Remember what translate Portuguese
8,031 parallel translation
I don't even remember what.
Eu nem me lembro o que era.
Come on, don't you remember what it was like to be a resident and have all of this death around you be new, terrifying?
Não te lembras de como foi ser um residente, teres estas mortes terríveis a acontecer à tua volta?
Do you remember what kind of a partner he is?
Já te esqueceste do tipo de parceiro que ele é?
Well, it can't be our first official fight,'cause I don't even remember what it was about.
Não deve ter sido a primeira discussão oficial, porque não me lembro do motivo. Eu lembro-me exactamente sobre o que era.
- Just remember what we talked about.
- Lembra-te do que falámos.
Just don't remember what that tree was.
Só não lembro o que era aquela árvore.
I-I cannot... remember what the author did or s...
Não consigo lembrar-me do que o autor fez...
- What... do you remember what... - You know what?
Esqueço-me de como se chama.
Anyways, do you remember what you always did when you'd take me to dinner as a kid?
Bem, lembras-te o que fazias sempre quando me levavas a jantar?
Yeah, I swear I can't remember what their actual faces look like.
Juro que já nem me lembro de como é mesmo a cara deles.
So remember what it feels like, because I know I will.
Por isso, lembra-te como te sentiste. Eu sei que me vou lembrar.
A hundred years and no one will remember what we did.
Daqui a 100 anos, ninguém se lembrará do que fizemos.
Since I'm sure that you know that those conversations were taped, and they probably are public, you could read for yourself, because I don't really remember what conversations we had.
Assumindo que certamente saberá que essas conversas foram gravadas, e provavelmente são públicas, você podia lê-las por si mesmo, porque eu realmente não me lembro que conversas tivemos.
Do you remember what he said about the state of the marriage?
Lembra-se do que é que ele disse sobre o estado do casamento?
You remember what we talked about?
Lembras-te do que nós falamos?
Remember what you said to me when we first met?
Lembras-te do que me disseste quando me conhecemos?
Remember what the dementia does?
Lembraste o que a demência faz?
Scott, remember what you promised me.
Scott, lembra-te do que tu me prometeste.
You remember what that's like?
Lembraste como isso é?
I remember what it was like to be so naive.
Lembro-me de como era ser-se tão ingénuo.
Since I laid my eyes on you yesterday, I have been trying with all of my heart to reconnect with the woman who was your mother, to remember what it felt like to mourn you and your brother after I was banished by your father.
Desde que te pus os olhos ontem, tenho tentado, do fundo do coração, reconetar-me com a mulher que foi vossa mãe, lembrar-me do que foi perder-te a ti e ao teu irmão, depois de ter sido banida pelo teu pai.
- I can remember what I had on.
- Recordo-me do que tinha vestido.
Remember what I said.
Lembras-te do que eu te disse.
Do you remember what we talked about...
Lembras-te de nós falarmos de eu...
Do you remember what I said about wolves having a... alpha leader?
Lembras-te quando eu disse que os lobos... têm um "macho alfa"? Sim.
By now, I can't even remember what I was trying to say in the first place.
Eu já nem me lembro o que estava a tentar dizer.
Remember what he said?
Lembras-te o que ele disse?
Because I... I wanted to remember what... What we had accomplished.
Porque queria lembrar-me o que... o que conseguimos.
I don't remember that. What did you eat'?
Não me lembro.
What do we usually remember?
- Como assim?
I remember exactly what it was about.
Esqueci-me completamente, Kay-Kay.
I mean, we only remember the final loop, so who knows what else you did in there?
Só nos lembramos do último loop, então quem sabe o que mais fizeste.
You're the one who helped us understand what was going on with the Sirens, remember?
Tu é que nos ajudaste a compreender o que se passava com as Sirens, lembraste?
What? Don't you remember my favorite dessert?
Não te lembras da minha sobremesa favorita?
What made you remember him?
Por que te lembraste dele?
What if she knew I'd remember that, and she left this to let us know where they were taking her.
E se ela soubesse que eu me ia lembrar disso, e nos deixou isto para sabermos para onde a levavam?
That's what you remember?
É disso que te lembras?
Come on, man, what, you think I remember every person that ever worked there?
Vá lá, meu? Achas que lembro-me de todos - os que trabalharam lá?
Remember what?
Lembrar-me do quê?
And what does this mean? "Remember"?
E o que isto significa? "Lembra-te".
I didn't remember... where, who with, what we did.
Não me lembrava onde, com quem, o que fizemos.
So, the night that she disappeared, that Sunday night, or the last night that you saw her, do you want to just take me through what you remember happening that night?
Então, na noite em que ela desapareceu, esse domingo à noite, ou a última noite que a viu, quer guiar-me através do que se lembra ter acontecido naquela noite?
What did she say, if you remember?
Lembra-se do que é que ela disse?
They can help you remember... what it was to be good.
Vai ajudar-te a recordar como era ser bom...
We have yet to discuss what we'll do if Stefan fails to remember me.
Ainda temos de discutir o que faremos, se o Stefan não se lembrar de mim. O quê?
Yeah. I do, actually, but I can't remember in what context.
De facto, mas não consigo lembrar-me do contexto.
What i remember, rice was the kind of guy That always had to be the center of attention.
Pelo que me lembro, o Rice é do tipo que sempre teve que ser o centro das atenções.
You remember what happened to your last pet.
Lembra-te o que se passou com o teu último bichinho.
- I don't remember what he said.
Não me lembro o que ele disse.
The first thing I remember when she said that he was dead was what I said in the movie, that I think they're going to find him dead some day because, barring a miracle, there was no way out for him.
A primeira coisa que lembrei quando ela disse que tinha morrido foi o que eu disse no filme, que achava que um dia o iriam encontrar morto. A não ser que houvesse um milagre, não havia saída para ele.
Well, what do you remember?
Bem, do que te lembras?
remember what i taught you 16
remember what you said 29
remember what we talked about 38
remember what i told you 67
remember what i said 72
what 176647
what are you doing 28810
what are you talking about 12491
what is it 20402
what do you mean 18295
remember what you said 29
remember what we talked about 38
remember what i told you 67
remember what i said 72
what 176647
what are you doing 28810
what are you talking about 12491
what is it 20402
what do you mean 18295
what happened 16539
what's up 12096
what are you doing here 13243
whatever 7954
what are you doing right now 114
what did you do today 56
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what do you want 9254
what do you think 9124
what's up 12096
what are you doing here 13243
whatever 7954
what are you doing right now 114
what did you do today 56
what are you wearing 305
what are they like 58
what do you want 9254
what do you think 9124
what are these 350
what's your name 4643
what are you 4599
what have you got 603
what's happened 1050
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what's the 204
what is this 7416
what is that 6346
what's the matter 6346
what's your name 4643
what are you 4599
what have you got 603
what's happened 1050
whatcha doing 80
what's the 204
what is this 7416
what is that 6346
what's the matter 6346
what the hell 6066
what's going on 16788
what are you doing now 174
what's wrong 10695
what are you up to 648
what's this 5587
what's going on 16788
what are you doing now 174
what's wrong 10695
what are you up to 648
what's this 5587