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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ W ] / We were wondering

We were wondering translate Portuguese

592 parallel translation
We were wondering if we could talk to you about your son.
Queríamos saber se podemos falar um pouco sobre o seu filho.
You know we were wondering why you couldnt come with us to ask the Wizard for a heart.
Sabes... ... podias ir connosco... ... pedir um coração ao Feiticeiro.
We were wondering what happened to you.
Nos perguntávamos por você.
- We were wondering if you were coming.
- Olá, Johnny. - Perguntávamo-nos se viria.
you know, just the other da y, i was talking to myself about you, and we were wondering what had become of you.
Sabes, ainda no outro dia, Estava a falar comigo mesmo sobre ti, E perguntámo-nos o que era feito de ti.
We were wondering, Dee..
Delia, Anne e eu...
By the way, we were wondering why we don't see you around much in the evenings?
" A propósito, estava a pensar por que não a vejo por aqui à noite?
We were wondering if the court shares our curiosity about him?
Será que o tribunal partilha a nossa curiosidade sobre ele?
Vimos seu nome na lista, estávamos imaginando onde estaria.
The party looks like breaking up, and we were wondering if... Oh, I'm coming.
- A festa parece estar a acabar...
- Hmm. We were wondering if you knew her.
- Pensámos se a conheceria.
My dear, we were wondering, among the savages, is it true...?
Minha querida, estávamos a pensar... Entre os selvagens, é verdade que...
- We were wondering
- Estávamos nos perguntando
We were wondering what had become of you.
Já nos perguntávamos o que era feito de si.
We were wondering what had become of you.
- Bom dia. Perguntavamo-nos no trabalho o que te teria acontecido.
We were wondering if you'd come and answer the door in a sketch over there, in that sort of direction...
Queria saber se podia vir abrir a porta num sketch mais ou menos naquela direcção.
We were wondering if we could possibly borrow your head for a piece of animation.
Será que podia emprestar-nos a sua cabeça para uma animação? - O quê?
We were wondering about dinner.
Queremos saber do jantar.
We were wondering what had become of you.
- Nós saber você se torna.
Edward, we were wondering what had become of you.
Edward, nós estávamos desejando saber onde se meteu.
We were wondering, what is the job situation like around here?
Como é o mercado de trabalho aqui?
So, we were wondering if you wouldn't mind taking it back and giving us the two pound.
Portanto, gostaríamos que aceitasse isto de volta e nos devolvesse as duas libras.
We were wondering where they were.
Nós já estávamos inquietos.
We were wondering if you would undertake to investigate the matter.
Por isso lhe pedimos se poderia investigar o caso.
Uh, Mr. Tuthill, look. We were just... What we were wondering...
Diga-me uma coisa, Sr. Tuthill...
We were wondering if maybe you had experienced any disturbances lately.
Têm tido alguns distúrbios, ultimamente?
And we were wondering if there were any articles in our home you and Mrs. Henry would care to... buy.
E gostava de saber se há alguns artigos da nossa casa que o Mr e Mrs Henry quisessem... comprar. Mas tem uma fábrica aqui.
We were wondering... how in the hell they're bugging everywhere we go before we get there, and we're carrying the mikes right along with us.
Não sabíamos como nos escutavam. Sabiam de tudo, e nós o tempo todo com os microfones.
Good. We were wondering why you came, Comrade Major Pribluda.
Estávamos a pensar porque razão veio, Camarada Major Pribluda.
We were wondering if it was possible for you to identify this.
Queremos saber se existe a possibilidade de identificar isto.
We're having a state visit tomorrow, and we were wondering if you and Mr Halliday could attend the lunch?
Teremos uma visita de Estado amanhã, e estavamos a pensar se você e o Mr Halliday poderiam vir ao almoço Oficial?
So, we were, uh, we were wondering what happened to the charts and, uh, and the maps that were in it.
Queríamos saber o que aconteceu aos mapas que estavam lá dentro.
We were wondering if you could tell us where the best hotel in town is.
Podia dizer-nos onde fica o melhor hotel da cidade?
We were just wondering what had become of you.
Todos perguntam por Vc.
Your guests were also wondering whether the music couldn't be a shade more on the, shall we say, happier side?
Os teus convidados também perguntaram se a música não podia ser um pouco mais... digamos, alegre?
We were just wondering if you had anything to add... from what you told us last night.
Estavamos precisamente a pensar se você teria algo a acrescentar... àquilo que nos disse ontem à noite.
We were all wondering...
Estávamos a pensar...
Every night we would go to bed wondering if this were D-day.
Todas as noites íamos para cama esperando o dia D.
And we were also wondering why, of all the healers and prophets of that time, such as Simon the Magician, for instance,
E perguntávamo-nos porquê, havendo tantos milagreiros e iluminados nessa época, Simão o Mágico, por exemplo,
We were just wondering how...
Estávamos a interrogar-nos...
We were doing a story on this... and I was wondering if you would care to comment or explain?
Estamos a escrever sobre isso. Quer fazer algum comentário ou explicar?
You were Hugh Sloan's bookkeeper when he worked for Maurice Stans at Finance... and we were just wondering if you were... promoted to work for Mr. Stans immediately after Mr. Sloan quit... or whether there was some time lapse?
Trabalhou para o Sloan quando ele estava nas Finanças com o Stans. Queríamos só saber se você... trabalhou para o Stans mal o Sloan se demitiu... ou muito tempo depois disso?
You were saying you supposed we were all wondering why you called us.
Você estava dizendo que supunha que estaríamos querendo saber porque nos chamou aqui.
And I was wondering- - if we were to pay you the fine right now, do you think you could take care of it for us?
E eu estava querendo saber.. se poderíamos pagar a multa agora mesmo, Você poderia cuidar disso pra gente?
Look, Manuel, we were just wondering...
- Manuel, estávamos a pensar...
Sir, those of us staying summer session were wondering... We wondered if...
Senhor, aqueles que vão ficar no Verão perguntam-se... perguntamo-nos...
I was thinking about the last time that we were together. And I was wondering have you been able to find a....
Sabes, estava a pensar na última vez que estivémos juntos... e perguntava-me... já conseguiste encontrar um... um...
We were just wondering how it got out of your possession.
Queremos saber como se escapou das suas mãos.
KlTT. Well, I was just wondering... if we were trapped in the bowels of the earth... just prior to an underground nuclear test- -
Bem, eu estava apenas ponderando... se fossemos apanhados pelos intestinos da terra... antes de um teste nuclear subterraneo...
We were both wondering why your seatbelt wasn't fastened at the time of the crash.
Queríamos ambos saber... Porque é que o seu cinto não estava apertado na altura do acidente?
We were both wondering.
Estávamos ambos intrigados.

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