The park Çeviri Portekizce
8,881 parallel translation
No wildlife admitted into the park until we can clear their blood work.
Nenhum animal selvagem entra no parque antes de tratarmos das análises ao sangue.
Within the boundaries of the park sits the town of Jarden, a town with a unique history... the most populous bordered area unaffected by the Sudden Departure.
Dentro dos limites do parque, está a cidade de Jarden, uma cidade com uma história única. A área mais populosa com fronteira que não foi afetada pelos Desaparecidos Repentinamente.
All visitors access the park via Miracle Way.
Todos os visitantes acedem ao parque de autocarro.
Once inside the park, you may purchase goods from any of Miracle's registered vendors.
Uma vez no interior do parque, podem comprar produtos de qualquer um dos vendedores registados.
- Okay. There's no hotels in the park, so y'all are gonna need to find other accommodations for tonight.
O parque não tem hotéis, portanto, têm de encontrar instalações para esta noite.
We had to close the park down.
Tivemos de fechar o parque.
The natives in the camp are restless'cause we closed the park.
Os nativos do acampamento estão agitados porque fechámos o parque.
We live in the park.
Nós vivemos no parque.
Sorry, but we got no jurisdiction if you're not in the park.
Desculpe, mas não temos jurisdição, se não estiver no parque.
We live in the park.
Vivemos no parque.
Now, the park closes at sundown.
O parque fecha ao pôr do Sol.
Fine, okay, meet me at the park tomorrow morning.
Pronto, está bem, vem ter comigo ao parque amanhã de manhã.
I'm supposed to meet him at the park tomorrow morning, check it out.
E fiquei de me encontrar com ele no parque amanhã de manhã, para ver.
You were supposed to meet me at the park, all right?
Era suposto vires ter comigo aqui ao parque, certo?
I was supposed to meet him in the park by that crappy sculpture.
Era suposto encontrar-me com ele no parque ao pé da escultura.
- Go to the park.
- Vai para o parque.
Attention, the park is now closed to the general public.
Atenção, o parque está agora fechado para o público em geral.
Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the park.
Senhor, tenho que lhe pedir para sair do parque.
"I dreamt last night I was in the park at Downton, " walking with Sybbie under the great trees, " " listening to the pigeons cooing in their branches. "
Sonhei ontem à noite que estava no parque de Downton, caminhando com Sybbie sob as grandes árvores, escutando os pombos arrulharem nos ramos.
I'll still see my grandson when he comes to play in the park!
Ainda vou ver o meu neto quando vier ao parque!
* Drink sangria in the park *
Bebemos sangria no parque
And then there was that thing that happened in the park.
E depois aconteceu aquilo no parque.
What thing at the park?
O que aconteceu no parque?
Meeting me in the park, sleeping with me, that was your job?
O nosso encontro no parque, dormires comigo, era o teu trabalho?
Yup, " At the park now, really need to see you.
- Sim. "Estou no parque infantil". "Preciso mesmo de te ver".
She's coming in the west entrance of the park.
Está a vir do lado oeste do parque.
Here's what you do : go down to the park, find a homeless guy, give him a sandwich, and while he's eating, tell him your side of the story.
Vá até ao parque, encontre um mendigo, dê-lhe uma sandes, enquanto ele come, conte-lhe a sua versão.
Yeah, you knocked your life out of the park. BONNIE :
Tratas muito bem da tua vida.
Your day in the Park of Amusements has ended, foul villain!
Os teus dias no parque de diversões acabou, vilão imundo!
I could see him for a walk in the park.
Não é isso. Podia vê-lo num passeio pelo parque.
Remember that day... I ran into you and Sammy in the park?
Lembras-te daquele dia... quando te encontrei a ti e ao Sammy, no parque?
I was over by the park, and there was this guy standing by his car.
Estava perto do parque e tinha um tipo, de pé, ao lado do carro.
So what was it you could only tell me in the park at night?
O que é que só podia dizer-me, à noite, no parque?
Hmm. Why'd you ask me to meet you in the park if you wanted to get coffee?
Porque me pediu um encontro no parque se queria tomar um café?
Or the one who apparently died while Yates was walking in the park with one of your detectives, along with your whole squad there to alibi him.
Ou a que aparentemente morreu enquanto estava com um dos seus detectives e a sua equipa a dar-lhe um álibi? - Espera, Barba.
Park ranger here noticed some suspicious activity on the property this morning, discovered these three.
Esta manhã, um guardo do parque reparou numa actividade suspeita na propriedade, e, encontrou estes três. - Quem é que eles são?
Yeah, but there's plenty of Muslims from Deerfield Park that don't run off and join the Caliphate.
Mas há muitos muçulmanos, em Deerfield Park que não fogem para se juntar ao Califado.
Before park services took over, some people from the government came by to every house to make sure it was true.
Antes dos serviços do parque se apoderarem disto, algumas pessoas do governo foram a cada casa para se certificarem de que era verdade.
Miracle is the national park that surrounds and protects that town from those who would corrupt its exceptional properties.
Miracle é o Parque Nacional que rodeia e protege essa cidade dos que querem corromper a sua propriedade excepcional.
Miracle is the national park that surrounds and protects it from those who would corrupt its exceptional properties.
Miracle é o Parque Nacional que a rodeia e a protege daqueles que poderão corromper a sua propriedade excepcional.
Darnell's giving a speech here at the Central Park boathouse.
O Darnell está a discursar aqui na boathouse do Central Park.
I thought you'd be in Ozone Park with Bell and the captain, enjoying the fruits of your labors.
Pensei que estavas no Ozone Park com o Bell e o capitão, a colher os frutos do vosso trabalho.
The National Park Service is working with Homeland Security and the FBI to determine who was responsible for today's deadly attack at the Grand Canyon.
O Serviço Nacional de Parques, a Segurança Nacional e o FBI trabalham para determinar o responsável pelo ataque mortal no Grand Canyon.
Park supervisor said that the cameras have been offline all week.
O supervisor do parque disse que as câmaras estiveram desligadas durante toda a semana.
HAWKEYE : ( HIGH-PITCHED ) I'm just an anonymous, concerned citizen who wants to let you know that, uh, what's his name, M.O.D.O.K. is tied up at the old amusement park. ( GROANING )
Sou só um cidadão anónimo preocupado que deseja informar que, como é que ele se chama..., o MODOK está amarrado no velho parque de diversões.
I thought your C.I. said the drop was happening in a park.
A troca não era no parque?
But you found the trailer park?
- Mas localizaste o parque de caravanas.
Now this is the car that dropped Mason off at the trailer park.
Este é o carro que deixou o Mason no parque de caravanas.
You have the fuzzy recollections of your pals in the trailer park.
E tu tens os testemunhos imprecisos que recolheste no parque.
It was a LeMarchal town car that took Mason to the trailer park.
Foi um dos carros dela que levou o Mason até ao parque.
The pavilion at Millennium Park.
O pavilhão no Parque Millenium.
park 214
parker 861
parks 125
parking 45
parkour 16
parkman 56
park avenue 24
parked 42
parking lot 29
park sun 16
parker 861
parks 125
parking 45
parkour 16
parkman 56
park avenue 24
parked 42
parking lot 29
park sun 16
park it 18
park ha 18
parking tickets 27
parkinson's 23
the post 71
the power of christ compels you 31
the police 666
the party is over 26
the piano 29
the police are here 92
park ha 18
parking tickets 27
parkinson's 23
the post 71
the power of christ compels you 31
the police 666
the party is over 26
the piano 29
the police are here 92
the police are coming 33
the police station 24
the party 90
the plane 59
the phone rang 17
the point is 1527
the policeman 19
the people 229
the party's over 96
the point 85
the police station 24
the party 90
the plane 59
the phone rang 17
the point is 1527
the policeman 19
the people 229
the party's over 96
the point 85
the prince 110
the player 16
the phone rings 24
the patient 39
the painter 35
the phone 197
the police came 16
the planet 19
the phone's ringing 18
the princess 70
the player 16
the phone rings 24
the patient 39
the painter 35
the phone 197
the police came 16
the planet 19
the phone's ringing 18
the princess 70