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Translate.vc / Rusça → İngilizce / [ К ] / Каков план

Каков план Çeviri İngilizce

859 parallel translation
Каков план?
What's the program?
- Каков план?
- What's the idea?
- И каков план?
- And your plan?
Вот каков план.
This is the plan.
- И каков план?
- What is the plan?
Каков план, босс?
What's the plan, boss?
- Каков план, Луис.
What's the plan, Lewis?
Каков план?
What about the plan?
Каков план?
What's your plan?
Вот каков план!
So that's your little plan!
- Каков план, босс?
- ( Voices )
Каков план, Джерри?
So whats the next step here, Jerry?
Итак, каков план?
So, what's the plan?
Так, Ларри, каков план?
So,.. Larry, what's the plan?
Каков план игры?
What's the game plan?
"Каков план игры, Кевин?"
"What's the game plan, Kevin?"
- Ладно, тогда каков план?
- Okay, well, what's the plan?
Каков план?
So, what's the plan?
И каков план?
What's the plan?
Ты хочешь спасти положение, а каков план?
You wanna go out and save the day, what's the plan?
- Каков план?
- What's the plan?
Сэр, каков план дальнейших действий?
Sir, what do you want to do?
- Ну, и каков ваш план?
- What's your plan?
- Ну и каков твой план?
- Well, what's your plan?
Ну и каков Ваш план?
What's your purpose?
Каков же план?
What do you intend to do?
Каков ваш план?
What was your plan? Speak.
Каков настоящий план Атоса Маньяни?
What was the real plot of Athos Magnani?
Каков твой план : вернёшься в Троицу?
What's your plan : to return to Trinitá?
И каков будет план?
And what's the plan?
Каков ваш план, Штиллер?
What's your plan, Stiller?
Каков ваш план, великий?
PRIEST : What is your plan, great one?
Каков ваш план, Доктор?
What's your plan, Doctor?
Каков был ваш план?
What was planned?
Каков ваш план?
What's your plan?
Каков твой план?
What is your plan now?
- И каков план "B", Кит?
- What's plan "B", Kit?
- Каков Ваш план?
So, what's your plan?
Каков твой план?
And what's your idea?
Каков твой план?
What's your plan?
И каков твой план, Мэннинг?
What's your plan, Manning?
Каков будет наш план?
Hey, tell me Daniel. What's the plan, now?
Каков наш план?
What's our plan?
Ну и каков тогда план?
What's your plan then?
Каков был ваш план?
What was your plan?
Без обид, мам, но каков наш "План Б"?
No offense, Mom, but what's plan "B"?
Ну, и каков план?
- Каков твой план?
- What's your plan?
Каков наш план?
So, what's our plan?
Так, каков наш план?
So, what's the plan?
Так каков наш план?
So, what's our plan?

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