Take me out translate Spanish
6,049 parallel translation
You could do it as a challenge - send them to the Isle of Fernandos!
Podrías hacerlo como un desafío... Enviarlo a la isla de Fernando's! ( NT : del juego de citas de tv "Take Me Out" )
Nar, my mum would never take me out.
Mi madre no me enseñó.
Listen, Carter, you take me out of your will, I'm taking you out of mine.
Carter, si me sacas de tu testamento, yo te quito del mío.
If they did, someone better be ready to take me out for ice cream.
Si es así, mejor que alguien esté listo para llevarme por helado.
Look, on my birthday, he would take me out for dinner and just get me one of those.
Mira, en mi cumpleaños, él me saca a cenar y me regala uno de esos.
♪ Take me out to the ball game ♪
* Llévame al partido *
♪ Take me out... ♪
* Llévame al... *
Wouldn't you like to take me out of this one?
¿ No le gustaría sacarme de este?
But screw it, it's the 4th, and I'm gonna make Ian take me out.
Pero que le jodan, es día 4, y voy a hacer que Ian me lleve por ahí.
Do you think winter was wrong to take me out of orchestra?
¿ Crees que Winter hizo mal en sacarme de Orchestra?
I begged him to take me out of there.
Le rogué que me sacase de allí.
I'm gonna take a nap under a warm tortilla and then eat my way out when I wake up.
Voy a echarme una siesta debajo de una tortilla calentita y después me la comeré cuando despierte.
Don't take my eye out.
No me saques un ojo.
You're supposed to be my mate and you're sitting there with your thumb up your ass while they take the piss out of me.
Usted debe estar conmigo en esto. Quédate ahí y no hacer nada mientras tomar uno con mi cara.
You're sitting there with your thumb up your arse while they take the piss out of me.
Estás aquí sentado callado mientras ellos se meten conmigo.
I wish there was somebody out there who'd ask me out and take this pain away.
Desearía que hubiera alguien ahí afuera que me invitara a salir y me quitara este dolor.
Ross will transport the kidney once I take it out, and then you'll join me for the transfer.
Ross transportará el riñón cuando yo lo saque, y luego te unirás a mí para el trasplante.
Will you take a photo of me out here?
¿ Puedes hacerme una foto aquí?
And what if I don't? - Get away, or I'll take it out on you.
o me lo llevo a cabo en usted.
What if I take it out?
¿ Qué pasa si me lo saco?
It's just the girls... they take everything out of me.
Es solo que las niñas... me sacan todo.
I would love to take you out for ice cream.
Me encantaría llevarte a tomar un helado.
That was good times, yeah, or how about the time when they kicked me out, and you couldn't take a dump for a week because I was sharing your bathroom?
¿ o qué hay de cuando me echaron de casa, y no pudiste cagar durante una semana porque compartías cuarto de baño conmigo?
I'm just gonna take my VCR, my VCR head-cleaning tape, my VCR head-cleaning spray, my head-cleaning rag, and my rewinder, and just get the hell out of here.
Voy a agarrar mi videocasetera, mi líquido limpiador de cinta mi aerosol limpiador de cabezales, mi trapo limpiador de cabezales y mi rebobinadora y me iré de aquí.
And then your Uncle Rusty climbs out the window during a test and climbs into the window of my class so he can have me take the test for him.
Y luego tu tío Rusty salía por la ventana en el examen y entraba por la ventana de mi clase para que yo pudiera presentar su examen.
You give me any garment, I take the butt out of it.
Me das cualquier prenda y le quitaré la parte del culo.
I tried to take a picture, took out my phone, and it fell into my sleeve.
Traté de sacar una foto, agarré mi celular y se me cayó por la manga.
Wait, so you mean to tell me, if I ever want to get out of something, all I got to do is take a smoke break?
Espera, entonces, si quiero librarme de algo, ¿ sólo debo fumar un cigarrillo?
You gonna take an ad out in the Crimson saying you cheated, just like you did when you beat me back then?
¿ Vas a aceptar un anuncio en Carmesí diciendo que hiciste trampa, igual que lo hizo cuando me golpearon en aquel entonces?
Well, how about you repay me by letting me take you out tonight?
Bueno, ¿ qué tal si me lo pagas dejándome que te saque esta noche?
So if you two need to take a minute, step into the bedroom, do whatever it is you need to, come back out, try it again, it's fine by me.
Así que si necesitáis un minuto, entrad en la habitación, haced lo que tengáis que hacer, volved e intentadlo de nuevo, a mí no me importa.
Most people take a very, very long time to figure me out.
Muchas personas les toma un muy, muy largo tiempo saber cómo soy.
Uh, I got out of bed, grabbed my rifle, went out to take a look around.
Me levanté de la cama, tomé mi rifle, salí para echar un vistazo.
The deal was I put myself out there as dirty so I can take down some high-level criminals.
El trato era que me hiciera pasar por corrupto para poder detener a algunos criminales de alto nivel.
If you don't, Sam, I mean, we'll just, we'll figure something out, but we're not gonna take him back to the shelter. ♪ Whoa-oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ Take me home tonight ♪
Y si no, Sam, quiero decir, nosotros, lo resolveremos, pero no lo vamos a llevar de vuelta al refugio. * Llévame a casa esta noche *
Should only take a couple of months with the right diet and then I'm out, clean and free.
Solo me llevaría un par de meses con la dieta adecuada - y después estaría fuera, limpio y libre.
♪ Tell the promoter we need more seats, we just sold out ♪ ♪ All the floor seats ♪ ♪ Take me on a trip ♪
# Dile al promotor que necesitamos más asientos, solo acabamos de vender # # todos los asientos de pista.
Oh, I just take it out.
Me lo quito.
Let me take you out to a really nice lunch to make up for what happened.
Deja que te lleve a un sito agradable para almorzar y compensar por lo sucedido.
If they find out I'm sick, they'll take me off the case.
Si descubren que estoy enfermo, me dejarán fuera del caso.
How do I know that once I hand you the chocolate you're not gonna just leave me out here and take the chocolate?
¿ Cómo sé que una vez que te dé el chocolate no te lo vas a quedar y me vas a dejar aquí?
Look, if you don't take this chocolate and leave me out here, then I can't work with you.
- Mira, si no coges este chocolate y me dejas aquí tirada, entonces no puedo trabajar contigo.
Oh, if I take my theory to Chicago P.D., they'll laugh me out of the squad room.
Si llevo mi teoría a la policía de Chicago, se reirán de mí en el escuadrón.
I didn't wanna give you my opinion at all, but you forced it out of me, and then you told me that you were gonna take the job.
No quería darte mi opinión del todo, pero me forzaste, y luego me dijiste que ibas tomar el trabajo.
Thinks she can make me take the hair out of plugholes?
¿ Cree que puede hacerme sacar el pelo de los desagües?
Hey, if she didn't want me to have her key, why would she let me take it out of her hand and make a copy of it while she was passed out drunk in the hallway?
Hey, si no hubiese querido que tuviera su llave. Porque dejo que la tomara de su mano. y le hiciera copias mientras estaba desmayada de borracha en el pasillo.
Ryder out picking me up some pills to take care of this.
Ryder de camino comprándome unas pastillas para esto.
The Solano case... I'll take anything, because I'm running out of time, so if you have something, please give it to me now.
El caso Solano, aceptaré cualquier cosa, porque se me acaba el tiempo, así que si tienes algo, dímelo ahora, por favor.
Dad, why on Earth did you make me take all of our spare light bulbs out of their boxes?
Papá, ¿ por qué demonios me has hecho sacar todas las bombillas de repuesto de sus cajas?
I'll find out what's going on and I'll take care of it.
Me enteraré de lo que está pasando y me ocuparé de ello.
I'll find out what's going on and I'll take care of it.
Me enteraré de qué sucede y me encargaré de ello.
take me away 98
take me 491
take me back 66
take me there 54
take me with you 319
take me home 231
take me to your leader 17
take me along 20
take me instead 42
take me in 25
take me 491
take me back 66
take me there 54
take me with you 319
take me home 231
take me to your leader 17
take me along 20
take me instead 42
take me in 25
take me away from here 19
take me now 23
take me to him 61
take me to her 22
take me to them 19
outside 883
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
take me now 23
take me to him 61
take me to her 22
take me to them 19
outside 883
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
out of curiosity 82
out of order 40
out of my mind 17
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
out of town 49
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
out of curiosity 82
out of order 40
out of my mind 17
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
out of town 49
out of interest 20
out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
out of my sight 38
out of respect 50
out like a light 17
outside of work 17
out of 299
out of mind 55
out loud 97
out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
out of my sight 38
out of respect 50
out like a light 17
outside of work 17
out of 299
out of mind 55
out loud 97