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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ H ] / He would have

He would have translate Portuguese

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They ruled it as a suicide. He would have never killed himself.
Foi considerado suicídio, mas ele nunca faria isso.
Whatever the killers wanted to know, he would have told them.
Ele disse aos assassinos tudo o que eles queriam saber.
If I hadn't gone with him, he would have asked Heather.
Se eu não tivesse ido com ele, ele teria pedido à Heather.
You see, Tesla was working towards a way to get everyone on the planet safe, free, limitless electricity, and he would have, except Edison did everything in his power to discredit him and crush his reputation.
Sabe, o Tesla estava a estudar uma forma de conseguir que todos no planeta vivessem seguros, livres, com electricidade ilimitada, e assim teria sido, se o Edison não tivesse feito tudo ao seu alcance para o desacreditar e destruir a sua reputação.
You think he would have done that on his own, taken it on himself?
Achas que o teria feito por conta própria?
That sucks because, I mean, he would have been the cornerstone of the whole frigging...
É uma merda, ele teria sido a pedra fundamental de todo...
I don't like it. And Hunter would have kicked your ass for so many reasons. But I also think that he would have respected your take on the songs.
Eu... eu não gosto dela, e Hunter teria-lhe dado um pontapé por várias razões, mas acho que ele teria respeitado a sua interpretação das canções.
He would have shut Ultron down.
Ele teria desativado o UItron.
Sometimes I think, had my dad had found Ben, he would have killed him and Ben's family would still be alive.
Por vezes, penso que se o meu pai tivesse encontrado o Ben, tê-lo-ia matado e a família dele ainda estaria viva.
But he would have wanted this.
Mas ele teria querido isto.
I guess it makes sense that's the last thing - he would have filmed, right.
Acho que faz sentido que seja a última coisa que teria filmado, sim.
And he would have you believe that they took her.
E ele acredita que eles a levaram.
He would have disappointed you.
Ele ter-te-ia desapontado.
He would have never been allowed within the Minister's walls.
Ele não teria tido permissão dentro das paredes do ministro.
He would have eaten him.
Ele tê-lo-ia comido.
He would have found me by now, you know?
Ele já me teria encontrado.
Um, he would have this little bowl that we got at Disney.
Ele tinha uma taça pequena que comprámos na Disney.
I think he would have liked it.
Penso que ele iria gostar.
They would go early in the morning... and next day he would have been killed.
Eles iriam de manhã cedo... e no dia seguinte ele estaria morto.
I was just going to say what she would have said but then he asked me if I worked in the laundry as well and I just started talking.
Só ia dizer o que ela teria dito, mas depois ele perguntou-me se eu também trabalhava na lavandaria e... eu comecei a falar.
He would have been suspicious if it was just "Back to the Future."
Eu conhecia o Guy. Ele teria ficado desconfiado, se fosse só o Regresso ao Futuro.
If it had been one of John's stories, he would have called it a foreshadowing.
E se tivesse sido uma das histórias do John, ele tê-lo-ia chamado de prenúncio.
He would have stolen our food.
Ele rouba a nossa comida.
If he didn't get it, she would have got it herself.
Se ele não as comprasse, ela própria as iria comprar.
So whatever he was about to say would have been certified moronic.
Seja lá o que ele fosse dizer, seria uma idiotice garantida.
Alice, if a congressman had a nail in his head, Congress would pay to have it removed. " That's what he said.
"Se um congressista tivesse um prego na cabeça, o Congresso pagaria para que lho tirassem." Foi isso que ele disse.
He would just keep me out here till I couldn't see anymore and have me plowing all zigzag.
Ele mantinha-me aqui até eu não poder ver mais e começar a lavrar em zig-zag.
So, if I had got the letter, you know, when he sent it, I would have rung him.
Por isso, se tivesse recebido a carta, sabes, quando ele a enviou, ter-lhe-ia telefonado.
'He would've loved to have been here, but there's so much to take care of.'
Ele iria gostar de estar aqui, mas há tanta coisa para tratar.
Now, I don't have a horse in this race, but I would put my money on Jim, because he's Tesla, and Edison was a dick.
Eu não tenho um cavalo nesta corrida, mas eu apostaria o meu dinheiro no Jim, porque ele é o Tesla, e o Edison era um cretino.
He gave me the option to save her, but then I would have to build an army of children.
Ele deu-me a opção de salvá-la... mas, em contrapartida, eu tinha de construir um exército de crianças.
Now, how would he have done that?
Agora, como ele teria feito isso?
Basicamente, o que tenho neste tubo...
And, honestly, I think he would run our business in a completely inorganic way that would lose us all the customers we have killed ourselves to get.
E sinceramente, iria dirigir a empresa de forma totalmente antinatural, que nos faria perder todos os clientes que nos matámos para angariar.
He sees things that Sepp never would have ever discovered.
Ele vê coisas que o Sepp nunca conseguiria ver.
Why would he ever let you have it if it was?
E porque é que ele haveria de te deixar ficar com ele se fosse?
But he wouldn't have known that. Would you?
Mas ele não tinha como saber, pois não?
He got her to do the musical, something she never would have done.
Levou-a a fazer o musical, algo que ela nunca teria feito.
Now, Israel here is not what you would call an able-bodied man, having broke his leg in the field, which didn't exactly mend right, but he can do all sorts of light work, and you can have him and the young'uns mighty cheap!
Agora, aqui o Israel Não é o que vocês chamariam um homem capaz, Tendo partido a perna no campo,
Would have been more fun if he'd have put a just a little fight.
Teria sido mais divertido se ele pudesse ter resistido mais.
YOu told me you wanted to do this, and I told you I would do it with you... but if you want my help, you have to tell me where he is.
Disseste que querias fazer isso e eu fazia contigo, mas se quiseres a minha ajuda, tem que dizer-me onde ele está.
How would it have been if Tennessee Williams hadn't used people he knew?
Como teria sido se Tennessee Williams não tivesse usado quem conhecia?
And if he'd have listened to me, that bomb would have gone off.
Se me tivesse ouvido, aquela bomba não rebentava.
He never would have made it through Security.
Nunca teria passado na Segurança.
[Ben m.] There is nothing that I could have said That would have made him feel any worse Than him listening to his own lecture that he gave me.
Nada do que eu pudesse dizer tê-lo ia feito sentir-se pior do que ter ouvido o próprio sermão que ele me deu.
If only he could have seen it, he would've finally believed it.
Se ele visse isto, finalmente acreditaria.
If I would have ran, he would not be mayor. He's not mayor.
Se eu tivesse concorrido, ele não seria presidente da câmara.
And before he lost consciousness, his skin would have flushed, accompanied by burning pain...
E antes de ter perdido a consciência, a pele deve ter inflamado, acompanhada numa dor ardente...
Yet on the day he died, thousands and thousands would gladly have died in his place.
Porém, no dia em que morreu, milhares e milhares teriam morrido de bom grado em vez dele.
OK, naive but I thought he'd plead guilty, he'd get sentenced and then it'd be done and then in a few weeks, or a month, I could go back to my home, to Broadchurch and I could cope with all the glances and the stares cos justice would have been done and he wouldn't be coming back.
Fui inocente, mas pensei que se considerava culpado, receberia a sentença e terminava. Depois, em algumas semanas, voltaria a casa, em Broadchurch e lidaria com os olhares, porque a justiça estaria feita e ele não iria voltar.
And, he said, "that would obviously be unjust, so you can't have that."
Disse : "Isso é evidentemente injusto, e não pode acontecer."

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