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Were you drunk translate Portuguese

478 parallel translation
Were you drunk when you did these?
Estava bêbado quando fez isto?
Were you drunk when you did it? Was that it?
Estavas bêbedo quando o fizeste?
You were well and truly drunk
Você estava muito bêbada.
You were drunk.
Estavas bêbado.
Sure, I know that. You were blind drunk when you signed it.
Estava totalmente bêbado ao fazê-lo.
You said those Indians that you met today were drunk, didn't you?
Disse que os índios que havia encontrado hoje... estavam bêbados, não?
You were blind drunk!
Estavas podre de bêbada!
- I am drunk. And just as childish as you were before when you called me a liar.
É tão infantil como quando me chamaste mentiroso.
You got drunk yesterday, you were drunk all night, and you're still drunk!
Estavas bêbado ontem, estiveste bêbado a noite inteira, e ainda estás bêbado!
Only in those days you were drunk.
Só que então andava bêbedo.
I know you were drunk as a pig, but that's no excuse.
Sei que estavas bêbedo como um porco, mas não é desculpa.
I shall simply say that you came here tonight half-drunk... and, uh, tried to borrow money... on the strength that we were at college together.
Direi apenas que você veio aqui esta noite, meio bêbedo, e tentou pedir-me dinheiro emprestado por termos sido colegas.
You were with voice wreck so drunk, that I couldn't even yell for a copper.
Fiquei sem palabras, nem sequer podia chamar a um polícia.
Were you both drunk?
- Eram dois. Tinham bebido.
Everyone will say that you were drunk.
Todos vão dizer que você estava bêbado.
Because you were drunk.
Porque estavas bêbado.
Drunk and crazy as you must've been when you strangled him. I guess you were thinking of your wife, how she was strangled.
E está tão bêbado e louco como quando o estrangulou, possivelmente estava a pensar na sua mulher, e como ela foi estrangulada.
- Were you too drunk to remember?
- Estava muito bêbada para se lembrar?
You were drunk at the last officers'call.
Estava bêbado na última chamada.
You were too drunk to remember.
Estavas demasiado bêbedo para te lembrares.
You got him drunk, and were successful.
Embebedou-o e teve êxito. Ele não conseguiu o emprego.
You were too drunk.
Estava bêbeda demais.
Oh, you were so drunk and confused. You didn't know any better.
Estavas tão bêbeda e confusa... que não sabias o que tinha acontecido.
You were drunk and careless of your brother.
Bebeste e esqueceste o teu irmão.
And everyone will be able to say that you had drunk so much that you challenged a man of whom you were jealous for no reason and who, in every way, is a better man than you are.
Agora, qualquer um dirá que, ébrio, desafiou um homem de quem tem ciúmes absolutamente infundados e que lhe é superior em todos os sentidos.
The last time I see you, señor, you were very drunk.
Da última vez que o vi, señor, você estava muito bêbedo.
Were you drunk?
Estava bebâdo?
You were with three friends. I'm afraid you were drunk then too.
Estava com três amigos... e daquela vez tinha bebido também.
You're just pretending. I remember the day you were drunk and followed me and pestered me with all your deep remarks.
O dia que me seguiu, quando estava bêbado... não era assim!
The other night at Delfino's, you were drunk, right?
- Estavas com os copos, no Delfino?
When you weren't saving people's lives... you were sitting around the apartment drunk.
Sim, mas quando não estavas a salvar pessoas, estavas no apartamento bêbado.
I'm saying you were blind drunk.
Estava cego de bêbado!
- You were drunk!
- Tu estavas bêbedo!
You just go and meet those FBI agents... and you tell them you were drunk, or having fits.
Tens de ir ter com os agentes do fbi... e dizer-lhes que estavas bêbado ou com ataques.
You were too drunk to drive.
Estava demasiado bêbado para conduzir.
You were too drunk to walk.
Estava demasiado bêbado para andar.
You were drunk.
Você estava bêbedo.
You were drunk when you left the club.
Estavas bêbado quando saíste do clube.
Whole time you were drunk.
Passa a vida bêbado.
Lmagine you were drunk!
Imagina que estavas bêbedo!
And you... We'd probably get along better if you were a drunk.
Quanto a você... acho que nos entenderíamos melhor se estivesse bêbado.
An hour ago you were drunk, and you remembered.
Há uma hora, você estava bêbado e lembrou.
You were drunk.
Tu estavas bêbado.
When I found you, you were so slobbering drunk you couldn't buy brandy!
Quando te encontrei estavas tão bêbado que nem brandy conseguias comprar.
No matter how blind drunk you were, they could always get you home.
Podias estar completamente bêbado, eles encontravam sempre o caminha para casa.
You were drunk, too confused to get any of it straight.
Estavas bêbedo, demasiado confuso para perceber.
The police report said you were drunk.
O relatório da polícia dizia que estavas embriagado.
You were pretty drunk.
Estavas bem bêbado.
You know, I never told you but... when your mom told me that she was pregnant and we were having you, I went out and got roaringly drunk.
Sabes, eu nunca te contei, mas... quando a tua mãe me disse que estava grávida de ti, saí e apanhei uma bebedeira.
You told her when you were drunk yesterday.
A senhora contou-lhe ontem quando estava embriagada.
You were drunk, Dan.
Você estava bêbado, Dan.

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