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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ W ] / Were you hurt

Were you hurt translate Portuguese

432 parallel translation
Were you hurt in the crash?
Você machucou o crash do mercado de ações?
Were you hurt badly in the accident?
Você se machucou muito no acidente?
- Were you hurt?
- Está machucado?
Teacher, were you hurt?
Professor, magoou-se?
Were you hurt bad?
Doeu muito?
- Were you hurt?
- Está ferído?
Were you hurt?
Você esta ferido?
I'd gone with you chasing trains or anything, but... but you were hurt, and Pennie won't care.
Eu teria ido contigo fazer o que quer que fosse, mas... mas tu estavas ferido e a Pennie não se vai importar.
Because even if I waited until we were old and told you then... you'd look back over the years and be hurt.
Pois mesmo que esperasse até que fosses velho... poderias olhar para trás e sentir-te ferido.
You were hurt on Thursday.
Bastante melhor, graças a si, doutor. Você magoou-se na quinta.
IfTed knew you were behind the shooting, I reckon it would hurt him more than the bullet did.
Se o Ted soubesse que está por trás disto isso o machucaria mais do que aquela bala.
- Because you were hurt.
- Porque tu estavas ferido.
You were badly hurt, sire.
Está muito ferido, Senhor.
And I didn't know whether you were hurt or not.
E não sabia se estavas ferido ou não.
But you were hurt, Lin Nan.
Mas você ficou magoado, Lìn Nan.
- Not if you were hurt.
- Näo, se te magoasses.
I'm very sorry you were hurt.
Lamento muito que estejas ferido.
You were hurt.
Estavas ferido.
If you were hurt, i could never forgive myself.
Se estivesse ferido, não conseguiria me perdoar.
It was like that time in the hotel room when they came and told me that you were hurt and that I'd done it.
Como aquela vez no hotel... quando me disseram que eu te tinha aleijado.
- He said he thought you were hurt.
- Pensou que estivesses ferida.
- They didn't tell me you were hurt.
Não me disseram que estavas ferido.
You were hurt by something flying through the air.
Ficou ferido por algo que estava a voar...
It would hurt William if you were to leave.
Magoaria o William se te fosses.
We were unforgivably awkward to have hurt you.
Foi imperdoável termo-lo magoado.
You wouldn't wanna hurt me again and find out you were wrong, would you?
Não convém agredires-me outra vez e descobrir que estavas enganado.
You're my guest... and were hurt by my son.
É meu convidado... e foi ferido para defender o meu filho.
and they were going to hurt you.
E eles queriam machucá-los.
No, my darling, that's where you were hurt by the horse.
Não, querido. É só o que o cavalo feriu.
However, when your tail turns into two little legs, it will hurt as if you were walking on the sharp edges of swords.
No entanto, quando sua cauda se transformar em duas perninhas, vai doer como se estivesse andando sobre as arestas cortantes de espadas.
I'd feel more sad if you were hurt.
Ficaria muito triste se te magoasses.
But you were hurt!
- Mas estavas ferido!
If they were any stronger, you'd hurt yourself.
Se fossem mais fortes, magoavas-te.
You always were hard to hurt, Birdy.
Sempre foste difícil de atingir, "Passarinho".
I thought you were going to hurt the girl.
Pensei que fosses fazer mal à rapariga.
You said that we were just gonna do a simple job without hurt...
Disseste que seria um trabalho simples, sem magoar.
I thought you were going to hurt me and I hurt you.
Pensava que me querias fazer mal e eu fiz-te mal.
- You just said you were hurt.
- Acabaste de dizer que ela te magoou.
I asked if you were hurt, and you said, "Yeah, I'm hurt".
Perguntei se ela te tinha magoado, e tu disseste, "Sim, magoou-me".
They called and told me you were hurt in a fight.
Telefonaram-me e disseram que te tinhas ferido numa briga!
I said a lot of things to you that were unfair and if I hurt you, I'm sorry.
Alf, parece que te devo uma desculpa.
Well, you know, since we're all throwing stones here, we were really hurt not to be invited.
Já que estamos a atribuir culpas, ficámos muito sentidos por não sermos convidados.
You were afraid I'd get hurt.
Você tem medo de que eu me magoe.
Your mommy took you to the hospital because you were hurt.
A tua mãe levou-te ao hospital porque estavas ferido.
I didn't know you were hurt that bad.
Não sabia que estava tão ferida.
Yesterday, you seemed so out of your wits to see if you were hurt.
Ontem, você aparentava estar meio por fora, parecia que estava ferida.
A lot of people were hurt at the theater, let me tend to them, then I'll go with you.
Muitas pessoas feriram-se. Deixa-me ajudá-las, depois irei contigo.
Yeah, you were hurt pretty badly when Jack and I flew in to get you and Sister Margaret out.
Sim, foste gravemente ferido, quando Jack e eu fomos buscar-te a ti e á irmã Margaret.
Were you there when they hurt Father Jim?
Estavas lá, quando feriram o Padre Jim?
- We were scared you might be hurt.
Estávamos com medo que estivesse doente. Não, não.
- You were hurt.
- Você estava ferida.

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