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I saw it translate Portuguese

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There was something in the spaceship, I saw it!
Havia algo na nave espacial, eu vi-a!
And the only reason I created my ghost-hologram in the first place was because I saw it here.
E o único motivo para criar o meu fantasma holograma para começar foi porque eu o vi aqui.
Least it was last time I saw it.
Pelo menos da última vez que o vi.
I saw it. I can't explain it.
Eu vi. Não consigo explicar.
I saw it.
Eu vi isso.
I saw it, but I still have no idea who painted it on the wall.
Eu vi-a, mas, ainda não sei quem é que a pintou na parede.
I actually felt it before I saw it.
Eu senti, antes de ver.
I saw it jump to phase 6 overnight, and I saw the government do nothing.
Vi-a passar para Fase 6 de uma noite para a outra. E vi o Governo a não fazer nada.
I saw it in a documentary.
Vi isso num documentário.
I saw it the first day you walked into that lab.
Vi isso na primeira vez que entraste naquele laboratório.
'I was there. I saw it.'
Eu estive lá, eu vi.
I saw it disappear.
Vi-o desaparecer.
And about a month ago, I was walking out to my car and... I saw it.
Há cerca de um mês, estava a ir para o meu carro e... vi-o.
The tape was delivered anonymously to me, and I have to say, the first time I saw it, David, I couldn't believe my eyes.
O vídeo foi-me entregue anonimamente, e devo dizê-lo, a primeira vez que o vi, David, não podia acreditar nos meus olhos.
I saw it, too.
Eu também vi.
I saw it...
Eu vi...
I mean, everybody saw it as a big story.
Quer dizer, toga a gente viu isto como um grande furo.
It was convenient for him to say, yeah, they were best friends and they were best buds, but I never found one person that ever saw them go anywhere together.
Era conveniente para ele dizer que sim, eram melhores amigos e tal, mas nunca encontrei uma pessoa que alguma vez os tivesse visto irem juntos a algum lado.
When I was driving towards Defiance, and I saw the glorious arch on the horizon, I thought it meant sanctuary. I was finally home.
Quando estava a vir para Defiance e vi o glorioso arco no horizonte, pensei que significasse um santuário, que estava finalmente em casa.
I was gonna file it when I saw the names.
Eu ia arquivá-lo quando vi os nomes.
I only saw the end of it.
Só vi a parte final.
Last time I saw the kit, it was in the fabrication room.
Vi o kit na sala de fabricação.
As did I, as she told me how she'd missed her boy - - it's her only child - - for every hour of every day of every week since she last saw him.
Assim como eu, quando ela me disse o quanto sentia a falta dele... seu único filho... todas as horas, todos os dias, desde que o viu pela última vez.
We saw the most spectacular aurora borealis I'd ever seen. "The fireworks of the gods," as we called it.
Então... naquela noite, vimos a mais fantástica Aurora Boreal que eu alguma vez tinha visto,
I saw Isaiah Thomas do it on a poster once, and it was cool.
Vi o Isaiah Thomas assim num poster e achei fixe.
- I never saw it.
- Eu nunca vi o filme.
No. I feel like I've seen it now, but I never saw it.
Parece-me que já vi, mas nunca vi.
And... today I saw the set and it made me think of you.
Hoje vi o local das filmagens e pensei em ti.
I saw it.
Eu vi.
And if my superiors saw fit to assign me this case, well, they must believe I'm up to it.
Se os meus superiores acharam por bem atribuir-me este caso, devem acreditar que eu sou capaz.
I saw her do it.
Vi-a fazê-lo.
I never saw it completed, but the plan was to have enough for 5,000 to 10,000 people.
Nunca vi tudo pronto, mas, o plano era ter o suficiente para 5000 a 10000 pessoas.
I saw that it was Shark Week.
Vi que era a Semana dos Tubarões.
And the future I saw for us. And it worked.
E resultou.
I saw it happen last year.
Vi acontecer o ano passado.
After the dome came down I lost it in the chaos, so when I saw this... - In my drawer?
Quando a Cúpula apareceu, perdi-o no caos, portanto quando vi isto...
Well, I... thought I saw a deer. Too bad you didn't shoot it.
Pensei ter... visto um veado.
Lily, the last time I saw you, you grabbed a hand cannon and booked it.
Lily, da última vez que te vi, agarraste numa arma gigante e fugiste.
and when we wrapped it up, I saw him go into his building.
Quando nos encontramos, eu vi-o a entrar nesse prédio.
We thought it was like the cop said- - a mugging- - but when I saw this guy was killed, I just...
Pensámos que tinha sido, como a policia disse, um assalto. Mas quando vi que este tipo tinha sido morto, Eu só...
- Okay. I thought I saw our perp, and I know I'm not supposed to be working, but technically, I wasn't working because it wasn't our guy.
Pensei ter visto o nosso criminoso, e sei que não devia estar a trabalhar, mas tecnicamente, não estava porque não era nosso homem.
I definitely saw them running away from it.
Eu vi-os a fugir dela.
It only has two seats. I saw that you had made that request.
- Vi que fez esse pedido.
So it was Marta I saw give Justin the envelope.
Então foi Marta que eu vi a entregar o envelope ao Justin.
When I saw him fall, for a moment I, um... thought it was you.
Quando o vi cair, por um momento eu... pensei que fosses tu.
I'm telling you, I saw his face. It was Andrew Campbell.
Estou a dizer-lhe que vi a cara dele, era o Andrew Campbell.
That's what I saw in their lab. They built it themselves.
Foi isso que vi no laboratório deles, Foram eles mesmos que construíram.
Let's run an IV with antibiotics, and I need some gauze, tape, bandages, and a cast saw. - I'm on it.
Vamos iniciar uma intravenosa com antibióticos, e preciso de gazes, fita adesiva, ligaduras e uma serra de gesso.
I didn't believe him at first, but then I saw him do it.
Não acreditei nele, de início, mas depois vi-o fazê-lo.
Then I saw another car coming. It was John, the neighbor.
Depois vi um carro a aproximar-se e era o John, o nosso vizinho.
I saw online earlier. It's so funny what they make those cats do.
É muito engraçado aquilo que põem aqueles gatos a fazer.

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