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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ W ] / Were you following me

Were you following me translate Portuguese

129 parallel translation
- Why were you following me?
- Porque é que me segue?
Were you following me a long time?
Estiveste a seguir-me durante muito tempo?
- Were you following me?
Haveis-me seguido.
Were you following me?
Estavas a seguir-me?
Why were you following me?
- Porque me estavas a seguir?
Why were you following me?
Porque me estás a seguir?
Were you following me?
Devia estar nos seus aposentos.
Were you following me, Kent?
Seguiste-me, Kent?
Yeah, so then why were you following me?
Sim, então, porque é que me estavas a seguir?
Why were you following me yesterday?
Porque me seguiste ontem?
Were you following me? - Have you been spying on me?
Andas a seguir-me?
Why were you following me?
Por que me estás a seguir?
Was I Lucky, Or Were You Following Me?
Tive sorte ou estavas a seguir-me?
Was I lucky, or were you following me?
Tive sorte, ou estavas a seguir-me?
Man, were you following me?
Meu, anda a seguir-me?
Were you following me?
Estavas-me a seguir?
Hey, um... so, why were you following me and John?
Então, porque me estavas a seguir a mim e ao John?
Why were you following me?
Por que me segue?
- Thought you were following him.
- Não estavas a segui-lo? Ele enganou-me.
You were following me and I ain't leading you to my customers.
Você estava me seguindo... e eu não vou levar você até os meus clientes.
You were following me?
- Andava a seguir-me?
Yeah, I beat out 70 other guys for this job. Get outta here. You were following'me.
You were following me.
Estavas a seguir-me.
Let me tell you about another group of hate mongers that were following orders.
Conto-vos de uma outra maquinaria que só cumpria ordens. - Qual?
I didn't know you were following me but, after our last talk I suspected that you might be out there.
Não sabia que me seguias, mas, depois da última conversa, suspeitei que estivesses por perto.
You were following me.
Tu é que me seguiste.
Depends on how long you were following me!
- Depende de há quanto tempo me seguia.
If I didn't know better, I'd say you were following me around, Mr. Bond.
Se fosse desconfiada, diria que me anda a seguir, Sr. Bond.
How you were following after me.
De como vinhas atrás de mim.
Greg, you were following your bliss. Well, you shouldn't let me follow my bliss.
Não devias deixar-me seguir a minha beatitude nem beber lixívia.
From the position I'm in, I don't like where you're putting me in... to ask these questions. Now, were you following him?
Foi a posição em que me colocaste, não me agrada ter de perguntar :
A rattlesnake can make your soul very sick. You're telling me the only reason you came back was because you were following the say-so of some medicine man.
Está a dizer-me que a única razão pela qual voltou foi porque está a seguir as ordens de um curandeiro.
You were following me the other day
Estavas no outro dia no mercado, seguias-me...
- It was you who were following me.
- Eram voces que me estavam a seguir.
And I can remember thinking, "that is really stupid, they would come and help you", and I think I persuaded myself that they were just following on, because they didn't want to embarass me'cause I peed myself and I was crying.
E lembro-me "é uma estupidez, eles teriam vindo ajudar-te", e acho que me convenci de que eles tinham se ido embora, porque eles não queriam envergonhar-me uma vez que me mijei e estava a chorar.
You were both plotting to catch me by following Mei.
Planeavam ambos apanhar-me seguindo a Mei.
You were following me, just like you did today.
Andava atrás de mim, tal como hoje.
You were reliable In following the clues I left, a shame they only got me time In the psychiatric ward,
Foi muito célere em seguir as pistas que eu deixei... é uma vergonha que só me tenha dado uns anos num hospital psiquiátrico.
I tell you the bleedin'boys were following'me around... and one little brasser says, "We're after your charms!"
Vou te contar, elas estavam me seguindo... e a miúda diz, "Estamos atrás do seu charme!"
You were in the loft. Why are you following me?
Estavas no atelier.
You know, Ari, we meet so often that if another P.I. Was following me, he'd think we were fucking.
Ari, encontramo-nos tantas vezes, que outro investigador privado que me siga pode pensar que namoramos.
And don't tell me that you were only following the orders of your masters.
E não me diga que estavam apenas seguindo ordens de seus mestres.
I thought you were following me.
- Pensava que me estavas a seguir.
You were following me, huh?
Andavas a seguir-me?
You did everything but wave at me when you were following.
Só te faltou acenares-me enquanto me seguias.
I really thought you were following me.
Pensei mesmo que me estava a seguir.
You were following me that day.
Estavas a seguir-me naquele dia.
- You were following me.
- Estava a seguir-me.
You were following your instinct to protect your country, just like me.
Estava seguindo seus instintos para proteger o país, como eu.
Thank God you said something,'cause I thought you were following me around, and it was about to get awkward.
Graças a Deus que disseste alguma coisa, porque pensava que estavas a seguir-me, e estava a começar a ficar estranho.
If I didn't know better, I'd think you were following me.
Se não o conhecesse melhor, achava que me andava a seguir.

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