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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ W ] / Want to come along

Want to come along translate Spanish

398 parallel translation
'So, you don't want to come along?
Entonces, ¿ no quiere venir?
You feel as though you want to come along this time?
¿ Crees que te saldrás con la tuya esta vez?
Priscilla and I are going on the merry - go-round. Want to come along?
Priscila y yo nos vamos a dar una vuelta. ¿ Queréis venir?
- Want to come along Amy?
- ¿ Quieres venir Amy?
Want to come along and have a look at Horace?
¿ Quieres venir a conocer a Horacio?
- I'm going to Chartres to see the cathedral. Want to come along?
- Voy a Chartres a ver la catedral. ¿ Te llevo?
Es muy pequeño.
It's open house if you want to come along.
Si gustas venir, estás invitado.
You want to come along, Julio?
¿ Quieres venir, Julio?
Do you want to come along?
¿ Quieres venir con nosotros?
- Whoa. - Want to come along, Christy?
¿ Quieres venir, Christy?
Do you want to come along?
¿ Me acompañarás?
I want to come along to where you're going.
Quiero ir contigo a donde vayas.
- Want to come along?
¿ Quieres acompañarme?
I take it you don't want to come along?
¿ Significa que no quiere venir?
Want to come along, Bert?
¿ Nos acompañas, Bert?
- You want to come along, soldier?
- ¿ Quiere venir, soldado?
It better be, unless you want to come along to the station house.
Mejor que esté, a no ser que quiera ir a la comisaría.
Perhaps you'd want to come along, Miss Frost.
¿ Quiere usted acompañarme, señorita Frost?
Want to come along, sister?
¿ Te vienes con nosotros, hermana?
- Want to come along with us? - Where to?
- ¿ Quieres venir con nosotros?
Sure you don't want to come along with me and help me with the burros?
¿ Seguro que no quieren venir y ayudarme con los burros?
Yeah. Want to come along?
Sí. ¿ Vienes conmigo?
Want to come along?
¿ Quiere venir?
- Don't you want to come along?
- ¿ Quieres acompañarme?
You want to come along? Or are you gonna stay here and dish awhile.
No hay nada.
Want to come along?
- ¿ Quieres venir?
Do you want to come along?
¿ Vienes?
- Do you want to come along?
- ¿ Quieres venir?
Anybody doesn't want to come along, don't have to.
Quien no quiera acompañarme, que no lo haga.
Want to come along?
¿ Vienes?
I want you to come along.
Quiero que vengas conmigo.
Come along, now. Come quietly, unless you want me to put the handcuffs on.
Y sin alborotar, si no quiere que le ponga las esposas.
Arthur, come along. They want you to play.
Ven Arthur, quiero que juegues.
I want you and Victoria to walk along here. ~ Here come... ~ Where is Victoria?
Roger, quiero que Victoria y tú caminéis por aquí.
Jim. Come along. We want to talk to you.
- Queremos hablar contigo.
She didn't want you to come along.
No quería que fueras.
Seems they need instructors back there who've had combat service, and Nails says you two can come along if you want to.
Necesitan instructores con horas de vuelo. Nails dice que, si queréis, podéis venir.
- Do you want me to come along?
- ¿ Quiere que le acompañe?
Don't want to wake up the desk clerk. Come along.
No despertemos al recepcionista.
- Hay pruebas, ¿ quieres venir?
You can come along if you want to.
Puede venir si quiere.
You wanna come along peaceful or want me to use these cuffs on you?
¿ Va a venir en forma pacífica o quiere que lo espose?
Lord knows, I want you boys along... Want you bad. But if you want to come, you'll have to come like I tell you, and on my terms.
El Señor sabe que quiero que vengáis conmigo, pero será como os diga y con mis condiciones.
Hello, Tony, come along if you want to.
Hola, Tony, entra si quieres.
We want him to sign the statement. - It'll only take a few minutes. - Come along, Schmidt.
No hemos terminado, debe firmar la declaración. ¡ Sólo serán unos minutos!
Come along if you want to.
Ven si quieres.
You can come along if you want to.
Voy a salir con la familia. Puedes venir si quieres.
Come along... If you want to!
¡ Venga, vámonos!
Now come along inspector, what is it you want to know?
Vamos, inspector, ¿ qué es lo que quiere saber?
I heard a song that impressed me very much, and it's the kind of a song we snap our fingers and clap our hands, and I want you to come along with me. We'll have a little fun.
Hay que acompañarla con pitos y palmas, será muy divertido.

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