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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ W ] / Were you

Were you translate Portuguese

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Were you really gonna shoot me coming in my own door?
- Ias mesmo disparar à minha porta?
Wait, why were you on the lifeboat?
Espera... Porque estavas no salva-vidas?
Hey, what were you guys doing out back on the phone?
O que é que estavam a fazer no telefone?
What were you gonna do to celebrate, if you weren't here, I mean.
O que ias fazer para celebrar? Se não estivesses aqui, quero dizer?
Where were you gonna go?
Para onde é que iam?
When were you there?
Quando é que estiveste lá?
When you were little, were you afraid of the dark?
Quando eras pequena, tinhas medo do escuro?
Were you not just listening?
Não me ouviste?
Do you remember when you told me you were sick?
Lembras-te quando me disseste que estavas doente?
Look, you were the one who taught me not to lose my head when things get tough.
Ouve. Foste tu que me ensinaste a não perder a cabeça quando as coisas se complicam.
Well, if everyone on the island were into P.T.'s myth, do you think the Neolution board did too?
Se toda a gente na ilha caiu no mito do P.T., achas que a administração da Neo-evolução também caiu?
While you were sitting on your hands waiting for her to die naturally, when we need a cure.
Enquanto estavas sentado à espera que morresse naturalmente quando precisamos de uma cura.
Did you hate being studied when you were my age?
Odiaste ser estudada quando eras da minha idade?
You were always the fastest swimmer out of all your brothers.
Tu foste sempre o nadador mais rápido entre os teus irmãos.
The entire time that we were gone, he was painting you, different versions of you.
Todo o tempo que estivemos fora ele esteve a pintar-te. Diferentes versões de ti.
- I can't believe it. - You were always so creative, you know.
- Tu foste sempre tão criativo.
A little fighting creative spirit, even when you were tiny.
Um pequeno espírito lutador e criativo, mesmo quando eras pequeno.
He has dossiers and photographs of Zack Smoll, your courier, and the man you were meeting with the other day.
Ele tem ficheiros e fotografias do Zack Smoll, do teu correio, - do homem com quem te ias encontrar.
Thirty years ago, you were the lead detective in the disappearance of a boy who vanished from a rental home in Ocean cCty.
Há trinta anos, foi o detetive no desaparecimento de um rapaz de uma casa alugada em Ocean City.
And you know as well as I do that those bonds were planted in my doctor's suitcase.
E sabe tão bem quanto eu que os títulos foram colocados na minha mala.
You were working.
Estavas a trabalhar.
So I'm gonna go ahead and assume that you were with Jeremy at the club last night?
- Então, vou continuar e presumir que esteve com o Jeremy no clube nocturno ontem à noite?
You were referring to the, comment I made on the volleyball court.
Estás-te a referir ao comentário que fiz no campo de vólei.
Because the way that you were laying into me back there, that was so over the top,
Porque a forma como se inclinou para mim dentro daquela sala, foi tão exagerado que pensei :
Well, I'm impressed you were able to talk your way out of that. No.
Bem, estou impressionada com a forma como te conseguiste livrar disso.
All right. You know, we were trying to do one of them- - them quick changes that they do at a Katheryn Perry concert, but I got stuck.
Sabem, estávamos a tentar trocar de roupa depressa, como fazem num concerto da Katheryn Perry, mas fiquei presa.
We screamed at each other two to three hours a day, and you never had a nice boyfriend, and you never had a good job, and people thought you were autistic'cause you wore those New Year's glasses everywhere.
Gritávamos um com o outro duas ou três horas por dia. E nunca tiveste um namorado nem um emprego bons. As pessoas pensavam que eras autista porque andavas sempre com aqueles óculos de Ano Novo.
Well, I've been thinking about you, and I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I'd take a shot you were alone.
Tenho pensado em ti, e estava pela vizinhança, e pensei em passar e ver se estavas sozinha.
I thought you were doing pretty well playing outside the mall.
Pensava que te estavas a safar a tocar na entrada do Centro Comercial.
When you didn't get into West Point, your mom and I figured you were done with the military.
Quando não entraste em West Point, a tua mãe e eu pensamos que te tinha fartado dos militares.
Um, to piggyback what you were saying, trust also is not just for tactical situations, but it's also very important all aspects of the job.
Para aproveitar aquilo que disseste, a confiança não deve existir apenas nas situações tácticas, mas... também é muito importante em tudo aquilo que envolve o trabalho.
If you were still married to Rachel, and you made a decision like this, a big decision that affected her, how would she feel if you didn't tell her about it?
Se ainda estivesses casado com a Rachel e decidisses isso, algo que a afecta, como é que ela se iria sentir se não lhe dissesses?
Killed it like you were trying to kill me.
Matei-o tal como tu tentaste matar-me.
Doubtful, if that were the case, she would've sent you the specs.
Se fosse o caso, ela mandava as especificações.
You were brave.
Foste corajosa.
You were impressive.
Foste incrível.
He helped you and Walt harmonize last year. He picked up on the fact we were secretly dating, put it out there so that the team could deal.
Ele ajudou a harmonizar-te, A ti e ao Walt no ano passado, descobriu que namorávamos escondidos, revelou-o para que a equipa pudesse lidar com isso.
I'm sorry, you were saying You were going out with your parents and Attie.
Desculpa, estavas a dizer que ias sair com os teus pais e a Attie.
Shaw told me you were cool.
O Shaw disse-me que eras porreiro.
You know, the ones that were here before any of us.
Aquelas que estiveram aqui antes de qualquer um de nós.
Ok, are you any closer today than you were yesterday?
Estão mais perto hoje do que estavam ontem?
We were gonna tell you. Ok?
Íamos contar-te.
Where you going? I thought we were friends.
Pensei que eramos amigos.
Oh, sorry, I thought you were someone else.
Desculpa, achei que fosses outra pessoa.
Didn't realize, um, you guys were hanging out.
Não sabia que estavam conversando.
What happened is that you got played just exactly like I told you you were going to.
O que aconteceu é que tu foste enganado como eu te avisei.
Look, your principal let me know that you were getting bullied, and I just wanted to say that we've all been there, including me, if you can believe it.
O teu diretor disse que andas a ser gozada e só quero dizer-te que já todos passamos por isso, - incluindo eu, se acreditas.
- You know, I see now that you were thinking shaved head Britney.
- Tu sabes, vejo agora que pensavas na Britney careca.
We were just, you know, figuring it out.
Nós estávamos apenas, sabes, a tentar entender tudo.
I thought you and Lieutenant Tolkien were going to the Church at Amiens.
Pensava que tu e o tenente Tolkien tinham ido para a Igreja de Amiens.
I can't believe that even we would do anything so foolish, unless something went terribly wrong the first time you were here.
Não acredito que até mesmo nós faríamos algo assim tão tolo, a não ser que algo corresse terrivelmente mal da primeira vez que estiveram aqui.

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