We were married for translate Portuguese
111 parallel translation
Lieutenant, we were married for 22 years.
Tenente, nós fomos casados durante 22 anos e não tivemos filhos.
We were married for 11 years.
Quando se está casada onze anos, fica-se a conhecer muita coisa.
We were married for 27 years.
Fomos casados durante 24 anos.
Um... Well, we lived together for three years, - and then we were married for three months.
Bem, vivemos juntos durante três anos, e depois estivemos casados durante três meses.
We were married for another 32 years before she passed.
Estivemos casados outros 32 anos, depois morreu.
We were married for many years.
Estivemos casados muitos anos.
- We were married for 16 years.
- Fomos casados durante 16 anos.
We were married for me I can stay here.
Quer dizer, vamos casar e tudo mas apenas para que possa ficar no país.
We were married for a few years and about a month. Before you came to Israel she suddenly... She left and...
Estivemos casados alguns anos e um mês antes de você vir a Israel... ela de repente... me deixou...
Well, you know... we were married for 17 years, so...
Fomos casados durante 17 anos, por isso... É que nós...
I say we were married for five years, got divorced, now we have a child, but are in a long-term committed relationship.
Na verdade, eu digo que fomos casados 5 anos, divorciámo-nos, agora vivemos juntos, temos uma criança, mas estamos numa relação a longo termo.
We were married for a year.
Nós fomos casados.
We were married for seven years.
Estivemos casados durante sete anos.
We were married for three years.
Estivemos casados três anos.
We were married for the wrong reasons.
- Quando nos casamos por razões erradas.
We were married for just over a year when she was taken.
eramos casados à apenas um ano quando ela foi levada.
Oh, Sarah, if only we were married, we could be happy for always.
Sarah, se estivéssemos casados, poderíamos ser felizes para sempre.
My father and I were away for the weekend, and when we returned, we found this wire saying that they were on their way to Yuma, Arizona, to be married.
Meu pai e eu estivemos fora, nesse fim de semana, E quando voltámos, encontramos este bilhete a dizer que estavam a caminho de Yuma, no Arizona, para se casarem.
For your information, we were legitimately married... ... by a justice of the peace.
Para sua informação, fomos legalmente casados por um juiz de paz.
I liked Martha for at least three years after we were married.
Gostei da Martha durante, pelo menos, três anos depois de casarmos.
When she left for New York with her parents, we were going to get married.
Quando foi para Nova Iorque com os seus pais íamos nos casar.
We were married, for Christ's sake!
Fomos casados, pelo amor de Deus. Se ele quer ver-me, eu também quero.
We were also married for three years.
Fomos casados três anos.
Your father and I were married for 35 years, we had two children together. You dare compare yourself to that?
Teu pai e eu estivemos casados durante 35 anos tivemos dois filhos juntos e atreves-te a comparar-te a isso?
My wife gained 100 pounds for every year we were married.
A minha mulher engordou 45 Kg por cada ano de casada.
We would have been there right in time for Tet, probably, and whatever. And all these people that were in school with me who'd done terrible things or were planning to go to Canada, do something as drastic as getting married to avoid the war, they were willing to go to Vietnam. They didn't care.
ou qualquer coisa... que frequentaram a escola comigo para evitar a guerra – nem se importavam... por campos minados.
This gave me something to live for... but it also meant I had to get a job... if we were to get married.
Deu-me um motivo para viver, mas também significava que tinha de arranjar um emprego já que íamos casar.
We were just married.. We were walking down a street and we saw the advertising for the bathroom suite's "Rock"
Há alguns anos, estávamos casados há pouco tempo, íamos pela rua e vimos um anúncio aos sanitários Roca.
That's what I did to your mother, and she fell for me. Two months later, we were married.
Isso i fiz com sua mãe, e aos dois meses apaixonou-se por mim.
We were so poor my parents got married for the rice.
Éramos tão pobres que os meus pais se casaram para apanhar o arroz.
We were only married for a few years.
Estivemos casados durante alguns anos.
For the next two years we were married, every time I walked into the den I had to stare at that deer's dead eyes. I had to dust them.
Nos dois anos em que fui casada, sempre que entrava na sala de estar, tinha de ver os olhos do veado morto e limpar-lhe o pó.
We saw "Spellman for two" and assumed you were married.
Vimos "Spellman para dois", pensamos que era um casal.
Say, you and I, if we were married, I would... No, for an example, okay?
Suponhamos que nós os dois éramos casados.
We were dancing and he put his hand... My parents have been married for 50 years.
Estávamos a dançar e ele pôs a mão... os meus pais estão casados há 50 anos.
We were friends for a while and then... after we had intercourse, we got married very quickly.
Éramos amigos há algum tempo e... depois de termos relações, casámos muito depressa.
We were going to a reception for Doris's cousin Gina... Who just married a wop vendor out near Modesto.
Íamos a uma recepção da Gina, uma prima da Doris que acabara de casar com um vendedor italiano perto de Modesto.
I fell for your mother after we were married.
Apaixonei-me pela sua mãe depois que nos casamos.
If you were to get better, then we could be married for real.
Se ficasses melhor, podíamos casar-nos de verdade.
Susan and I had been trying to start a family for the last eight years, ever since we were married.
A Susan e eu tentámos formar uma família durante os últimos 8 anos, desde que nos casámos.
We were gonna get married, and Ready for the World was gonna sing at our wedding.
Íamos casar e os "Ready for the World" iam cantar no nosso casamento.
When we were married, we took out insurance policies on each other, but they were only for $ 1 00,000.
Quando nos casámos, fizemos um seguro mútuo, mas era só de 100 mil dólares.
We've been married for 9 years, but were together before that.
Estamos casados há nove anos, mas conhecemo-nos há mais.
I would never have gone through all this trouble... if I didn't know for sure that we were getting married.
Nunca me daria a tanto trabalho, se não soubesse que nos casávamos.
Which made sense, because we were one of those horrible... got married too soon for all the wrong reasons couples.
O que fazia sentido, porque éramos um daqueles casais horríveis que casou demasiado cedo por todos os motivos errados.
You know, Lane, for my first birthday after Wayne and I were married, he wanted to surprise me, so we drove to a hotel in the mountains.
No meu primeiro aniversário, depois de eu e o Wayne termos casado... ele quis dar-me uma surpresa, então fomos até... um pequeno hotel nas montanhas.
Lucky for us we were married the next week, so nobody noticed.
Sorte a nossa termos casado na semana seguinte, por isso ninguém reparou.
Umm, well we've been married for three years actually we were friends first when we were back in collage.
Estamos casados há 3 anos. Mas somos amigos desde a época da faculdade.
It's not worth much, just a few quid, but my Patrick bought it for me the first time he come out of prison, just after we were married.
Não vale muito, só umas libras, mas o meu Patrick comprou-a para mim da primeira vez que ele saiu da prisão, após casarmos.
That's why we were only married for 3 weeks.
Eu sabia que havia algo errado... Foi por isso que ficamos casados só 3 semanas.
when we were first married, we were so broke that i went on the pill for a while, and chris stopped taking communion.
Quando nos casámos, éramos tão pobres que eu tomava a pílula. O Chris parou de comungar.
we were here 38
we were 914
we were there 68
we were close 44
we weren't 120
we were together 65
we were just friends 20
we were talking 74
we were young 47
we were here first 26
we were 914
we were there 68
we were close 44
we weren't 120
we were together 65
we were just friends 20
we were talking 74
we were young 47
we were here first 26