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We were lucky translate Portuguese

355 parallel translation
We were lucky enough to arrive while Miss O'Shaughnessy was there.
Tivemos muita sorte em chegar quando Miss O'Shaughnessy lá estava.
We were lucky.
- Tivemos sorte.
We weren't, but not because we were lucky.
Nós conseguimos, mas não foi por sorte.
We were lucky. I managed to keep the Sternwoods out of it.
Foi sorte conseguir não os meter naquilo.
Suppose we were lucky we didn't make it official.
Mas é engraçado o que a imaginação faz.
- No. We were lucky.
- Não, tivemos sorte.
[Pittenger] We managed to be on the Friday train, headed south. So far, we were lucky.
Conseguimos tomar o comboio que ia par o sul na sexta-feira... até agora, tivemos sorte.
We were lucky to get a murder case.
Sorte nossa apanhar um caso de homicídio.
- I'd say we were lucky all around.
- Eu diria que tivemos sorte.
Suppose we were lucky enough to stumble across'em.
Imagina que temos a sorte de dar com eles.
We were lucky to escape the ice and the snow that covered most of the Bulge.
Tivemos a sorte de escapar do gelo e da neve que cobriu a maior parte do Bulge.
Não sei o que nos pode acontecer.
Say we were lucky enough to get there.
Digamos que temos a sorte de là chegar.
We were lucky to have you.
Tivemos muita sorte em o ter.
Same as got robbed from a train on the MKT a month ago, and which we were lucky enough to pick up.
O mesmo foi roubado do comboio MK e T o mês passado, que tivemos sorte de apanhá-lo.
We were lucky.
Tivemos sorte...
That's right, lieutenant. We were lucky to have one of your men here.
Tivemos a sorte de ter aqui um dos seus homens.
We were lucky to get these two.
Foi sorte apanhar estas duas.
And we were lucky enough to have him join us later... in the Mercury.
E estávamos com muita sorte por tê-lo connosco mais tarde no teatro Mercury.
You know, we were lucky tonight.
Esta noite, tivemos sorte.
I think we were lucky.
Tivemos sorte.
- Oh, we were lucky. We did the best we could.
- Demos o nosso melhor...
Well, we were lucky this time.
Desta vez, tivemos sorte.
Needless to say, we were unable to film all 53 competitors, but we were lucky enough to catch the overall winner.
Não conseguimos filmar todos os 53 participantes e tivemos sorte de conseguir filmar o vencedor.
We were lucky.
Tivemos sorte.
We were lucky, Colonel.
Fizemos um bom tempo, Coronel.
- We were lucky to find you two.
- Nós tivemos sorte em encontrar os dois.
We were lucky to get a jeep, since, just the day before, only one we had broke down.
Tivemos sorte em arranjar um jipe, porque, no dia anterior, o único que tínhamos avariou-se.
We were lucky today.
Hoje, tivemos sorte.
We were lucky today, just lucky.
Hoje tivemos sorte, pura sorte.
and dad would beat us around the head and neck with a broken bottle, if we were lucky!
e o nosso pai batia-nos na cabeça e no pescoço com uma garrafa partida, se tivéssemos sorte!
But see, we were lucky,'cause at least we had a job.
Mas nós tínhamos sorte, pelo menos tínhamos emprego.
We sure were lucky.
Tivemos sorte...
He said it was his lucky day when we were playing poker.
Esquisito. Disse que era o seu dia de sorte a jogar o "pocker". Sim, lembro-me.
- No, sir, but we sure were lucky.
- Não, mas tivemos muita sorte.
- We were lucky.
- Tivemos sorte.
We were lucky to find this place.
Temos sorte em encontrar este sítio.
In fact, we were just two lucky fellows who had success very young.
Fomos simplesmente dois rapazes que alcançaram o êxito muito jovens.
Lucky for him, we were so close to them bloodhounds.
Teve sorte de que estivéssemos ali por perto.
What about your crew? Oh, we were very lucky.
E a sua tripulação?
Yes, we were very lucky, came back on one engine.
Sim, tivemos muita sorte.
We weren't a very lucky team, were we?
Éramos uma equipa com sorte.
We were all shooting at this thing... Maybe the one who got the bullet was lucky.
Todos disparamos contra a coisa talvez ele teve a sorte de ter sido morto por uma bala.
- We sure were lucky this afternoon.
- Tivemos sorte, esta tarde.
See, Dad, we were born under a lucky star.
- Veja papá, nascemos virados para sol.
You ought to count yourself lucky we were on our toes last night.
Deve considerar-se afortunado por estarmos activas ontem à noite.
We were damned lucky to get away at all.
Tivemos sorte em escapar.
What it boils down to, if someone didn't get lucky... and smell garlic on the shirtsleeves of a diabetic, we never would have known you two were here.
O que significa que, se alguém não tivesse tido a sorte de sentir o cheiro a alho nas mangas da camisa de um diabético, nunca teríamos sabido que os dois cá tinham estado.
We were very lucky to get it.
Tivemos sorte em consegui-la.
It was the last one. We were very lucky
- Era o último, tivemos muita sorte...
We were sure lucky to find you.
Tivemos sorte em os encontrar.

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