ele.
Talk to him Hardy, just once.
Fale com ele Hardy, apenas uma vez. E se você ainda quiser dar uma olhada.
You see, after you left, I stopped by the jail to talk to him and there were so many people trying to get in to hear his sermon, they just had to kick him out.
Havia tantas pessoas a tentar entrar para ouvir o seu sermão, Que tiveram de expulsá-lo.
We came in here to talk to him, found him just as he is.
Chegamos aqui para conversar com ele, o encontramos exatamente como ele está.
Jake. don't bother with him. He can't hurt us now. I just want to talk to him alone.
Não se preocupe com ele, ele não nos pode fazer nada agora.
I have to talk to him. All the rest was just for fun.
Vim para falar com ele, tudo o resto veio depois.
- We just want to talk to him.
Só queremos falar com ele!
But she - she said she had him so scared... he was even making with the wedding talk... just to keep her quiet.
Mas ela disse que ele se tinha assustado tanto que até se ia casar com ela. Só para a calar.
Talk to him. Now that you're changing, I want you to see just how unimportant they are.
Agora que estás a mudar, eu quero que vejas quão insignificantes eles são.
We'll just go over to Mr. Hurrah's office and have a little talk with him.
Vamos ao escritório de Mr.Hurrah,.. ... conversar um pouco com ele.
Just say it's San Antonio who wants to talk to him.
Só diga que é o San Antonio que quer falar com ele.
I'm just gonna take a walk over to Jim bowman's house and talk to him about it, that's all.
Vou apenas dar uma volta até à casa do Jim bowman e falar com ele acerca disso, é tudo.
Maybe you just wanted to make him talk.
Talvez quisesse fazê-lo falar.
I just wanna talk to him.
Só quero falar com ele.
So, I told them I'd sing for nothing just to get a chance to talk to him.
Disse-lhes que cantava de borla só para poder falar com ele.
Just tell him that I have to talk to him.
Diga-lhe que preciso de falar com ele.
- I just want to talk to him.
- Sou fã.
Maybe they just want to talk to him.
Talvez só queiram falar com ele.
I just wanna talk to him.
Quero apenas falar com ele.
I'll just take her home again and talk to him.
Vou levá-la para casa e conversar com ele.
I just like to talk about him in the present tense sometimes.
Mas gosto de falar dele no presente.
I just want to talk to him.
Só quero falar com ele.
I just need to talk to him in private.
Preciso de falar com ele a sós.
I'm just gonna talk to Buddy Revell and tell him that there's no reason to fight.
Falarei com o Buddy Revell e direi que não há porque lutar.
I was just trying to get him to talk.
Eu só queria que ele falasse.
He ´ s just so unhappy, and he won ´ t talk to me... and I don ´ t know how to help him.
Ele parece tão infeliz, e não quer falar para mim o porquê. E eu não sei como ajudá-lo.
I just didn't want to talk to him.
Não queria falar com ele.
Please, just let me talk to him first.
Deixa-me primeiro falar com ele.
I just gotta talk to him first.
Mas primeiro tenho de conversar com ele.
- We just want to talk to him.
- Só queremos falar com ele.
They just want to talk to him.
Só querem falar com ele.
I just told you because If you want Bill to be your friend, Its better not to talk to him about George.
- Eu contei-te porque se queres que o Bill seja teu amigo, não fales com ele sobre o George.
I'm just gonna talk to him.
- Só vou falar com ele.
Did you think she would just try and talk to him... go over and threaten him, scare him?
Achava que ela se limitaria a tentar falar com ele? Que iria apenas lá ameaçá-lo, assustá-lo?
Please, Rachel, just keep trying MacGyver and let him know it's serious, that I have to talk to him.
Por favor Raquel, tenta encontrar o MacGyver, e diz-lhe que preciso falar com ele, é urgente. - Sim, Padre.
Can't we just talk to him?
Não podemos ir lá falar com ele?
Just don't talk to him.
Não fales com ele.

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