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People were killed Çeviri Portekizce

390 parallel translation
People were killed on both sides.
Houve mortes dos dois lados.
Seven McCandles people were killed, one crippled, your own brother shot, maybe crippled, maybe even dead, and my grandson kidnapped.
Sete pessoas do rancho McCandles foram mortas e uma ficou ferida. O vosso irmão foi baleado. Pode ficar aleijado, pode morrer.
These people were killed.
Estas pessoas foram mortas.
Two hundred people were killed because something went wrong.
Morreram 200 pessoas por causa disso. Toda uma comunidade, exterminada!
Two hundred people were killed because something went wrong.
Morreram 200 pessoas por causa disso.
Five people were killed...
- Morreram cinco pessoas...
7 people were killed.
7 pessoas foram assassinadas!
When the junta says that only 100 people were killed, they're lying.
A Junta mente ao dizer que o golpe só provocou 100 mortos,
15 people were killed.
Morreram 15 pessoas.
A hundred people were killed, right?
- Morreram umas 100 pessoas. Certo?
The British sent the troops in, several people were killed.
Moro em Cragwitch Manor, em Hampstead...
Two other people were killed along with Langley.
Morreram mais duas pessoas com o Langley.
Many normal people were killed.
Morreu muita gente normal.
Today, 18 people were killed and 36 wounded in a gun battle between demonstrators and the national police.
18 pessoas foram mortas, e 36, feridas... num conflito entre manifestantes contra o governo e a Guarda Nacional.
More than 100,000 people were killed in two single-bomb explosions, which ended the Pacifiic War.
Mais de 100 mil pessoas morreram em duas únicas explosões, que acabaram com a guerra no Pacífico.
I'm in front of St. Mary's church, where seven people were killed by a bomb...
Estou em frente à igreja de St. Mary, onde foram mortas sete pessoas...
Very few of those people were killed, just maimed.
Pouquíssimos foram mortos, apenas mutilados.
Three people were killed.
Três pessoas foram mortas.
- Michael, people were killed!
- Pessoas morreram.
Seven people were killed before Malnick turned the gun on himself and shot a hole through his head.
Sete pessoas morreram antes que Malnick voltasse a arma contra ele e disparasse um tiro na cabeça.
- I think some people were killed.
- Acho que morreram pessoas.
Says here 7 people were killed and he's responsible.
Diz aqui que morreram 7 pessoas e que ele é o responsável.
Because of that, many good people were killed.
Por causa disso, foram mortas muitas pessoas boas.
Listen, Don, our informant said these people were killed. Well, next time he calls, would you tell him to say hi to Elvis? Really?
Don, a nossa fonte diz que foram assassinadas pessoas.
Two people were killed on the transport this was taken from.
- Duas pessoas foram mortas no transporte de onde levaram isto.
At least 30 people were killed, including women and children.
Morreram pelo menos 30 pessoas, incluindo mulheres e miúdos.
Thousands of people were killed to protect it.
Milhares tem sido assassinados para o proteger.
There was a cave-in in a mine, and eight people were killed.
Houve um desmoronamento numa mina e morreram oito pessoas.
A Iot of people were killed last night.
Morreram muitas pessoas ontem à noite.
In Hiroshima 70,000 people were killed or missing.
Em Hiroshima setenta mil pessoas foram mortas ou listadas como desaparecidas.
50 fucking thousand people were killed on the highway last
50.000 maldidas pessoas morreram na auto-estrada, no ano passado.
If enough houses were destroyed and enough people killed, German civilian morale would break and they would turn on their leaders and the war would end.
Se muitas casas fossem destruídas e muitas pessoas morressem, o moral civil alemão quebraria, os alemães ficariam contra os seus líderes e a guerra acabaria.
So were a lot of people when they got killed...
Com muitas pessoas quando foram assassinadas.
This afternoon, we bury some of our people who were killed in battle.
Esta tarde, enterramos alguns dos nossos que morreram na batalha.
Those people were killed by something. Not me.
Não fui eu.
- Whatever you like. For instance, how it was that people were chosen to live or to be killed.
- Se quiseres, por exemplo, como é que as pessoas eram escolhidas para viver ou ser mortas.
Because the purple and grey people, didn't want the others to know, so they were bad and killed the cat.
Os roxos e os cinzas... não queriam que ninguém soubesse que eram maus, daí mataram o gato.
Foram os últimos a verem o Hubert vivo, um deles pode ser o assassino.
Hoo é que pode ter havido até 50 pessoas neste quarto com a vítima antes de ele ser morto desde que só duas pessoas fossem fumadores.
These people Roschmann killed they weren't Russians or Poles, they were Germans.
As pessoas que o Roschmann matou... não eram russas ou polacas, eram alemãs.
See, the people he killed were muggers.
Entenda isto. As pessoas que ele matou eram assaltantes.
But only a few very important people have been detained at the Ministry of Defense... and most of them were killed shortly after interrogation.
Mas poucas pessoas importantes ficaram detidas no Ministério da Defesa. ... e a maioria foi morta logo após o interrogatório.
Hang about. Four people were killed today on the M6... Come on.
Quatro pessoas morreram hoje na M6, após o carro deles ter colidido com um auto-tanque.
"It was suddenly clear now what had happened... "... and my hear tsank as I tried to convince myself... "... that the white men who'd been killed were bad people and deserved to die.
Era evidente o que tinha sucedido e o meu coração apertava enquanto tentava convencer-me que os homens que tinham feito aquilo eram bandidos e mereciam morrer.
You know how these people were killed.
- O que quer que façamos? - Sabem como morreram as pessoas.
Over a quarter of a million humans were killed in the war with your people.
Mais de 1 quarto de milhão de humanos morreram na guerra com o seu povo.
To all the husbands and wives and children and brothers and sisters of the people who were killed in the war with your people and now see a Minbari with a human face?
A todos os maridos e esposas e filhos e irmãos e irmãs... das pessoas que foram mortas na guerra com o seu povo... e que agora vêm um Minbari com uma face humana?
These are the people who were killed on board the transport.
São as pessoas que morreram a bordo do transporte.
The people who were killed in the Defiant incident.
A lista das pessoas que morreram no incidente com o Defiant.
Those are, as you say, points in our favor, but there is also the fact that we were recently responsible for the destruction of a Vidiian ship, an act which killed over 300 of their people.
Estes são, como você disse, pontos a nosso favor. Mas há também o facto de que fomos recentemente responsáveis pela destruição de uma nave Vidiian, um acto que matou mais de 300 do seu povo.
A lot of people were just killed, and the killer is outside. He's after me.
Um monte de pessoas já morreu e agora o assassino está lá fora e está atrás de mim.

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