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Were you there translate Portuguese

10,260 parallel translation
Were you there during the war?
Estiveste lá durante a guerra?
How long were you there, in the War?
Quanto tempo lá esteve, na guerra?
- Your opinion that there's no EDTA in the swabs from the Halbach vehicle then is limited to the three swabs that were presented to you, isn't that right?
- A sua opinião de que não há EDTA nas amostras do veículo Halbach limita-se às amostras apresentadas, não é assim?
I know there were three that were stubborn and, you know, weren't participating.
Havia três teimosos que não participavam.
I felt there were some biased jurors that didn't, you know, keep an open mind and they had their mind made up, you know, before the trial started.
Senti que havia jurados parciais que não mantinham a mente aberta, já estavam decididos, antes do julgamento começar.
Mr. Dassey, you told the officers that you were there and Teresa was alive.
Sr. Dassey, disse aos agentes que esteve lá e a Teresa estava viva.
How is it that you were able to tell the police officers so much detail about what happened to Teresa if you weren't there?
Como conseguiu dar tantos detalhes à polícia sobre o que aconteceu à Teresa, se não estava lá?
You were over there.
Tu estavas lá.
There's a source at Columbia, I won't say who, who told me about Miles'session and said you guys were probably already long lead with the whole, you know, comeback, promotional thing.
Uma fonte dentro da Columbia, não revelo quem, contou-me sobre a sessão do Miles, e que provavelmente já estavam a avançar com o regresso, e a questão promocional.
If you were, there would be big-screen TVs, there would be gambling.
Senão, havia tv`s gigantes, haveria jogos de azar.
And you were there during the explosion test.
Estiveste presente nos testes.
That was a huge thing for me because the park is where you met your friends, the park is where you lived in the summer, and so there were big signs that said, "No Jews in the park,"
Foi muito importante para mim porque era no parque que me encontrava com os amigos, era no parque que vivia no verão, e havia grandes tabuletas a dizer : "Judeus interditos no parque".
I can only tell you that the Czechs stood there absolutely silent, no cheering, no booing, and of course, after the Germans marched into Prague, the Jewish people there- - and there were very many living as refugees there- -
Só posso dizer que os checos ficaram em silêncio total, não aplaudiram, não apuparam, e, claro, depois de os alemães marcharem sobre Praga, os judeus de lá, e havia muitos, a viverem como refugiados,
Say you were trapped on a desert island... and you had the power to wish somebody there, with you.
Digamos que estavas preso numa ilha deserta, e tinhas o poder de desejar que estivesse lá alguém contigo.
Apparently, you don't realize how lucky you were that I was there yesterday to relieve you of your excesses in energy'cause you were about to explode.
- Sim, se eu não estiver aqui. Não entendes a sorte que tiveste por eu estar lá ontem... para absorver a tua energia excessiva pois ias explodir.
We both think of 100 reasons why it did not work between us... but in the end it felt like you were not there and I was usually alone.
Ambos sabemos de 100 motivos para não ter funcionado entre nós... mas no fim sentia que não estavas lá e eu estava quase sempre só.
So I really appreciate that you were there.
Agradeço mesmo o teu apoio.
I was there when you were little.
Eu estava lá quando eras pequeno.
I almost forgot you were there.
Quase que me esqueci que estavas aí.
- You were almost there.
- Você estava quase lá.
For a moment there I was concerned you were changing the plan.
Por um momento fiquei preocupada não fosse mudar de plano.
You were like an eagle up there.
Parecia uma águia.
For a minute there, I thought you were going soft.
Por um minuto, pensei que estava a facilitar.
He said you got sent away to Wales because there were bad people.
Disse que foi para Gales por causa das pessoas más.
What were you doing there anyway?
O que estava a fazer lá?
But last time you told it, there were three.
Mas, da última vez, disseste-me que eram três.
- Oh, you were born there.
- Tu nasceste ali.
You were there the other night.
Estiveste lá na outra noite.
You were like James Bond there.
Parecias o James Bond.
You were right there with him.
Estavas lá com ele.
They had achieved something, and there were, if you like, influencers, but at the same time they were prisoners of their fame.
Eles tinham conseguido algo, e eram influentes, mas ao mesmo tempo, eles eram prisioneiros de sua fama.
The whole tent is on the clock to figure out whatever it is you were given up there.
Toda a tenda está em alvoroço para saber o que vos foi dado lá em cima.
Boy, you'd think there were 10 of me.
Rapaz, não vais nem querer ver de onde veio a porrada.
There was a crash at a gas station you were at.
Houve uma queda numa bomba de gasolina onde tu estavas.
What happened when you were out there...
O que aconteceu quando estavas lá fora...
Where was "we" at when you were down there, rolling around with some godforsaken woman?
Onde estava o "nós" quando lá foste meter-te com essa maldita mulher?
One minute you were there running everything and everyone, and the next, well, it's, uh, just not the same.
Uma hora estava lá comandando tudo e depois... não era a mesma coisa.
Because we were all up there, you know, trading our favorite Dana stories.
Porque estivemos todos lá a trocar as nossas histórias preferidas da Dana.
You know, sending his animals to the slaughterhouse, and the way they were treated over there.
Mandar os animais dele para o matadouro e a maneira como eram tratados lá.
How old were you guys there? What, you were 25?
Que idade tinham aí, tipo 25?
You didn't join any gangs while you were in there, did you, champ?
Não te juntaste a um gang enquanto estavas aí, pois não, campeão?
You were in there for a while.
Tiveste lá dentro muito tempo.
And if you were to go out there to those woods... where no one ever goes... then you might find him.
E se forem àquela floresta... para onde ninguém vai... talvez o encontrem.
Sir, you said there were 14 missing mammal cases.
Senhor, disse que tinha catorze mamíferos desaparecidos.
If more than a hundred cards were turned in here, doesn't anyone of you wise asses ever think about how much filth... is still circulating out there?
Se mais de cem vos foram entregues, nenhum de vocês, espertinhos, se pergunta quanta dessa imundice continua a circular por aí? !
Were any of you there when it happened?
Algum de vocês estava presente nessas alturas?
I mean, you were there last night.
Esteve lá ontem à noite.
When you were little, did you ever worry that there might be something hiding under your bed at night?
Quando eras pequena, alguma vez tiveste medo que algo estivesse debaixo da tua cama?
- What were you up to back there? - What?
- O que é que estava a tramar?
I was praying to God for help and suddenly, you were there.
Estava a rezar a Deus por ajuda e de repente, você apareceu ali.
There were so many women, I have no idea whose bastard you are.
Houveram tantas mulheres, não sei de qual és bastardo.

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