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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ I ] / I saw the

I saw the translate Portuguese

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I saw the way he covered it with a blanket to make it look normal for me.
Vi a maneira como ele a cobriu com um cobertor para que me parecesse normal.
When I saw the work you and Simmons were doing in replicating human tissue and internal bone structure in Coulson's hand, I knew...
Quando vi o trabalho que tu e a Simmons estavam a fazer sobre a replicação de tecido humano e estrutura óssea interna na mão do Coulson, eu soube...
Yeah, I saw the peaks.
Sim, vi os picos.
I saw the life drain from her eyes.
Eu vi a vida dela a ser drenada nos olhos dela.
I saw the photographs.
Vi as fotografias.
I saw they kept the big gates out in front.
Eu vi que mantiveram os grandes portões da frente.
I saw the number. I'd just like to hear it said out loud.
Eu vi o número, quero ouvi-lo em voz alta.
Soon as I saw the news, I knew y'all were gonna hang that on me. Really?
Assim que eu vi as notícias, sabia que iam culpar-me.
I saw the polls. I'm sorry.
Vi as sondagens.
I saw the two of you together.
Vi-vos juntos.
I saw the polls.
Vi as sondagens.
I saw the nursery for the twins. And I also saw two separate bedrooms.
Vi o berçário das gémeas e também vi dois quartos separados.
I saw the postmarks on your letters, Stefan.
Eu vi os carimbos nas tuas cartas, Stefan.
I saw a gallows being built at the garrison.
Vi uma forca a ser construída na guarnição.
I just saw some of the neighbors across the street, and they didn't wave.
Acabei de ver os vizinhos do outro lado da rua e não acenaram.
I was getting some water, and I saw something out of the window.
Eu ia buscar água, quando vi algo à janela.
Oh, I saw your boy in the fire hat just now!
Acabei de ver o teu filho com o capacete de bombeiro.
Nay-Nay, the little girl who, when we were just five-years-old in art camp, started talking to me because she saw I was scared.
Ney Ney, aquela menina de apenas cinco anos que, no campo de férias, começou a falar comigo porque viu que eu estava assustada.
The little girl, who when we were both five years old in art camp, started talking to me because she saw I was scared.
Aquela menina de apenas cinco anos que, no campo de férias, começou a falar comigo porque viu que eu estava assustada.
The little girl who, when we were just five-years-old in art camp, started talking to me because she saw I was scared and helped me make Mr. Rags.
Aquela menina de apenas cinco anos que, no campo de férias, começou a falar comigo porque viu que eu estava assustada e que me ajudou a fazer o Mr. Rags.
I saw a pin on Duncan's cloak that bears the insignia of the Clan Macfie.
Duncan tinha um alfinete com a insígnia do Clã MacFie.
I saw you race at the Milwaukee motordrome for excelsior.
Vi-te a correr no Autódromo de Milwaukee pela Excelsior.
I stole the coke, and if he saw you, he will want to kill us.
Eu roubei a coca e se ele te vir, vai querer matar-nos.
Aren't you getting a little long in the tooth for that hottie I just saw in the hall?
Não estás a ficar um pouco velho para aquela brasa que vi no corredor?
I just saw Stemple walking out of here... with a canvas that looks about the same size as that empty space on your wall. He won't be back.
Acabei de ver o Stemple a sair daqui com uma tela que parece do mesmo tamanho daquele espaço vazio na parede.
- I saw something in Willa's eyes at the place where Bobo held her.
Vi algo nos olhos da Willa no lugar onde o Bobo a prendeu.
I saw my landlord smoking in the lobby.
Vi o meu senhorio a fumar na entrada.
I don't know, witnesses saw the end of the fight.
Só temos de o provar. Não sei, as testemunhas apenas viram o final da luta.
I saw one go into a building across the way.
Vi um, entrei no prédio do outro lado.
And Franklin, shit, I don't know what the hell you ever saw in Franklin.
E o Franklin, bolas, não sei o que vê no Franklin.
I said the same thing the first time I saw it.
Eu pensei o mesmo da primeira vez.
The last time I saw Courtney, I was helping her dad at the grill while she and my little cousin played in the backyard.
A última vez que a vi, eu estava a ajudar o pai dela enquanto ela e o meu primo brincavam no quintal.
What's happening? Ashley, I stopped the scan because I saw something concerning.
Ashley, parei o scanner porque vi algo preocupante.
At the train station, I saw a U.S. general murder one of his own men.
Na estação de comboios, vi um general americano assassinar um dos seus homens.
You know, Rachel, the first time that I saw Rocco, I thought about Logan.
Sabes, Rachel, a primeira vez que vi o Rocco, pensei no Logan.
That's when I saw Henry go inside the Frank Party hut, and he wasn't alone.
Foi quando vi o Henry a entrar na barraca do Frank Party e não estava sozinho.
I never saw the Ranger in action. I mean, it's not like he drove around is a Midnight Mobile.
Nunca vi o Ranger em acção, não andava num Midnightmobile.
I didn't realize how close we were until I saw it in the paper the other day.
Só percebi a distância quando li ontem no jornal.
I don't know how it could have been the Albino, we saw a State Trooper arrest him.
Não sei como pode ter sido o Albino, vimos um policia estatal prendê-lo.
I still have to confirm the lead, but this Eddie guy claims he actually saw Piper's accomplice.
Ainda tenho que confirmar esta pista, mas este tal de Eddie clama que viu de verdade o cúmplice da Piper.
Putting aside the fact that Rob the fireman is screwing the librarian, and I am friends with his pregnant wife, now I've got two witnesses claiming they saw... what?
Pondo de lado o facto de que Rob, o bombeiro anda a montar a bibliotecária, e eu ser amiga da esposa grávida dele, agora tenho duas testemunhas a dizer que viram... O quê?
I saw one of the creatures today.
Vi uma dessas criaturas hoje.
You're looking better than the last time I saw you.
Estás com melhor aspecto do que quando te vi pela última vez.
I told you, the last time I saw D'Avin, he was taking a swing at me.
Já disse, a última vez que vi o D'avin, ele estava a dar-me um enxerto.
The bodies I saw. The clues Enzo left.
Os corpos que eu vi, as pistas que o Enzo deixou.
I saw you on the news.
Eu vi-o nas notícias.
I saw it on the news.
- Eu sei. Vi nas notícias.
Once we saw that, I contacted our friends inside the country.
Quando vimos isso, contactei os nossos amigos no país.
You've changed since the last time I saw you.
Mudou desde a última vez que a vi.
And then I saw an appointment for a justice of the peace, which doesn't seem very Caroline Forbes.
E depois vi um encontro marcado com um Magistrado, o que não faz muito o estilo da Caroline Forbes.
Look. When I went to go find you in Dallas, here's what I saw... I saw you and Ric and the kids, and you were happy.
- Olha, quando eu fui ter contigo a Dallas, eu vi-te a ti, ao Ric e às meninas.

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