And how is that translate Spanish
4,588 parallel translation
And how is that supposed to affect us?
¿ Y cómo es que supone que nos afectan?
And how is that - - being who you are?
¿ Y cómo es... ser quien eres?
And how is that?
¿ Y cómo es eso?
And how is that fair?
¿ Y cómo es eso justo?
And how is that tone necessary?
¿ Es necesario ese tono?
And how is that going for you these days?
¿ Y cómo les va en estos días?
And how is that working out?
¿ Cómo funciona eso?
How is it that he knows the answers and you don't?
¿ Cómo es que él sabe la respuesta y tú no?
How about we have that chat and you tell me where Miles is?
¿ Qué tal si tenemos esa conversación y me dices dónde está Miles?
Before we discuss Friday night's homecoming dance, I just want to say how important it is that you do not drink and drive.
Antes que discutamos sobre el baile de bienvenida del Viernes en la noche, quiero decir lo importante que es que ustedes no tomen y manejen.
I... I know how this is sounds, and there's no way that I could possibly explain it that will make any sense, but someone's trying to kill you and your son.
Sé cómo suena, y no hay forma de que pueda explicarlo para que tenga sentido, pero alguien está intentando mataros a ti y a tu hijo.
And how much of that is down to the emotional damage caused by you?
Y cuánto de eso le ha reducido el daño emocional causado por usted?
Oh, yeah, Morty, yeah. Yeah, that that that's real easy to say from the sidekick position. But but, uh, how about next time... you be in charge, and then we'll talk about how simple and fun it is?
Sí, Morty, sí, es fácil decir eso desde tu posición de ayudante, así que qué tal si la próxima vez tú estarás al mando, a ver cómo de sencillo y divertido es entonces.
You know how you said that, you know, love is a chemical and all that stuff from earlier?
Esto... tú has dicho que, esto... ¿ que el amor es algo químico y todo eso de antes?
And that's how heroing is done, jones!
¡ Y así es como se es un héroe, jones!
He's covering it up and I can still see it. 99th percentile, that's how big that is.
Él se está cubriendo y aún puedo verlo.
And I also know that she didn't get to say what she really feels, which is that... she has a lot of really great ideas on how to actually improve our school.
Y también sé Que ella no va a decir lo que realmente siente. Que es esto.
The other way you could see it is that, after all we've been through, the trust we've built, I came with you in case you opened up a crack and wanted to talk about how bad you could have messed up that Art has a swole fist and you got a black eye.
La otra manera de verlo es... la confianza... que nos tenemos... vine por si querías... desahogarte y hablar de cómo la cagaste... tanto para que Art lleve una... mano vendada y tú un ojo morado.
And how certain are we that this is gonna work?
Y cómo ciertos somos que esto va a funcionar?
I don't care how you have to do it, but there is a life that you promised me, and I have sacrificed a hell of a lot to get it.
No me importa cómo tengas que hacerlo, pero hay una vida que me prometiste, y he sacrificado mucho para conseguirla.
This tree, which blooms brilliantly but briefly each year, will remind us that life is precious and we need to live each day out loud, and never forget how lucky we are to have this family that you will always be part of,
Este árbol, que florece brillante, pero brevemente, cada año, nos recordará que la vida es preciosa y necesitamos vivirla cada día en voz alta, y nunca olvidaremos la suerte que tenemos de tener esta familia de la que siempre serás parte,
So, how is it that I came out to support Edgehill's number-one artist and stumbled onto a Rayna Jaymes promotional concert?
¿ Y cómo es que aparecí para apoyar al artista número uno de Edgehill y me encuentro con un concierto promocional de Rayna Jaymes?
You know how I feel right now? My baby is leavin'on that midnight train, and I'm cryin'. suppressing fire!
? ¡ Fuego de supresión! Joder, Cyril.
You and Nelson are gonna figure out how it's possible that Gabriel's face is on that tape.
Nelson y tú vais a averiguar cómo es posible que la cara de Gabriel esté en esa grabación.
And the plan is I'm going to run for his seat because how do I lose to a guy like that?
- Y el plan es postularme para su banca. No puedo perder frente a un tipo así.
That's how many minutes are in seven days and chemo is seven days. Right?
Son los minutos que hay en siete días y la quimio son siete días. ¿ Verdad?
What I'm not gonna look too closely at, is how you and Libby and Betty managed to make that money, which I said I didn't want, land in my pocket anyhow. Because if I really looked at that, we'd be back at square one, wouldn't we?
Lo que no voy a pararme a pensar es cómo Libby, Betty y tú habéis conseguido ese dinero, el cual dije que no quería en mi bolsillo de ninguna manera, porque si me parase a pensarlo, estaríamos como al principio, ¿ no?
So how can that be the cause? The psychology behind these physical problems is very complicated, and to understand the "why" of it...
La psicología detrás de estos problemas físicos es muy complicada, y para entender el "por qué" de esto...
Um, but I think the centerpiece is the work that you're doing that goes beyond educating the public as to how the body works and puts that knowledge to practical use with treatment.
Pero creo que la parte central es el trabajo que están haciendo que va más allá de educar al público y se centra en cómo funciona el cuerpo para usar ese conocimiento en la práctica con tratamientos.
And the amazing thing is that no matter how you lay them out, you'll always see what you want to see.
Y lo más increíble es que no importa como las eches, siempre verás lo que quieras ver.
I hope everyone realizes how important this party is to Kim, and shows up, and aren't disappointed that it's not on a boat.
Espero que aprecien lo importante que esta fiesta es para Kim, lo demuestren, y no se decepcionen porque no fue en un yate.
He says that the only thing you are good at is jerking off, and he does not know how he ended up hiring you.
Dice que lo único que sabes hacer bien es correrte la paja y no sabe en qué minuto se le ocurrió contratarte.
Knowing how sad and upsetting it is... to not be able to say that you miss your own mother.
Sabiendo lo triste y perturbador que es... el no ser capaz de decir que perdiste a tu propia madre.
How they deal with being that single parent and all those kids is they're together.
Cómo se enfrentan a ser que un solo padre y todos esos niños es que están juntos.
I had somebody tell me once how rare it is to see a professional black man with a thriving career who is the primary caretaker of his children and excels in that arena of his life, as well as his professional career.
Me había alguien me diga una vez lo raro que es ver un hombre negro profesional con una próspera carrera quien es el encargado principal de sus hijos y sobresale en esa arena de su vida, así como su carrera profesional.
- And that's... But at the end of the day, that's how we honor them because the more real we make it, the more their heroism is in context. Right.
- Y eso es... derecho.
Homecoming is when you really want to show them how much you appreciate them and just them know that they're coming back to a loving home and a happy spouse.
Homecoming es cuando realmente quieres mostrarles cuánto usted los aprecia y sólo ellos saben que van a volver a un hogar lleno de amor y un esposo feliz.
That woman I listened to my father go on about, the one who stole all his attention and the affection I wished I had- - this is how she ends up?
Escuché a mi padre decir que esa mujer fue la que captó toda la atención y el afecto que ojalá hubiera tenido yo... ¿ así es como termina?
If this is how Debbie hid in plain sight, it's a good bet that Gloria and Marguerite did, too.
Si así es como Debbie se escondía a plena vista, seguramente Gloria y Marguerite también lo hicieron así.
How simple and light is that?
Lo simple y ligero que es eso...
And that, kids... is how I met your mother. That's it?
¿ Eso es todo?
Oh, and by the way, the mayor is coming to our house for dinner tomorrow so... Let's see how that city council position works out for you.
Oh, y por cierto, el alcalde viene a cenar a nuestra casa esta noche así que... vamos a ver cómo te funciona esa posición en el concejo municipal.
How can we, as good Christians, champion a practice that is the opposite of fairness and decency?
¿ Cómo podemos, como buenos cristianos, defender una práctica que es lo opuesto a justicia y decencia?
That seems to be dry and boring to most people but is actually the most important information in the world. That is, how to harvest a crop, to to make metal and so on...
Estas resultan ser de las noticias que más aburren a las personas pero también es la información más importante en el mundo, que necesita saber cómo hacer metal, y demás.
And now it's the third type of history that... as an intellectual knowledge, that I'm the most interested in, because it does not have existing support, And neither have we ever had this branch of history to any significant degree. That is the information about how human institutions actually behave.
Y está el tercer tipo de historias que son las del conocimiento intelectual, las cuales son las que más me interesan, porque no tiene ningún soporte, ni tampoco hemos hablado sobre este tipo de historias, qué proporcionan la información sobre el estado de las instituciones humanistas.
Is that how you danced for Loomis and the school committee?
¿ Es así como usted bailó para Loomis y el comité de la escuela?
For turning me back to human so that I could look at my father every day and try to figure out how to explain to him that the reason my sister and mother are dead is because I almost ate them on a full moon.
Por volver a convertirme en humana para que pudiera mirar a mi padre todos los días e intentar averiguar cómo explicarle que la razón por la que mi hermana y mi madre están muertas es porque casi me las como una noche de luna llena.
And what we'd like to know is how did all that blood get on your T-shirt? Hm? I had...
Y lo que nos gustaría saber es cómo ha llegado toda esa sangre a tu camiseta.
And I would like to say I was just doing my job, but that's the excuse that the Nazis used, so I'm not really sure how effective that one is.
Y me gustaría decir que solamente estaba haciendo mi trabajo, pero esa es la excusa que usaron los nazis, así que no estoy seguro de lo efectiva que es.
The key is knowing how to see it and seizing that opportunity.
La clave es saber verla y aprovechar la oportunidad.
And that's how Carlton knew that The Girl from the Mermaid is a fake.
Y es por eso es que Carlton supo que La Chica de Mermaid Bar era falso.
and how old are you 36
and how are you 102
and how are you today 17
and how was that 17
and how much 16
and how about you 47
and how do you know that 74
and how would you know that 25
and how do you know this 25
and how do you know 38
and how are you 102
and how are you today 17
and how was that 17
and how much 16
and how about you 47
and how do you know that 74
and how would you know that 25
and how do you know this 25
and how do you know 38
and how am i supposed to do that 16
and how was it 20
and how's that 40
and how 239
and how's that working out for you 17
and how are you gonna do that 24
and how would you know 23
and how do i do that 21
and how are you going to do that 19
and how does that make you feel 17
and how was it 20
and how's that 40
and how 239
and how's that working out for you 17
and how are you gonna do that 24
and how would you know 23
and how do i do that 21
and how are you going to do that 19
and how does that make you feel 17
and how do we do that 48
how is that 199
how is that possible 543
how is that even possible 164
how is that relevant 30
how is that fair 41
how is that good news 21
is that you 2352
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
how is that 199
how is that possible 543
how is that even possible 164
how is that relevant 30
how is that fair 41
how is that good news 21
is that you 2352
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
is that right 2297
is that your dog 17
is that your sister 22
is that okay with you 61
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that understood 245
is that your car 43
is that all you got 152
is that your dog 17
is that your sister 22
is that okay with you 61
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that understood 245
is that your car 43
is that all you got 152
is that your daughter 28
is that what you want 740
is that what this is 151
is that a threat 163
is that all you care about 23
is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
is that a 177
is that what this is about 217
is that clear 774
is that what you want 740
is that what this is 151
is that a threat 163
is that all you care about 23
is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
is that a 177
is that what this is about 217
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is that better 164
is that bad 219
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is that true 1272
is that her 187
is that him 366
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is that better 164
is that bad 219
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is that her 187
is that him 366
is that all of it 17