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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ W ] / We were talking

We were talking translate Portuguese

2,185 parallel translation
You don't remember what we were talking about last night?
Não te lembras do que falámos ontem à noite?
- We were talking about the shoot. And we were both getting excited and then Charlyne says,
- Estávamos a falar sobre a filmagem, e estávamos ambos ansiosos e depois a Charlyne disse,
I started receiving letters from people with emotional problems, or all subjects in which this phrase, and this way of looking at the world, they found something much more profound than even we were talking, you know?
Comecei a receber cartas de pessoas que estavam a ter problemas emocionais, ou... todo o tipo de problemas e ali estava, de alguma forma, esta frase, e esta forma de olhar o mundo, que significava algo muito mais profundo do que aquilo que nós sequer estávamos a falar, sabe?
- We were talking and I got- -
Queria contar-te ao jantar.
So, remember when we were talking the other night about flying over a city and how things look different from a distance?
Lembras-te de na outra noite falarmos de sobrevoar uma cidade e de como as coisas parecem diferentes, vistas de longe?
What we were talking about earlier...
Aquilo que falámos há um bocado...
We were talking on the way over about what a wonderful couple you two make.
Falávamos no caminho para cá em como formam um casal maravilhoso.
We were talking about you, actually.
Na verdade, estávamos a falar de ti.
So, I was thinking about what we were talking about, you know, before.
Estive a pensar no que estávamos a falar.
We were talking about me here.
Estávamos a falar de mim!
We were talking about the ending, - actually, of the story, right?
Discutíamos o fim da história, não?
- Yes. We were talking about your offensive behaviours, which apparently seem now to be not so unjustified, do they?
Falávamos dos vossos comportamentos agressivos que aparentemente não parecem tão injustificados, pois não, Ch...
I think there may be a way to corroborate what we were talking about in there.
Há uma forma de confirmar aquilo de que falávamos.
I didn't realize we were talking about Ms. Sommers.
Não sabia que estávamos a falar dela.
We were talking about me.
Estamos a falar de mim.
We were talking till late.
Ficámos a falar até tarde.
We were talking about you.
Estávamos a falar de ti.
{ \ pos ( 110,260 ) } At first, we were talking about introducing a line of toilet paper.
No início, nós estávamos a falar sobre introduzir uma linha de papel higiénico.
We were talking about Korby.
Estamos a falar sobre o Korby.
She must have downloaded some of our music online, I don't really know... Bracey.. Bracey.. but she ended up coming to one of our shows and we were talking afterward...
Ela deve ter baixado algumas de suas músicas online, não sei realmente... mas ela acabou vindo para um dos nossos show e nós estavamos conversando depois...
We were talking about a case that I don't think even exists yet...
Estávamos a falar de um caso que acho que ainda nem sequer existe...
Sorry, sorry, we were talking about murder here, right?
Não estávamos a falar do homicídio?
One time, at my cousin Ben's lake house, we were talking about kissing girls.
Uma vez, na casa de férias do meu primo Ben, pusemo-nos a falar em beijar raparigas.
I thought we were talking about Pak Su Ji.
Pensei que ele estava a falar da Pak Su Ji.
Do you remember the doctor we were talking to?
Lembras-te do médico com quem falámos?
You see the look on his face when we were talking to Mr. Slater?
Você vê o olhar no seu rosto quando estávamos conversando com o Sr. Slater?
Yeah. This Bathurst Motor Race we were talking about, have you heard about the beer thing?
Este Bathurst Corrida Motor que estávamos falando, você já ouviu falar sobre a coisa cerveja?
Do you remember that whole... not-giving-up thing we were talking about earlier?
Lembra-se daquela coisa de "não desistir" que nós falámos?
No, we were talking to her.
Não, nós estávamos a falar com ela.
Last night we were talking about Arafa, who was killed yesterday.
Ontem à noite falámos da Arafa, a que mataram ontem.
I'm sorry. Were we talking about?
Peço desculpa, do quê que estávamos a falar?
When we were on the phone, talking about the shoot, and then you said...
Quando estávamos ao telefone, a falar sobre a filmagem, e depois disseste...
Listen, I'm at The Planet with Tasha, and we were just talking about this little idea when it ran by you. Yeah.
Escuta, estou no Planet com a Tasha e estávamos a falar... sobre uma pequena ideia, e queríamos perguntar-te...
We were just talking.
Estávamos apenas a conversar.
What were we talking about?
Do que estávamos a falar?
We were just talking about the groomsmen.
- Estávamos a falar do padrinho.
At the time, we didn't know they were talking about livers and stuff
Na altura, não sabíamos que se referiam a fígados e coisas assim.
We're talking residues such as azinphos, carbofuran, metalaxyl. But, as a doctor, I'm sure that's what you were already thinking.
Estamos a falar de resíduos como Azinphos, Carbofuran, Metalaxyl, mas como médico, tenho a certeza que pensou nisso.
We were just talking.
- Estávamos só a falar.
- We were just talking.
- Estávamos só conversando.
We were just talking...
Nós estávamos falando...
- Danko and I, we were just talking in the hall. The next thing I know, he's dead, And this guy is on me.
O Danko e eu estávamos apenas a conversar, quando dei por mim, ele está morto e o outro tipo está em cima de mim.
We were just talking about what you were doing tonight.
Estávamos mesmo a falar sobre o que vão fazer esta noite.
We were talking about human ingenuity.
Mas estávamos a falar do engenho humano.
Mom and I were talking o... on our way over here, and well, we wanted a beach wedding, so I think that we should get married on the beach, but in Malibu.
Mamãe e eu estávamos conversando, no caminho... queríamos casar na praia, podemos casar em Malibu.
We were just talking, is all.
Estávamos só a conversar.
What were we talking about?
De que estávamos a falar?
Okay, now I forgot what we were talking about.
Muito bem, agora esqueci-me do que estávamos a falar.
We were just talking about Emily.
Estávamos a falar da Emily.
We were just talking about you.
Estávamos a falar de ti.
We were just talking about you.
Estávamos mesmo a falar de ti.

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