Still hot Çeviri Portekizce
517 parallel translation
Drink your coffee while it's still hot.
Toma o café enquanto está quentinho.
I do hope the bath water's still hot.
Espero que ainda haja água quente.
- Coffee's still hot.
- O café ainda está quente.
Eat it now, while it's still hot.
- Coma já, enquanto ainda está quente. - Obrigado. Obrigado.
You'd better get at this while it's still hot.
- Dê-lhe enquanto está quente.
I say let's put our bread into some of that gravy while it is still hot.
Vamos aproveitar a oportunidade, já que ela nos bateu à porta.
Do come on while it's still hot.
O que vamos fazer com ela e se ela ficar? Você me faz parecer um gato perdido.
Still hot. - Thank you, Emilie.
- Estou com fome.
Nothing like fried chicken while it's still hot and crispy.
Nada como um frango quentinho e crocante.
Uh, the sun's still hot enough to dry, and it won't burn your flowers just water, huh?
O sol ainda está quente o suficiente para secar, e não vai queimar as suas flores. Só água, é?
The samovar is still hot.
O chá ainda está quente.
While the trail's still hot.
Enquanto as pegadas estiverem frescas.
That turkey's still hot.
Ainda está quente.
The masked man and Tonto had to move fast and ride while his trail was still hot.
O mascarilha e Tonto tinham que ser rápidos e cavalgarem enquanto o rasto ainda estava fresco.
Mrs. Hudson, we shall turn dinner into supper, and we will follow up this clue while it is still hot.
- Óptimo! Sra. Hudson, trocamos o jantar pela ceia e vamos seguir esta pista enquanto ainda está quente.
Take it while it's still hot!
Bebe-a enquanto está quente.
Mr. Stealth is still hot on our trail!
- Ele continua no nosso encalço.
Still hot.
Ainda está quente.
Engine's still hot.
O motor inda está quente.
the waxed seal is still hot.
A cera ainda está quente...
The fires made it hotter still and in the bunkers it was just as hot because the ventilation system had completely broken down.
Nas casamatas passava-se o mesmo, porque os sistemas de ventilação tinham-se avariado. Estava muito calor e não arrefecia.
It was a hot afternoon and I can still remember... the smell of honeysuckle all along that street.
Era uma tarde quente e ainda me lembro do cheiro da madressilva na rua.
I was all twisted up inside... and I was still holding on to that red-hot poker.
Estava contorcido por dentro, ainda tinha o ferro quente na mão.
Give me a chance, it's still boiling hot
Podes esperar? Está quente!
- It's still pretty darned hot.
- Ainda está muito quente.
My, it's hot and still today.
Puff, hoje, é vergonhoso.
It's still too darn hot even if it is September.
É quente Embora Setembro.
It's still too hot to put water on.
Deve arrefecer antes de molhar-se.
Now you got it? Oh, that thing's still as hot as the base, I don't know.
A nave está muito quente, não sei.
So you're still carrying on your hot affair with the bottle?
- Aparentemente, você ainda está fazendo amor com a garrafa.
And, uh, your hot water's still waiting for ya.
Obrigada, Luther. És uma simpatia.
I think what's wrong is your private detective. I think he got himself a hot lead as to where your sister was going, probably from Norman Bates, and called you to keep you still while he took off after her and the money.
O que se passa é que o vosso detective privado deve ter encontrado uma pista sobre o destino da sua irmã, provavelmente do Norman Bates, e lhe ligou para que ficasse quieta enquanto ele ia atrás do dinheiro.
it's still there, in a fisherman's hot.
Ainda está lá, na velha cabana de um pescador.
Inventive Humbert was to be, I hinted, chief consultant in production of a film dealing with existentialism, still a hot thing at the time.
Criativo como eu era, insinuei que seria consultor numa produção... sobre existencialismo, algo ainda em voga na época.
Still very hot.
Cheire. Eu dava isso ao elefante bebé primeiro, se fosse a si.
Still damn hot, even with those clouds.
O calor continua, mesmo com essas nuvens.
- Gondorff's still a hot item.
- O Gondorff é procurado.
Joe, Bill, come on, there's still some hot coffee.
Joe, Bill... venham!
Are you still in hot pursuit, boy?
Ainda estás a tentar apanhá-los, rapaz?
This LZ is still pretty hot, sir.
Esta zona de aterragem é um bocado perigosa.
And I'm still in hot pursuit.
Ainda estou no teu encalço.
"Washington is still incredibly hot and muggy, " though the leaves have started turning. "
Washington continua quente e húmido, mas as folhas já começam a cair.
" Some lay stiff and still, but many withered in the hot sun.
" Alguns estão conservados, mas muitos decompuseram-se ao sol.
It still ain't hot enough!
Ainda näo estä suficientemente quente!
It'll still be plenty hot by the time we bounce it.
Ainda estará bem quente, quando a reflectirmos.
Without an open scandal, he still made India too hot to hold him.
Mesmo sem haver nenhum escândalo, já não podia ficar na Índia.
- Get out of the way! - It's still hot!
Saiam daí!
I still can't get used to the idea of having hot water whenever we want it.
Ainda não me acostumei à ideia de ter água quente quando quero.
But Hot Rod and Kup are still outside the city.
Mas o Hot Rod e o Kup ainda estão fora da cidade.
We're still searching for the wreckage. The jungle is hot.
Ainda estamos à procura dos restos, mas a selva é perigosa.
The area is still too hot.
A zona permanece muito perigosa.
hotel 156
hotels 72
hotter 30
hotch 252
hot dog 94
hottie 29
hot diggity 17
hotshot 107
hot tea 17
hotchner 17
hotels 72
hotter 30
hotch 252
hot dog 94
hottie 29
hot diggity 17
hotshot 107
hot tea 17
hotchner 17
hot tub 25
hot stuff 99
hot dogs 113
hot damn 161
hot date 39
hot coffee 21
hot chocolate 64
hot water 65
hot sauce 25
hot shot 39
hot stuff 99
hot dogs 113
hot damn 161
hot date 39
hot coffee 21
hot chocolate 64
hot water 65
hot sauce 25
hot shot 39
hot rod 21
hot lips 27
hot in here 16
hot bath 21
hot off the presses 23
still 4121
stiller 42
still got it 62
still friends 19
still in bed 17
hot lips 27
hot in here 16
hot bath 21
hot off the presses 23
still 4121
stiller 42
still got it 62
still friends 19
still in bed 17
still nothing 186
still working 28
still here 218
still alive 122
still the same 29
still there 93
still sleeping 19
still waiting 37
still awake 22
still me 27
still working 28
still here 218
still alive 122
still the same 29
still there 93
still sleeping 19
still waiting 37
still awake 22
still me 27
still missing 18
still breathing 27
still does 23
still working on it 47
still warm 51
still asleep 18
still are 18
still no 38
still going 25
still am 36
still breathing 27
still does 23
still working on it 47
still warm 51
still asleep 18
still are 18
still no 38
still going 25
still am 36