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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ L ] / Like i was saying

Like i was saying Çeviri Portekizce

364 parallel translation
Like I was saying, we've got the best sergeant, the best outfit and the best colonel in the Marine Corps.
Com licença. . O que foi, Mac?
Like I was saying, what I really wanna do is modeling.
Como estava a dizer, gostava de trabalhar como modelo.
Anyway, like I was saying, old Mr. Rutland, that's Mark's father, they say he's never even been inside this place.
Como eu estava a dizer, Mr. Rutland, pai do Mark, parece que nunca aqui entrou.
Like I was saying, in April, in Albuquerque... four :
Como ia a dizer, em Abril, em Albuquerque... Quatro!
Like I was saying, you sure look lousy, Phil.
Como eu estava dizendo, está com a cara péssima, Phil.
Like I was saying before on the way over here, fighting used to be tops with me, but no more.
Tal com estava a dizer antes no caminho para aqui, tudo o que queria fazer era lutar, mas isso acabou.
Anyway, like I was saying, it's the absolute thrill of a lifetime when you finally see that car that belongs to you streak across that finish line a winner.
Como estava dizendo, é a melhor emoção da vida quando se vê o carro que lhe pertence cruzar em primeiro no final da corrida.
Like I was saying before about goin to New York.
Lembras-te quando te falei sobre ir a Nova lorque?
Like I was saying before about goin to New York.
Consegues-me ouvir? Lembras-te do que te dizia sobre ir a Nova lorque.
Like I was saying, she's the little sister of a couple of guys who work for Mok.
Como eu estava dizendo, ela é a irmã menor de uns caras que trabalham para Mok
Like I was saying, KITT, there was Billy the Kidd.
Como te estava a dizer, KITT lá estava o Billy de Kidd.
So like I was saying, I hooked this thing up last week to this lady's bumper and tore it clean off.
Como eu estava a dizer, na semana passada coloquei-o no pára-choques de uma senhora e arranquei-o todo.
Like I was saying, I don't want this chump to come over here with all that hype, you know, trying to make us look bad. They try every other way.
Como dizia, não quero que este parolo venha cá com toda a força, tentar deixar-nos ficar mal.
Oh, I'm sure it doesn't make a difference at all, but, you see, uh, like I was saying earlier, see that's the kind of loose end that, uh,
De certeza que não faz diferença nenhuma, mas era aquilo que eu estava a dizer há bocado. É o tipo de coisa que tem de ser deslindada.
Anyway, like I was saying, this housewife...
De qualquer modo, como eu estava a dizer, essa dona de casa...
Anyway, like I was saying, it made me realize something :
Como estava a dizer, fez-me aperceber de uma coisa :
Like I was saying, carlton, a wise man knows the value of hard work.
Como dizia, Carlton, um sábio sabe o valor do trabalho duro.
- Like I was saying...
- Dizia-te...
Like I was saying, if we took that cash and stuck it in a savings account we'd be making $ 23 million a month in interest.
Como eu dizia, esse dinheiro posto em contas a prazo... renderia $ 23 milhões de juros por mês.
Like I was saying, we're not equal until we have the same amount...
Não somos iguais, até que... Quem é?
Anyway, like I was saying, shrimp is the fruit of the sea.
Como ia dizendo, o camarão é a fruta do mar.
Anyway, like I was saying, I had a lot of company.
Como ia dizendo, tinha muita companhia.
Like I was saying, what's up with them "hos" tonight?
Como eu estava a dizer, o que é que se vai fazer esta noite?
I'm your brother! Like I was saying, everybody, where there's a will, there's a way.
Dizia eu, querer é poder.
Anyway! Like I was saying...
- De qualquer forma, como eu estava dizendo...
Like I was saying I couldn't make the transition from conversation to sex.
Mas como eu estava a dizer, não consegui fazer a transição da conversa para o sexo.
Like I was saying, I worked as an independent.
Como estava dizendo, trabalhava como independente.
I said the sort of thing she was saying herself and she don't like it.
Digo-Ihe o que ela diz dela própria e ela não gosta.
As I was saying, Andy, life here is simple. Not much like your America.
Como eu ia dizendo, a vida aqui é simples.
I was only saying I like you very much.
Estava só a dizer que gostei de si.
Now, as I was saying, I would like you to do me a favor. I have secured a piece of lace.
Como eu dizia, quero que me faça um favor. Consegui um pedaço de renda.
"I remember saying to my husband at the time that seeing you again... "... was just like meeting an old friend. "
Comentámos que vê-la de novo foi como reencontrar um amigo ".
I was saying to the wife, we did the right thing having him put down like that. - What?
Estava a dizer à mulher, fizemos bem em ter acabado com ele assim.
- As I was saying... ... I was born in Sioux City, Iowa, and I like baseball, paperbacks, movies.
- Como eu estava a dizer, nasci em Sioux City, no Iowa, e gosto de basebol, livros de bolso, filmes.
As I was saying, you take the banana like this.
Como dizia, pegas na banana assim.
I don't think Mr. Tanner killed anybody like the newspapers are saying. I think it was you.
Não acho que o Sr. Tanner tenha matado ninguém.
As I was saying, morals are subject to change like laws.
Como eu estava dizer, a moral se altera, como as leis.
As I was just saying, Polly, my wife would like a word with you about a slightly delicate matter.
Como eu estava a dizer, a minha mulher quer falar contigo - Sobre um assunto delicado.
I saw it on TV last week, and I was just saying how much I like Jennifer Jones...'cause she has such pretty teeth.
Vi o filme na TV e comentei que... gostava da Jennifer Jones por causa dos lindos dentes dela.
I was saying, what I like best about trees is that, on a moonlit night you can lie under them, - with the leaves gently blowing...
Estava a dizer que o que gosto mais nas árvores é que numa noite de luar, podemos ficar deitadas por baixo delas, com a brisa a tocar-nos...
- I think I was saying something like...
- Estava eu a dizer algo do tipo,
I finally had to use my voice synthesizer... and talk like a New York cab driver... so he could understand what I was saying.
Por fim tive de usar o meu sintetizador de voz e falar como um taxista de Nova Iorque para que ele percebesse o que eu estava a dizer.
As I was saying, I ain't sure you realize... that Max Klizer, as an old acquaintance, would very much like to have relation with his old pal, Sonny "Burnét."
- Como eu estava a dizer, de certeza que percebem que Max Klizer, enquanto velho conhecido, gostaria muito de ver o seu velho amigo Sonny Burnett.
I thought that was really sweet... her not saying anything about me crying like a big baby.
Achei muito simpático da parte dela, em dar-me o lenço, sem dizer nada por eu estar a chorar como um bebé!
I was just saying, seems like you're better equipped than we are.
Eu estava dizendo... parece que estão melhor equipados, do que nós.
I was saying I've yet to meet a writer who could change water into wine... and we have a tendency to treat them like that.
Estava a dizer que conheci um escritor que pode transformar água em vinho e temos uma tendência em tratá-los assim.
But Paul, there was one time, right in the middle, when I was saying something and everybody was looking at me, like I knew what I was talking about!
Paul, houve um momento, como na metade, quando estava a falar e todos me olhavam como se eu soubesse do que falava.
As I was saying... the first few months were fabulous. Like a constant honeymoon. She had no job.
Como eu dizia os primeiros poucos meses foram fabulosos.
You understand, I knew Harry was lying, saying this wasn't any good but holding on to it like, man, you'd have to break his fingers to get it away from him.
Percebes? Eu sabia que o Harry mentia ao dizer que não prestava, mas agarrou-se a ele de uma maneira que foi preciso arrancá-lo à força.
But if I was, it'd be saying : this just isn't like you.
Mas se quisesse, diria que isto não tem nada a ver com você.
No, I was just saying, like... maybe the cultural admonition is :
Talvez a censura cultural seja :

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