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We were just friends translate Portuguese

142 parallel translation
I acted as though we were just friends each time I saw her, which wasn't very often, I can tell you that.
Agia como se fôssemos amigos sempre que a via, o que não acontecia muito, posso garantir-lhe.
Even if we were just friends? What happened to Lord of the Dance?
O que aconteceu ao senhor da dança?
When we first started hanging out together this morning, we were just friends, but things change, and I've fallen in love with you.
Quando começamos hoje de manhã, nós eramos apenas amigos. Mas as coisas mudam. Eu apaixonei-me por ti.
Look, I thought we were just friends.
Olha, eu pensava que nós éramos só amigos.
but then we were just friends, and then there was one drunken night..
... mas ficámos só amigos, até que numa noite de bebedeira...
- I thought we agreed we were just friends. - We are.
- Concordámos ser só amigos.
We were just friends.
Éramos só amigos.
Sophia told him we were just friends, so he gave me a job in his kitchen.
Sophia disse-lhe que éramos só amigos e por isso deu-me trabalho na cozinha.
- Oh, no, we were just friends.
- Não, éramos só amigos.
We were just friends for three minutes once... the day we met And then I fell in love with you but I for one, this time Would commit not to fall in love with you.
Éramos apenas amigos durante três minutos no dia em que nos conhecemos, e então apaixonei-me por ti, mas de uma vez por todas, vou comprometer-me a não me apaixonar por ti.
Tommy, don't you remember you and Matt... how you used to be just kids and how we were friends?
Tommy, não te lembras de ti e do Matt, como eram só miúdos e éramos amigos?
Besides, I was never in love with Shawn. We were just good friends.
E nunca gostei do Shawn, éramos só amigos.
Just because we were friends before and used to work together,
- Feijões? Caluda! Estás a tentar escapar por homicidio.
Just because we were friends before... Friends before is right.
Veio uma guerra e tu transformáste-te num Dr. Jerkyll e Sr. Clyde.
As a matter of fact, we were going out for dinner tonight with some friends but Patrick seemed so terribly tired that I just called up and cancelled.
Por acaso, era para termos ido jantar a casa de uns amigos mas o Patrick parecia terrivelmente cansado que eu, simplesmente, liguei a cancelar.
I just knew we were going to be friends. I've been thinking about costumes.
Estou a pensar nos figurinos.
Best friends, just like we were.
Os melhores amigos, tal como nós éramos.
We were just getting to be friends.
Mas nós estávamos a ficar amigos.
Yes, uh, ma'am, it seems that he and some friends have stolen some government property from a top secret installation and we were just -
Sim, senhora. Parece que ele e uns amigos roubaram propriedade do governo de uma instalação secreta e queriamos que ele...
I thought we were going to be just friends.
Pensei que íamos ser só amigos.
You know, we were just something for you and your friends to play with.
Nós éramos uma coisa para tu e os teus amigos brincarem.
- No, we were just good friends.
- Não era, éramos apenas bons amigos.
We were just three friends.
Éramos três amigos.
- Because I thought we were just starting to be friends for real.
Porque pensei que estávamos sendo amigos de verdade.
I met- - I met Monica when we were just a couple of 6-year-olds... ... and became friends with Chandler when he was 25...
Conheci a Monica quando tínhamos apenas 6 anos... e tornei-me amiga do Chandler quando ele tinha 25 anos mas mentalidade de 6.
As for me and my friends, we were just happy... that the first week of school was over.
Quanto a mim e aos meus amigos estávamos contentes por ter terminado a primeira semana de escola.
I mean, I wish we could pretend that we were never boyfriend and girlfriend... and just, you know, be friends.
Quero dizer, gostava que pudéssemos fazer como se nunca tivéssemos sido namorados... e só, tu sabes, ser amigos.
Mancello Giudeo. We were friends of Dante's then, but you just have to open that door to travel through time,
Nessa altura, éramos amigos de Dante, mas basta abrir a porta do fundo para avançar ou recuar no tempo,
We were just two friends who needed each other.
Nós éramos apenas dois amigos que precisavam um do outro.
Yeah, see, that's right, their friends, so everybody would know we were just kiddin'around.
É verdade, os amigos deles. Toda a gente saberia que estaríamos só a brincar. Não.
We were just good friends.
Éramos só bons amigos.
Remember, one time, you called me at 3 : 00 in the morning... just to make sure we were still friends?
Lembraste daquela vez em que me ligaste às 3 da manhã só para ter a certeza de que ainda éramos amigos?
- But I thought we were... friend friends, and apparently we're just coffee friends.
- Eu pensava que éramos... mesmo amigos, mas aparentemente somos só amigos do café.
We were never just friends.
Nunca fomos apenas amigos.
Just like when we were kids, around me, you were regular old Matt... but around Steve and his friends, you were the Stiffmeister.
Tal como era na nossa infância, ao pé de mim, eras o verdadeiro Matt... mas ao pé do Steve e dos amigos, eras o Stiffmeister.
You know, I just stood there the whole night trying to remember why we were ever friends.
Fiquei ali a noite toda a tentar lembrar-me por que éramos amigas.
Do you remember, in "The Way We Were..." how Katie and Hubbell broke up... because his friends were joking and laughing... and the President had just died, and she yelled at them, and he was mad?
Lembras-te em The Way We Were... de como a Katie e o Hubbell acabaram... porque os amigos dele gozavam e riam, o presidente tinha acabado de morrer e ela gritou com eles e ele ficou furioso?
We were just waiting for his friends.
Nós estávamos à espera dos seus amigos.
I thought we were friends. You know what Dr. P says : "Friends are just obstacles that stand between you and success."
Como diz o Dr. P. "Os amigos são obstáculos entre ti e o sucesso."
I thought we were just hanging out as friends.
Eu pensei que estávamos a curtir juntos como amigos.
I just I guess thought that we were kind of on the same team, you know, we're friends.
Eu só pensei que nós éramos tipo da mesma equipa, tu sabes, somos amigos.
But if we were to ask you, .. you would say that you are just good friends, right?
Mas se fosse para lhe perguntar, diria que são apenas bons amigos, certo?
Jasper, we were wondering if my friends and I could take the car out for a little test drive out on our own, just to see if we're comfortable.
Jasper, estávamos a perguntar-nos se as minhas amigas e eu podíamos testar o carro sozinhas, sabe, para ver se é confortável.
Yeah, if you and I are such good friends, why couldn't you just tell me that's what we were doing?
Se somos bons amigos, porque não me disseste o que era?
She thought we were seeing a movie just as friends.
Ela pensou que íamos ver o filme só como amigos.
I mean, I just thought you were nice and we could be friends and have a good time together.
Pensei que podíamos ser amigos e divertirmo-nos juntos.
As far as she knew we were just best friends but,
tanto quanto ela sabia nós éramos apenas melhores amigos mas,
We were just putting it on for a few friends.
Colocando em cena para alguns amigos.
Well, it's just we've been best friends since we were really little, and I don't know, he's the only person I can really talk to, you know?
Bem, é só fomos melhores amigos uma vez que fomos realmente pouco, e eu não sei, ele é a única pessoa Eu posso falar a verdade, você sabe?
Just before he died... we were all having breakfast together- - our team his friends his family.
Mesmo antes de ele morrer... Estivemos a tomar o pequeno-almoço juntos... A nossa equipa...
No, we were always, uh, just friends.
Não, fomos sempre... apenas amigos.

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