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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ W ] / Want to sit down

Want to sit down translate Spanish

950 parallel translation
Well, Useless... You're going someplace you won't want to sit down.
Inútil, vas a un lugar en el que no querrás sentarte.
I want to sit down.
Quiero sentarme.
Do we want to sit down?
¿ Se quiere sentar?
Do you want to sit down, Christine?
¿ Quiere sentarse, Christine?
- I don't want to sit down.
- No quiero sentarme.
- Don't you want to sit down?
- ¿ No quiere sentarse?
- Want to sit down?
- ¿ Queréis sentaros?
Want to sit down?
¿ Quieren sentarse?
And I just want to sit down.
Solo quiero sentarme.
Do you want to sit down?
- ¿ Quieres sentarte tú ahora?
Want to sit down?
¿ Quieres sentarte?
I just want to sit down and rest.
Sólo quiero sentarme y descansar.
- Do you want to sit down?
- ¿ Quieres sentarte?
Take it easy, Pop. Do you want to sit down?
Tómelo con calma. ¿ Desea sentarse?
- Want to sit down?
- ¿ Quieres sentarte?
Don't you want to sit down?
? No quieres sentarte?
I don't want to sit down and take it easy.
- No quiero calmarme.
You don't want to sit down?
- ¿ No queréis tomar asiento?
I'm sorry. Do you want to sit down?
Lo siento, ¿ quiere sentarse?
- I don't want to think or sit down.
- No quiero pensar, ni sentarme.
─ Sit down Albert, I want to talk to you.
- Siéntate, Albert quiero hablar contigo.
Sit down. I want to have a talk with you.
- Siéntese, quiero hablar con usted.
Sit down, unless you want me to knock your brains out.
Siéntate si no quieres que te rompa la crisma.
Sit down, I want to talk to you.
Siéntese, quiero hablar con Vd.
Why don't you sit down? Want me to help you?
Siéntate. ¿ Esperas que te tome por la mano?
I want you to sit down very calmly and make up your mind exactly how you're going to tell me the truth.
Quiero que espere aquí con mucha calma y decida... exactamente cómo me dirá la verdad.
I don't want you to think I'm fresh or anything but if you'll sit down and wait till I'm hungry I'll break that door down and go in with you.
No quiero que pienses que soy un fresco o algo así... pero si te sientas y esperas hasta que esté hambriento... echaré la puerta abajo e iré contigo.
What do you want now, to walk, sit down, drink something?
¿ Y qué quieres hacer ahora? ¿ Caminar? ¿ Sentarte?
Sit down. I want to talk to you.
- Siéntese, quiero hablar con usted.
You'd better sit down. I want you to concentrate.
Será mejor que te sientes, concéntrate.
But do sit down, or I'll think you want to hurry away.
¿ No te quieres sentar? O pensaré que quieres irte corriendo.
- I want for you to sit down there.
quiero que te sientes ahí...
Go ahead, Evans. Sit down. We want to talk to you.
- Queremos hablar con Vd.
Sit down Hawkins, I want you to send out some invitations for our New Year's Eve dinner.
Hawkins, quiero que envíe las invitaciones para el año nuevo. Traje de etiqueta.
Sit down, I want to talk to you.
Siéntate, quiero hablar contigo.
I don't want to sit down.
- No quiero sentarme.
I want you to sit down here at the piano.
Quiero que se siente al piano.
Sit down, Wilma. Homer, my family want me to go away.
Homer, mi familia quiere que me vaya...
Sit down, I want to talk to you
Siéntese, quiero hablar con usted
Well, I won't ask you to sit down. What do you want?
No te pediré que te sientes. ¿ Qué quieres?
I'm tellin'you the boss is busy and don't want to be disturbed. Now go on and sit down.
Le digo que el jefe está ocupado y no quiere que lo molesten.
If you want to take the advice of an old gambler, some people are lucky at it, some people are jinxed. They shouldn't even sit down at the table.
Escuche el consejo de una vieja jugadora hay quien tiene suerte y hay quien nace sin ella ; ni siquiera deberían intentarlo.
- I want to report a murder. - Sit down.
- Quiero denunciar un asesinato.
Doctor, i don't want to seem rude... oh, won't you humor an inquisitive neighbor by asking him to sit down for a minute?
Doctor, no quiero parecer seco... ¿ No invitará a su chismoso vecino a sentarse unos minutos?
You want Hendricks and his men to sit down and eat with you?
¿ Quieres que Hendricks y sus hombres almuercen contigo?
What do you want to do, give us a bad name? Sit down.
Que quieres hacer, darnos un mal nombre.
Don't you want to sit down, sir?
No, señor.
And when you want Senor Stark to catch you... then you sit down in the big chair.
Y cuando quieras que el señor Stark te capture... entonces te sientas en la silla grande.
Do you want to come on in here, sit down and rest a minute?
¿ Quiere entrar aquí y sentarse a descansar un rato?
That's a good captain. Now, you sit right here and look after your friend like he'd want you to... and I'll go get us the best doctor they got down there... just so as we'll be good and sure.
Siéntese allí y cuide a su amigo como él lo querría... y yo iré a buscar al mejor médico que tengamos... para poder estar bien seguros.
Sit down. Why would they want to kill him?
¿ Por qué querrían matarlo?

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