And come on translate French
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So round up your bro-beans and come on down to the place where the fun never ends!
Rassemblez tous vos potes et venez là où on s'amuse sans fin!
She did fly away on a dragon and not come back.
Elle s'est envolée à dos de dragon, certes.
We'll discuss amongst ourselves and come back to you with an answer.
On va en discuter entre nous avant de vous répondre.
I was commonly harassed on the streets, hit on by married producers, told by photographers to come back when I lost 15 pounds and got a boob job, and a plethora of other uncomfortable experiences, all while still being a teenager.
J'étais très régulièrement harcelée dans la rue, j'ai couché avec des réalisateurs mariés, des photographes m'ont dit de revenir quand j'aurai perdu 5 kilos et de plus gros seins, et toute une pléthore d'expériences similaires et pénibles, tout cela alors que je n'étais encore qu'une adolescente.
We'll come and dig you out! Have some bloody fun!
On viendra te tirer de ton antre pour te dérider!
Flesh Head, he'll come and eat me, my blood will be on your hands.
Chairfraîche va venir me manger. Tu auras mon sang sur les mains.
And he can't keep his hands off her. Dude, come on.
Et il arrête pas de la tripoter.
I need you to round up the whole team and meet me out front, okay? Very funny. Come on, man.
- Très drôle.
You come at people with an open mind and yet you never fail to get them wrong.
On aborde les gens avec l'esprit ouvert. Et on se trompe toujours à leur sujet.
Come on. Check and see if she's infected. Let's go.
Venez vérifier si elle est infectée!
I was on a business trip when the outbreak hit and I should've come right back, but they told me everything was gonna be okay.
J'étais en voyage d'affaires quand le mal a frappé. J'aurais pu rentrer chez moi, mais on m'a dit que tout irait bien, et je l'ai cru.
And when I come back, we're gonna go the safe zone, okay?
Puis on ira dans la zone sécurisée.
And they're gonna come back in, they're gonna claim they were abused or something.
Ils vont revenir et prétendre qu'on les a maltraités ou que sais-je.
But the sun will come up, and the knives will some out, and all these smiling faces will be watching me, waiting for that one first moment of weakness.
Mais le soleil va se lever, on ressortira les couteaux, et tous ces visages souriants m'observeront, dans l'attente d'un moment de faiblesse.
Come on, let's go down and see your dad.
Viens, allons chercher ton père.
Come on. Just pop in the gift shop and buy a bathing suit... get a one-piece, nothing fancy.
Va t'acheter un maillot une pièce dans la boutique.
Can't we eat and come back?
On va manger et on revient?
Come on, sir, take your boy and go away!
S'il vous plaît, emmenez votre garçon et partez!
You did it, right? And I did it. Come on.
On a tous fait ça.
A wanted man in his own country now come to France with a price on his head and not much more than the clothes on his back?
Un homme recherché dans son pays arrive en France avec sa tête mise à prix et rien d'autre que les vêtements qu'il porte?
You get the Pop Music Award, and now, here come those offers of a solo contract.
Tu gagnes les Pop Music Awards, et on te propose des contrats solo. POP MUSIC AWARD - CONNER4REAL MEILLEURE CHANSON DE RAP
Come on, let's let them do their thing and we'll go get a drink in the crew lounge.
Laissons-les faire et allons trinquer dans les salons pour les équipages.
Any Martians come through that airlock, we subdue and take them prisoner.
Tous les martiens passant par ce sas, on les fait prisonnier.
Yeah, I mean, come on, this used to be Party Mountain, you know, and...
Ouais, j'veux dire, allez, c'était la Montagne de la Fête tu sais, et...
Come down this sidewalk, and, boom, let's move in.
On descend le trottoir et... boum! On emménage.
We keep things on hand so that if, in the future, the CDC wants to come back and do studies, we'll have those archives available for their use.
On garde les choses à portée de main, au cas où à l'avenir, le CDC veut revenir et faire des études, on aura ces archives disponibles.
Dr. hallerin, if you're on fourth floor, please come to the nurses station. I can call him if you want, Lee, and tell him what happened.
Je peux les appeler si tu veux, et je leur expliquerai ce qui s'est passé.
I just wanted to make sure it's okay if me and Josh come to the funeral.
Je voulais juste savoir si t'es d'accord que Josh et moi on vienne à l'enterrement.
and spend the rest of my life with, and maybe if we can just find a way for me to remember her, then, bam, it'll all come rushing back to me, and the hairs on the back of my neck will stand up, and I can save you.
et avec qui je dois passer le reste de ma vie, et peut-être si je trouvais un moyen de me rappeler qui c'est, ben, bam, tout me reviendrait d'un coup et les cheveux de ma nuque se hérisseraient, et je pourrais te sauver.
We all did our piece at different times, and I was the last to come out, so these chaps decided to throw me a welcome home party.
On a purg? nos peines? diff?
What you know that's out here and what you don't know, like Facebook, come on.
C'est ce qu'on conna? t du monde ext? rieur et ce qu'on ignore, comme Facebook.
We go through that door together, we come out together, and anything other than that, you're a piece of shit.
On est entr? s ensemble, on va sortir ensemble. Celui qui est pas d'accord est un trou du cul.
Never understood why people called him that, but this guy had the contacts and the inside info to make dreams come true.
J'ai jamais compris pourquoi on l'appelait comme? a mais il avait les connexions et les renseignements qui nous permettraient de r? aliser nos r?
Come on, I just want to build motorcycles, and be a stunt man in my spare time, yo!
Je veux juste assembler des motos et être cascadeur sur mon temps libre.
Your mum really needs to come in and see Doctor, so we can give her a free prescription.
Votre mère doit vraiment venir ici voir un docteur. Pour qu'on lui donne une ordonnance gratuite.
Some of the old hands come with their knickers in their pockets, and don't put them on until we've finished!
Certaines des plus âgées viennent avec leurs culottes dans leurs poches, et ne les remettent pas avant qu'on ait finit!
Come on. You can have an escort there and back.
Venez, nous allons vous escorter.
I've had more old lags than you can shake a stick at come through these doors, and I've never seen tats like that.
J'ai vu plus de gars qu'on peut en compter passer ces portes et je n'ai jamais vu des tatouages comme ça.
If you spent less time lathering on the eye-black, Nurse Franklin, you'd have been down here five minutes ago and ready to start work at eight on the dot, like Sister Mary Cynthia.
Si vous passiez moins de temps sur votre maquillage, infirmière Franklin, Vous seriez là depuis 5 minutes prête à commencez le travail à 8h précises, come sœur Marie-Cynthia.
Come on, then, let's clear out and make some room.
Allez, laissons leur de la place.
Now, Salvador and his brothers have agreed to let us come in on the ground floor.
Salvador et ses frères ont accepté de nous laisser nous lancer sur le terrain.
Preached peace and prosperity... every Sunday on the pulpit, but come Friday night on the sideline?
Il prêchait la paix et la prospérité chaque dimanche de sa chaire, mais le vendredi soir venu sur la ligne de touche?
Accused of killing a cop, and you're asking why he's running? Come on.
On l'accuse d'avoir tué un flic, et tu demandes pourquoi il fuit?
You and I have come a long way.
On a surmonté bien des choses, toi et moi.
- I decided to come on your show in the hope that this'll be broadcast in Ecuador and maybe my husband will see it.
- J'ai décidé de venir dans cette émission dans l'espoir qu'elle sera diffusée en Equateur et que mon mari pourrait l'entendre.
Anyways, my parents are coming in today, and I need you to come home on your lunch break and let them in.
Mes parents arrivent aujourd'hui. Il faut que tu leur ouvres la porte pendant ta pause.
Come on. Rock and roll, dinosaur!
Rock'n'roll, dinosaure!
And don't anyone come and check on me, okay?
Que personne ne vienne me voir. Compris?
Look, man, seriously, what is wrong with you to come down here and ask me to bang on a brother in front of all these people?
Sans rire. Sérieux, vous venez me demander de balancer un mec en public?
When we get all good and settled, we'll come back and visit.
On va s'installer, puis on reviendra vous rendre visite.
Petty Blackie come and sleep together
Chin! Kuro! On dort ensemble?
and come back 23
come on 167938
come on baby 22
come on everybody 23
come on let's go 25
come on man 75
come on guys 95
come on in 3933
come on over 148
come one 123
come on 167938
come on baby 22
come on everybody 23
come on let's go 25
come on man 75
come on guys 95
come on in 3933
come on over 148
come one 123
come on now 949
come on boy 27
come on down 295
come on home 31
come on to my house 24
come on out 472
come on over here 125
come on out of there 30
come on up here 105
come on back here 21
come on boy 27
come on down 295
come on home 31
come on to my house 24
come on out 472
come on over here 125
come on out of there 30
come on up here 105
come on back here 21