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Translate.vc / English → French / [ L ] / Let me see him

Let me see him translate French

498 parallel translation
- I don't see him. Karenin won't let me see him.
Karenin ne me laisse pas le voir.
I went to the hospital, but they refused to let me see him.
Je suis allée à l'hôpital et ils ont refusé que je le voie.
But they won't let me see him. Why won't they let me see him?
Ils refusent de me laisser le voir!
They won't let me see him.
Je ne peux pas entrer.
Let me see him.
Laissez-moi Ie voir.
- Then why don't you let me see him?
Laissez-moi voir le patron!
They wouldn't let me see him.
Ils ne voulaient pas me laisser le voir.
If you wanna save his life, you'd better let me see him now.
Laissez-moi le voir, si vous voulez lui sauver la vie.
Dear God, let me see him once more! You should've thought of Maurice sooner, you fool.
- Fallait y penser avant, à Maurice, andouille!
You've got to let me see him.
Il faut que je le voie.
Come on, honey Countess. Let me see him, huh?
Moi je parle en homme d'affaires, et vite!
Don't ever let me see him again!
Je ne veux plus jamais le revoir!
But you've got to let me see him alone first.
Mais laissez-moi le voir seule.
- Please, let me see him!
- S'il vous plaît, laissez-moi le voir!
- Please let me see him!
- Laissez-moi le voir!
- Oh, let me see him!
- Oh, laissez-moi le voir!
Oh, please, let me see him. Besides, what?
Laissez-moi le voir!
Let me see him alone and explain.
Je voudrais lui expliquer.
They just started. - Let me see him.
- Je veux le voir.
- Let me see him.
- Je veux le voir!
You've got to let me see him.
J'ai besoin de le voir.
Let me see him.
Laisse-moi le voir. Il me manque.
If you let me see him, I'm willing to walk home.
Si je peux le voir, je repartirai ŕ pied.
- Bennie... - Wait a minute. Let me see him for a moment, okay?
Attends, laisse-moi d'abord lui parler, d'accord?
- Let me see him! - See who?
- Laissez-moi voir!
- Let me see him.
- Laisse-moi Ie voir.
If I'm such a shady character... why'd you let me see him in the first place?
Si je suis si louche... pourquoi m'avoir permis de Ie voir?
No! Don't let me see him, oh my God.
Non, ne me le montrez pas.
You... won't let me see him.
Vous ne me laisserez pas le voir.
It'll only take a few minutes. Now, I promise. Please let me see him.
- Ça ne prendra qu'une minute!
Let me see him.
Je veux le voir.
He's in the prison ward, and they won't let me see him.
Il est enfermé et on ne me laisse pas le voir.
Won't you let him come and see me?
Laisse-le venir me voir.
You should see the girlie who came in after me. They'll never let him near those 5 pesetas.
Que racontait l'Allemand qui était là?
Let me see. The Earl of Burnstead on my right, of course. Er... who's next to him?
Le comte de Burnstead à ma droite, et puis...
I never took my glasses from his face except for an instant to let him see mine.
Je ne l'ai pas quitté de mes jumelles, sauf pour le laisser me regarder.
Well, why not let me meet him and see what happens.
Puis-je le rencontrer? On verra bien.
I couldn't force him to let me see her.
Je ne pouvais pas exiger de la voir.
I've got to see him. You've got to let me in.
Il faut absolument que je le voie.
I let him see me first. How does it feel, son?
Il m'a vu le premier.
O.K, but let me see what Nails does to him.
D'accord, mais... allons voir Nails d'abord.
If you do see him out on the road, come back and let me know.
Si tu le vois, reviens me prévenir.
Now come, O'Hara, let me see you match wits with him.
Voyons si tu es aussi intelligent que Iui.
Now let me see, what should we give him? Shall we give him a puff-puff?
Et si je lui offrais une "pfff-pfff"?
And only you can make Riton see he's gotta let me go. Talk to him.
Il n'y a que toi, pour lui faire comprendre qu'il doit me laisser.
Let me sound him, see what happens, okay?
Je vais lui en parler, on verra bien.
I'd like to see him get up here and let me ask him a few sneaky questions.
J'aimerais le voir s'asseoir ici et que je lui pose quelques questions vicieuses.
Laisse-moi lui dire demain matin.
Oh, François, do something. Don't let him see me like this.
François, fais quelque chose.
Will you let me get him on the phone and see if I can persuade him?
Laisse-moi l'appeler et le convaincre.
Let me call him and arrange for you and Sam to see him.
Laisse-moi prendre un rendez-vous pour Sam et toi.

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