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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ W ] / We were attacked

We were attacked translate Portuguese

290 parallel translation
We were attacked.
Fomos atacados.
Then we were attacked in the village.
Depois, fomos atacados no vilarejo.
You were on the bridge when we were attacked.
Estava na ponte, quando fomos atacados.
Your report. We were attacked, captain.
Fomos atacados, Capitão.
In AIgeria one night, we were attacked at a first-aid post near Setif.
Na Argélia, uma noite, atacaram-nos num posto de socorro, perto de Sétif...
Most interesting. We were attacked by a thermonuclear missile from a planet which should have no such weapon.
Fomos atacados por um míssil termonuclear, vindo de um planeta que não deveria ter tal arma.
It was terrible! We were attacked by vampires! I only just escaped.
Foi horrível, fomos atacados por vampiros e só eu consegui escapar.
We were attacked by a bear, and a mountain lion, we got lost...
Fomos atacados por um urso e um leão das montanhas, e perdemo-nos...
During the passage of the River Bug, we were attacked by several obsolete Russian airplanes,
Durante a travessia do Rio Bug, fomos atacados por vários
According to the radio, we were attacked by the French air force.
- Disseram pela rádio que... fomos atacados pelas forças aéreas francesas.
Let's assume we were attacked... by a death squad or something... and the person you have chosen... could decide which of us eight should survive.
Suponhamos que nos ataca... um esquadrão da morte ou algo assim... e esta pessoa... pudesse decidir quem dos oito sobreviveria.
If we were attacked without being able to recall our warriors... we wouldn't have a chance.
Se formos atacados... sem termos forma de chamar os nossos guerreiros... Não teríamos nenhuma hipótese.
If we were attacked without being able to recall our Warriors, we wouldn't have a chance.
Se fossemos atacados... e não pudessemos chamar os nossos guerreiros... não teriamos qualquer chance.
On the way we were attacked by a bunch of highwaymen. We managed to shake them off. After the attack,... two soldiers rode up and called me "Your Majesty".
No caminho, fomos atacados por um bando armado... eu os despistei, mas depois do ataque, dois soldados que nos acompanhavam... se aproximaram e me chamaram de Majestade.
- We were attacked by a werewolf.
- Nós fomos atacados por um lobisomem.
We were attacked by a lycanthrope.
Fomos atacados por um licantropo.
Several months ago we were attacked.
Há muitos meses atrás, fomos atacados.
- We were attacked. - That's true.
Fomos atacados.
However, this afternoon we were attacked by a gang ofjuvenile delinquents.
Mas esta tarde, fomos atacados... por um grupo de delinquentes juvenis.
We were attacked by five purple people eaters.
Fomos atacados, por cinco líderes roxos.
We were attacked by one of your satellites.
Fomos atacados pelos vossos satélites.
- If you remember, we were attacked by that pan-dimensional liquid beast from the Mogidon Cluster.
Como se deve lembrar, nós fomos atacados por aquele monstro líquido de outra dimensão.
Of course, when we were attacked we answer and opinions of Kennedy and lost power.
Obviamente, quando os EUA foram atacados, teve de responder e as suas crenças "perderam o significado".
We were attacked.
Fomos atacados...
The next thing I knew we were attacked by the mountain lion.
Quando dei por mim, fomos atacados pelo puma.
We were attacked here.
Atacaram-nos aqui.
We found this where we were attacked.
Encontramos isto onde fomos atacadas.
We were attacked by the Kazon-Nistrim.
Fomos atacados pelos Kazon-Nistrim.
Worse than the time we were attacked by the flesh-eating virus?
Pior do que quando fomos atacados por aquele vírus carnívoro?
And then we were attacked by the Vidiians, but we managed to escape and get back here.
Então fomos atacados pelos Vidiianos, mas conseguimos escapar e voltar aqui.
I was running the da Vinci simulation when we were attacked.
Eu estava rodando a simulação Da Vinci no momento do ataque.
We were attacked on Centauri Prime by other Centauri opposed to Mollari.
Nós fomos atacados em Centauri Prime por outro Centauri que se opunha ao Mollari.
We were attacked. By a wing of Cardassian ships, ironically.
Fomos atacados por uma esquadrilha de naves cardassianas, ironicamente.
Everything was going according to plan... until... .. we were attacked... by your people, the Kyrians.
Tudo ia de acordo com o planejado... até que... fomos atacados, pelo seu povo, os Kyrianos.
Sir, we were passing through the village when bandits attacked to rob us.
Senhor, nós passavamos pela aldeia quando bandidos nos assaltaram para nos roubar.
We knew the difficulties that them they were inherent, to the step that the Germans, that they did not have them, if they placed in the skin of that they were attacked.
Sabíamos as dificuldades que lhes eram inerentes, ao passo que os alemães, que não os tinham, se colocavam na pele daqueles que eram atacados.
We were accustomed the lesser attacks, e when it knew that a thousand bombers attacked Colony, it was incredible.
Estávamos habituados a ataques mais pequenos, e quando soube que mil bombardeiros atacavam Colónia, foi inacreditável.
Yes, sir, we were. Until two humans, strangers, came, attacked us and ran off.
Sim, senhor, era o que estávamos fazendo... até que dois humanos forasteiros chegaram, nos atacaram e fugiram.
When the Germans attacked, we were in a hopeless position.
Quando os germanos atacaram, estávamos numa posição indefensável.
We were attacked.' - Emergency in Weapon Section.
Na secção de armas de emergência!
Yesterday we came across a group of natives and were attacked... quite successfully.
Ontem encontramos com um grupo de nativos e fomos atacados... com todo êxito.
Farina got attacked by a chicken and reacted. The men, taken by surprise thought we were being attacked by Greek chickens.
Farina foi atacado por uma galinha e reagiu - justamente, quanto a mim -, a tropa, apanhada de surpresa... achou que eram atacados por galinhas gregas e...
We were halfway through the procedure when suddenly he... attacked me.
Estávamos a metade do processo quando de repente... me atacou.
If you knew where we were, you should have attacked.
Talvez deveria ter nos atacado.
We were watching when Professor Galen was attacked.
Nós estávamos observando camuflados quando Professor Galen foi atacado.
We were attacked by a larger force.
Eu caí.
There's evidence of trauma to the nervous system, just like we found in B'EIanna and Tom after they were attacked.
Há evidência de trauma no sistema nervoso, exactamente como encontramos em B'Elanna e Tom depois que eles foram atacados.
We were on our way to the festival, when, something attacked us.
Íamos a caminho da festa quando algo nos atacou.
We were attacked without warning by aliens.
Fomos atacados indefesos por alienígenas.
Until we traced a phone call he made the night you were attacked.
Fez uma chamada de um telemóvel naquela noite.
And yet he attacked us, and he told the Ba'ku that we were a threat.
Mesmo assim atacou-nos e disse aos Ba'ku que éramos uma ameaça.

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