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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ H ] / He could have

He could have translate Portuguese

4,346 parallel translation
Yeah, I just wish he could have been here to see it finally happen.
Pois, eu só queria que ele estivesse presente para ver isso finalmente acontecer.
There's every chance he could have survived.
Há hipótese de ter sobrevivido.
He could have been rich and famous, but instead he threw it all away and he opened a petting zoo.
Podíamos ter sido ricos e famosos, mas em vez disso, ele deitou tudo a perder e abriu um mini-zoo.
My point is he could have been talking about us.
... é que ele podia estar a falar de nós.
He could have refused the case easily, but he believed in the law.
Ele podia facilmente ter recusado o caso, mas acreditava na lei.
He could have helped his family to solitary, take care of them. Help them out!
Poderia ter ajudado a sua família, podia ter cuidado deles.
He could have done a lot of damage tonight.
Esta noite poderá ter feito estragos irreparáveis.
He was in the mansion. He could have overheard something.
Ele estava na mansão, deve ter ouvido algo.
He could have been alive if it wasn't for you.
Ele podia estar vivo se não fosses tu.
There's nowhere he could have got off?
Não podia ter saído?
He could have another thrombosis..
Ele poderá ter outra trombose...
Coming back to coach us, he could have died.
Ao voltar a treinar-nos, ele arriscou-se a morrer.
I guess it's possible she could have lived here for a while, and... and he just... forgot.
Mas creio é possível... Que ela possa ter vivido aqui por mais tempo. E ele...
You think he only hired me so he could have sexual intercourse with me?
Achas que ele só me está a contratar para conseguir ter uma relação sexual comigo?
He could have killed you right away. But he didn't, all right?
Ele podia ter-te matado, Mas não o fez, pois não?
He could have killed me, but he didn't. You say the Phantom told you something?
Podia ter-me matado, mas não matou.
You know, my dad, I had about 6 inches on him, and even in the end, I still think he could have taken me.
Eu era uns 15cm mais alto que o meu pai e, mesmo assim, acho que ele ainda me partia todo.
For Ivan, this was as good as any prize he could have won.
Para Ivan o prémio foi muito bom
- He could have done it.
- Ele capaz de o ter feito.
Bauer. He could have gone to the roof when our men were moving in.
Ele podia ter ido para o telhado quando vocês avançaram.
He could have been marinating a chicken and spilled barbecue sauce on his pants.
Ele pode ter marinado um frango e entornado molho nas calças.
I don't think he could have borne that.
Acho que ele não iria aguentar isso.
I can't imagine how he could have seen me in that way, quite frankly.
Eu não consigo imaginar como ele poderia ter me visto daquele jeito, francamente.
So he could have parents.
Então, talvez ele tenha pais.
I don't know how he could have known all that.
Não sei como podia saber daquilo tudo.
Well, of all the chairs he could have chosen, he chose the same chair his father chose the day he got killed.
De todas as cadeiras que podia ter escolhido, ele apanhou a cadeira que o pai se sentou no dia da sua morte.
He could have fucking died, Dad.
- Ele podia ter morrido, pai!
For all we know, he could have been having an affair.
Pelo que sabemos, ele poderia ter um caso.
How could he have remained hidden from us for so long? "
Como é que ele conseguiu esconder-se de nós durante tanto tempo? "
For example, if I were to say to the man in the second row aisle seat : "That's the ugliest goddamn orange sweater I have ever seen"... you might be astonished, because there's no way I could've known... what he'd be wearing when I recorded this 30 years ago, right?
Por exemplo, se eu disser para o homem da cadeira 2C que esse é o suéter alaranjado mais feio que eu já vi, podem ficar admirados, porque não tinha como saber qual seria a roupa quando gravei isso, há 30 anos.
We have all he could want.
Temos tudo.
Andre could have, like, any girl he wanted, and he usually did.
O Andre podia ter qualquer rapariga que quisesse, e ele geralmente queria.
He said you have bombers, I could do with some.
Ele disse que arranjavas. Dava-me jeito uns quantos.
Well, he could explain how this country is expected to maintain its national security now that he and you have laid waste to our intelligence apparatus.
Ele podia explicar, como é que agora o país poderá defender-se, quando ele e a Sra. despejaram tudo na Internet.
In that condition, could he have been riding in a straight line?
Nessas condições, ele poderia pedalar a direito?
If he could ride a bike at all, it would have been swerving.
Se conseguisse sequer montar a bicicleta, iria aos "ss".
What could he possibly have said?
O que poderia ele ter dito?
You could have waited a little longer, it looked like he had information.
Podias ter esperado um pouco mais, parecia que ele tinha informação.
I have a friend that I get American cigarettes from. He might know somebody that could help you out.
Tenho um amigo a quem compro cigarros americanos, é possível que conheça quem os possa ajudar.
If he was tied up here the whole time, how could Rex have the same phone?
Se esteve aqui amarrado, como podia o Rex ter esse telefone?
But... How could you not have noticed that he'd replaced me, Fozzie?
Mas como é que não notaste que ele me tinha substituído, Fozzie?
- You could have some. - He's not our type.
Tu podias ter algum.
Well, I'm sure you would have stayed if he could.
Bem, tenho a certeza que se ele pudesse, tinha ficado.
He could not have done this.
Ele não conseguia fazer isto.
Could have been the next Orson Welles if he'd gone to Hollywood, but he wanted to stay in Texas and tell our stories.
Poderia ter sido o próximo Orson Welles se tivesse ido para Hollywood. Mas ele quis ficar no Texas e contar as nossas histórias.
But what better way to die could he have had than on his favourite beach watching the grandchildren that he loved play play...
Mas que melhor maneira de morrer poderia ele ter tido... do que na sua praia preferida... a ver os netos que ele amava a brincar... a brincar...
But still, he must have known that his homeland was one of the most dangerous places in Europe he could possibly go.
Ainda assim, devia saber que a sua terra era um dos lugares mais perigosos para onde poderia ir na Europa.
He was widely believed to have succeeded in developing the philosopher's stone which would have given him all the wealth he could dream of as well as eternal life.
Acreditava-se que teria tido sucesso no desenvolvimento da Pedra Filosofal, o que lhe teria dado toda a riqueza que desejasse, assim como a vida eterna.
Gene always thought that if he had wanted to, he probably could have done the same thing.
Gene sempre achou que, se quisesse, poderia ter conseguido o mesmo.
And he's got a ton of fish so I thought maybe we could all have dinner tonight.
E apanhou uma tonelada de peixe. Pensei que pudesse juntar-se a nós para jantar.
Yeah, she should. One time I was having sex with someone, I was about to have sex with someone, he left the room and I was kind of on my stomach, and I didn't hear him for a little while, and I was like, " He could come back
Uma vez estava a ter sexo com alguém, estava prestes a fazer sexo com alguém, ele saiu do quarto e eu estava de barriga para baixo, e não o ouvi durante algum tempo e pensei : " Ele pode voltar

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