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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ W ] / We were here

We were here translate Portuguese

3,171 parallel translation
Whoa! Graham, we were here first.
Graham, chegámos primeiro.
I was under the impression that we were here so you could persuade us to vote yes.
Tinha a impressão que estaria aqui para nos convencer a votar sim.
How did you know we were here?
Como sabias que estávamos aqui?
I thought we were here to discuss the plea.
Pensei que estavamos aqui para discutir um acordo.
Last time, when we were here before, it was bigger, plus grand, different colour, différente couleur.
Da última vez que estivemos aqui, era maior, mais grandioso, cor diferente.
How did you even know we were here?
- Como souberam que estávamos aqui?
We were here.
- Não passámos já por aqui? ...
You said we were here to discuss obstruction charges. Oh, obstruction, accessory...
Disse que estávamos aqui por acusações de obstrução à justiça.
We were gonna build a tract of homes all the way up to here.
"Vamos construir uma estrada das vossas casas até aqui."
I'm pretty sure if you did know what we were doing in here, you would have knocked first.
Tenho a certeza que se soubesses, tinhas batido na porta antes.
Because we trusted you, because we thought you were old enough and responsible enough to be left on your own out here.
Porque confiámos em ti, porque pensámos que tu tinhas idade e responsabilidade suficientes para ficares aqui sozinho.
We were supposed to go find the spirit portals, but I don't know how to find anything down here.
Devíamos encontrar os Portais Espirituais, mas não sei como encontrar uma coisa aqui em baixo.
Before, when you said that we were going to be safe here, you were lying, right?
Antes, quando disseste que nós iríamos ficar seguros aqui, estavas a mentir, não estavas?
Mother, the last time we saw young Flood, here, we were in Springfield.
Mãe, a última vez que vimos o jovem Flood, estávamos em Springfield.
Um, all of the bathrooms upstairs were full, so we came down here, but we can use the ones on the second floor.
As casas-de-banho lá de cima estavam ocupadas, por isso viemos aqui abaixo, mas podemos usar as do segundo andar.
It doesn't even matter. We're just so lucky you were here.
Não importa, tivemos muita sorte por estares aqui.
First time I come down here to old Mexico, I guess roughly on... We were going to buy some cheap cattle.
A primeira vez que eu vim aqui no velho México, acho que mais ou menos em... eu acho que viemos comprar alguns gados baratos.
If I knew you were gonna be here, we could've carpooled. I know.
Se soubesse que vinhas, tinha-te dado boleia.
That's one thing we haven't had around here... someone with that mind-set. I thought you were here for your good looks.
- Achei que estavas cá por seres bonito.
- I will fetch him. - Tell me why I am here or I will leave. We both think it best if Alessandro were present before we...
Especialmente se ele não tem sua própria... mas eu não sou nada mais do que um agente, um rapaz mensageiro.
We were safe until you got here.
Bem, estávamos bem até tu chegares.
And we know that seven of the bodies were buried out here.
E sabemos que sete dos corpos estavam aqui enterrados.
Now before you call me a communist or socialist or whatever word you use for somebody who tries to help this fellow men, let me remind you of one thing, all the great leaders who have tried to achieve what we have here were struck down and killed.
E antes que me chame comunista ou socialista, ou qualquer que seja a palavra que usa para alguém que tenta ajudar o seu semelhante, deixe-me recordar-lhe uma coisa, todos os grandes líderes que tentaram alcançar o que aqui temos, foram derrubados e mortos.
We were doing something great down here.
Estávamos a fazer algo de fantástico.
And if you weren't who you were and had never been with him and somehow we had still come together right here right now,
Se não fosse quem era, e nunca tivesse estado com ele, e acabássemos onde estamos agora,
I think we would know if Spencer were here.
Acho que se a Spencer tivesse vindo, saberíamos.
Miss Isabelle, I'm sorry, I know that we're just volunteers here, but Kurt and I were wondering if there was any possibility that we could maybe watch the performance from the audience.
Menina Isabelle, desculpe, sei que somos só voluntários, mas eu e o Kurt estávamos a pensar se não havia uma possibilidade de talvez vermos a actuação do público.
One day, you're the way you were before, or the way I was before, and the next, we're here...
Um dia... estás como estavas e eu estava como estava... e agora estamos aqui...
I'm pretty sure if you did know what we were doing in here, you would have knocked first.
Tenho a certeza que se não soubesses, teria batido à porta primeiro.
We're talking a big age difference here, do you think that they were in love?
É uma grande diferença de idades, acha que estavam apaixonados?
I knew we were playing with dynamite here and it all had to be handled very carefully.
Eu sabia que era um assunto sensível e tinha de ser lidado com cuidado.
No, we were, uh, just finishing up here. These are great.
Estão ótimos.
And here I thought we were mending fences.
Agora que nos estávamos a aproximar.
That's why we came out here, to get the scent. It's not Peter. We were tracking the vargulf.
Estamos à procura do vargulf.
The other morning when we were out here, you said you hadn't seen Keith Summers.
Naquela manhã em que estivemos aqui disse-nos que não tinha visto o Keith Summers.
But we have an eyewitness who was driving by here who said he saw him standing right here on your front lawn and that you and your son were talking to him.
Temos uma testemunha ocular que passou aqui de carro e que nos disse que o viu aqui, na sua entrada. E que a senhora e o seu filho estavam a falar com ele.
Since we're stuck in here together, it would be easier if we were friends.
Já que estamos presas aqui juntas, seria tudo mais fácil se fossemos amigas.
We were happy here.
Fomos felizes, aqui.
We need as many guns as were in here.
Precisamos de todas as armas que aqui estavam.
I thought we were just gonna get in and get the hell out of here.
Achei que íamos só ver e ir embora.
If she hadn't come here, we never would have known they were taken.
Se ela não viesse até aqui, nunca saberíamos que tinham sido raptados.
Said that you were gonna change your mind. Here we go.
Disse que ias mudar de ideias.
From the moment you heard me sing, since you found me in the cave, since we were put here on this earth, everything in our lives has led us to this time, this place.
Desde que me ouviste cantar, desde que me encontraste na caverna, desde que fomos colocados aqui na Terra, tudo nas nossas vidas nos levou a este momento e a este lugar.
But, please, we were sent here to help you find him.
Mas, por favor... fomos enviados para o ajudar a encontrá-lo.
If-if you'll just listen, I believe that we were sent here, uh, to find you, to help you.
Se puder ouvir-me, creio que viemos até aqui... para o encontrar e ajudar.
So, Tommy, here I thought you just worked for Albert Vogel, the auctioneer, but... guess what we found when we were processing
Tommy, achei que você só trabalhava para o Albert Vogel, o leiloeiro, mas...
Well, I'm not spying on the guy or anything, but we were out here a little later.
Bem, não espio o tipo ou coisa parecida, mas ficamos aqui fora até tarde.
What went on here while we were gone?
O que aconteceu aqui quando não estávamos?
But he brought his business here when we were barely standing.
Mas trouxe-nos o negócio dele quando mal nos aguentávamos de pé.
And here we were just watering him and facing him towards the sunlight.
E aqui estávamos nós, apenas a regá-lo e a pô-lo de frente para o sol.
If it was more than a crazy hunch, there'd be a whole FBI team in here, not just one guy with a flashlight who thought we were asleep.
Se fosse mais do que um palpite de doidos, estaria aqui toda uma equipa do FBI, não apenas um tipo com uma lanterna, que achava que estávamos a dormir.

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