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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ W ] / Were you followed

Were you followed translate Portuguese

224 parallel translation
- Were you followed?
- Foi seguida? - Sim, pelo Dyle.
Were you followed?
Fostes seguido?
Were you followed to the airport?
- Seguiram-te até ao aeroporto?
- Were you followed?
- Foste seguido? - Não.
- Were you followed?
- Foram seguidos?
- Were you followed, milady?
- Fostes seguida, senhora?
Were you followed?
Foram seguidos?
Let's just bring you in safely and then we'll worry about that, okay? Were you followed?
Vamos tirar-te daí em segurança e depois preocupamo-nos com isso.
- Were you followed?
- Foste seguida?
Were you followed?
- Foste seguido?
- Starbuck, were you followed?
- Starbuck, foste seguida? - Negativo.
One more question- - were you followed by the police?
Só mais uma pergunta. É procurado pela Polícia?
Were you followed here?
Seguiram-te até aqui?
Alicia, were you really followed by a policeman?
Alicia, foste mesmo seguida por um polícia?
Have you been followed? Were you followed here?
Foste seguido?
- You were followed here?
Vim pelo nosso caminho, pelo cemitério. Ninguém me viu.
Monsieur, did you ever know that you were being followed?
- Jánotou que estavasendoseguido?
Did you ever have the feeling you were being followed?
Alguma vez vocês tiveram a sensação de que estavam a ser seguidos?
You followed the holy cause when you were hiding in the district.
Escondido no quartel? Sim?
Did you get the feeling that we were followed on the road?
Sentiste que estávamos a ser seguidos?
You're just pretending. I remember the day you were drunk and followed me and pestered me with all your deep remarks.
O dia que me seguiu, quando estava bêbado... não era assim!
Marc, we were told that yesterday in your lecture hall, you read aloud a case history of one of your current patients, and in the discussions that followed, you indicated that one possible explanation... You'll have to forgive me, Marc, but this is what we heard. One possible explanation could be reincarnation.
Marc, soubemos que ontem em sua palestra você leu em voz alta... o caso de um de seus pacientes e... nas discussões que se seguiram, você... indicou que uma explicação possível... perdoe-me, Marc, mas é o que soubemos... que uma explicação possível seria... reencarnação.
You were followed.
Você foi seguido.
Those riders you followed, who rescued Merry and Pippin... they were led by Théoden's nephew, Éomer.
Os Cavaleiros que você seguiu, que salvaram Merry e Pippin... foram liderados pelo sobrinho de Theoden, Eomer.
You were followed again.
Foste seguido outra vez.
Ever suspect you were being followed?
Alguma vez suspeitou de ser seguida?
- You weren't followed, were you?
- Nâo te seguiram?
Yes, it was I who followed you to your door, just to make sure that you really were the celebrated Mr. Sherlock Holmes.
"Sim, fui eu que o segui até casa " só para me certif / car que era, de facto, o ilustre Sherlock Holmes.
When you were in Switzerland, Watson, Moran followed us with Moriarty and it was undoubtedly he who gave me those evil five minutes above the Reichenbach Falls.
Quando estivemos na Suiça, o Moran seguiu-nos, com o Moriarty, e foi ele que me atormentou naqueles cinco minutos, nas Cataratas,
You were followed!
Foste seguida!
It's regretted you were followed.
É lamentavel que tenha sido seguido.
It's more likely you were followed.
Parece mais é que você foi seguido.
But there were some of us who followed your work and believed what you were doing... because we knew there was more out there than they were telling us.
- Mas outros seguiam o seu trabalho. Porque sabiam que havia mais do que aquilo que lhes contavam.
Are you sure you were not followed?
De certeza que não te seguiram?
And if you had not been drunk and told a tavern full of people what you were planning Toral would not have followed us here in the first place.
Se você não estivesse bêbado e não contasse os seus planos ao mundo, o Toral não nos teria seguido até aqui.
I cannot tell you the exact day I first knew for certain that we were being followed.
Não posso precisar o dia exacto em que soube que éramos seguidos.
He followed you and realized you were just this sad, little fucker waiting to be used.
Ele seguiu-te e percebeu que eras um triste, um idiota à espera de ser usado.
You were followed by the police, but they won't be able to hear us over the children.
Foi seguida pela polícia. Eles não nos conseguirão ouvir com o barulho das crianças.
- You were followed?
- Foste seguido?
You followed your intuition today... and you were right on target.
Seguiu sua intuição hoje... E acertou em cheio!
I trust you were not followed, my liege?
Confio que não te deixaste seguir até aqui, meu súbdito.
Jerry Lee tracked the perps, we observed them in their heist, they heard us, they fled, I followed in pursuit, the one guy killed the other guy, and took off while you guys and your three-ring circus were arresting me.
O cão detectou-os, vimo-los em pleno assalto, eles ouviram-nos, fugiram, eu persegui-os, um dos tipos matou o outro e debandou enquanto vocês armavam o circo e me prendiam.
You followed all the protocols that you were given.
Seguiram os protocolos que vos foram dados.
Why didn't you tell me that you were having your son-in-law followed?
Porque não me disse que mandou alguém seguir o seu genro?
- Maybe you were followed.
- Talvez tenha sido seguida.
After you were taken by Diver Dan, your dad followed the boat like a maniac.
Depois do mergulhadorzeco aqui te ter levado, o teu pai seguiu o barco.
No, but if we were following your plans, Julianne, we'd be at home right now, doing the same shit that we do every goddamn day, and if we followed your mother's plans, you'd probably be a veterinarian right now and we wouldn't even be married,
Não, mas se tivéssemos seguido os teus planos, Julianne, estaríamos agora em casa a fazer as mesmas coisas que fazemos todos os dias.
- You weren't followed, were you?
Não foste seguido, pois não?
You didn't realize you were being followed, taped.
Não se aperceberam de que estavam a ser seguidas, filmadas.
You weren't followed here, were you?
Não foste seguido até cá, pois não?
You were followed.
Seguiram-te, idiota!

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