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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ W ] / We were

We were translate Portuguese

75,408 parallel translation
If we were back at home, we'd have a full gallery, a Webcast.
Se estivéssemos em casa, teríamos uma galeria completa, um webcast.
You said we were secure.
Disseste que estávamos seguros.
I thought we were organising the helicopter.
Pensava que íamos preparar o helicóptero.
You knew we were thinking about that.
Sabias que estávamos a pensar nisso.
- They grabbed a building in Canarsie at an auction through a holding company that we were able to link to Cal Roberts.
Compraram um edifício em Canarsie, num leilão, por meio de uma empresa que descobrimos pertencer ao Cal Roberts.
I mean, we were so young, you know, we were just kids, but I wasn't sure if you...
Éramos miúdos apenas, mas eu não tinha a certeza se tu...
- We were able to bring safe water directly to the residents of Clarksville, but hopefully that's just the beginning.
Levámos água potável aos residentes de Clarksville, e esperamos que esse seja o início da mudança.
We were never meant to have ID badges and buildings in New York.
Nunca devíamos ter tido crachás e edifícios em Nova Iorque.
We were amazing last night.
Ontem fomos incríveis.
Yeah, we were having coffee the other day.
- Sim. Fomos tomar café no outro dia.
We were taking a stand for Dr. Webber.
Não entendo por que...
When we were in our car, on the way to the seaport.
No carro, a caminho do porto.
Yes, but we were able to intervene very quickly.
Teve, mas interviemos rapidamente.
How did you know where we were?
- Como sabias onde estávamos?
- I thought we were cool.
- Achei que estávamos bem.
Why... If we can't do what we say we were gonna do, then...
Se não podemos cumprir a nossa palavra, se não temos controlo,
It's what we were designed to do.
Fomos programados para isso.
Hey, you know last night, when we were talking about AA?
Lembras-te de termos falado dos Alcoólicos Anónimos ontem?
We were told everyone was evacuated. Somehow, these people weren't.
Disseram que toda gente tinha saído, mas aquelas pessoas não saíram.
We were busting your balls over there, but listen, your old man was a good cop, Kyle, one of the best.
Estávamos a gozar consigo, ali, mas ouça, o seu velhote era um bom policial, Kyle, um dos melhores.
We were into everything.
Estávamos em tudo.
We had no idea what kind of people we were dealing with... how far up it went.
Não tínhamos ideia do tipo de pessoas com que lidávamos, até chegar onde chegou.
We were past the point of no return.
Passámos do ponto sem retorno.
We were pressed for time.
- Estávamos com pressa.
Uh, we were awake all night in a wedding venue rabbit hole.
Ficamos acordados a noite toda num buraco de coelhos.
When we were unconscious, they even reprogrammed my watch to make us think that we flew for four hours, when they only drove us for one.
Quando estávamos inconscientes, até reprogramaram meu relógio para acreditarmos que passaram quatro horas, quando foi só uma.
Well, we thought we were kidnapped to a secret government compound in Norteguay, but it turns out it was just Simi Valley.
Onde é que estão? Pensei que estivéssemos num complexo em Norteguay, mas vimos que era só Simi Valley.
I mean, he foolishly confirmed his own motive before he even knew why we were here.
Ele confirmou o próprio motivo antes de saber - porque estávamos aqui.
because we were such tools.
porque éramos umas belas peças.
We were way off.
Well, we were following something.
Estávamos a seguir qualquer coisa.
We were in such a good place.
Nós estavamos tão bem.
I thought we were...
Pensei que nós estavamos...
I thought we were friends.
Pensei que eramos amigos.
I mean, we got on the charts and we started getting radio play, we were gonna be booked for this big tour.
Digo, nós aparecemos nas listas e começamos a passar na rádio, nós iamos ser contratados para uma grande tourné.
I mean, we were gonna make it so big.
Digo, iamos ser grandiosos.
We were gonna make it big, and then Ash said he was gonna going solo.
Nós iamos ser grandes e então o Ash disse que ele ia tocar a solo.
We were on the phone when he got cut off, and...
Estávamos ao telefone quando ele foi interrompido e...
- One night we were like, "Uh-oh!"
- Uma noite, sem querer.
I thought he knew we were coming.
Pensei que ele sabia que vínhamos!
- We need to start finding the LEDAs faster or else were just sticking around down here.
Temos de descobrir as Ledas depressa ou tudo isto é inútil.
What's happening? You were in a car accident and you were pretty badly injured, but we're checking you out now.
Sofreu um acidente, estamos a examiná-la.
There were press conferences. We walked through the forest with flashlights.
Houve conferências de imprensa, andámos pela floresta com lanternas.
This couple we're asking about, we know they were in here, we know they paid with cash.
Este casal, de que falamos, sabemos que estiveram aqui, sabemos que pagaram a dinheiro.
The only leads we have were the keys.
As únicas pistas que temos, são as chaves.
We thought you were never gonna leave.
Nós pensamos que vocês nunca fossem sair.
We need to determine if David and Robbie were targeted or if their abduction was a crime of opportunity.
Temos de determinar se o David e o Robbie foram alvos ou se o seu sequestro foi um crime de oportunidade.
Listen, we believe, the Americans were abducted by a local gang...
Acreditamos que os americanos foram sequestrados por um gangue local.
Well, we struck out on I.D.ing our third suspect, but given the fact that they were targeted and the violence, we think that this was a personal vendetta.
Não identificamos o nosso terceiro suspeito, mas o dado o facto de serem alvos e a violência, achamos que isto é uma vingança pessoal.
While you were in the bunker, we found out that Forrest Gump is real.
Enquanto estavas no bunker, descobrimos que ele existe.
Richard and I were so anxious to get started with this new chapter in our lives and it was brought to my attention that if I get these signed and get'em back to Durnsville by Thursday, we could actually get married on Fried Chicken Night.
Mas estamos tão ansiosos por começarmos este novo capítulo das nossas vidas. E alertaram-me para isto : se os tivesse assinados e os levasse para Durnsville até quinta-feira, podíamos casar na Noite do Frango Frito.

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