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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ W ] / Were you surprised

Were you surprised translate Portuguese

282 parallel translation
Were you surprised to find me married?
- Ficaste admirado por estar casada?
Were you surprised when Maryk relieved the captain?
Ficou surpreendido quando o Maryk substituiu o capitão?
Were you surprised I called?
- O meu telefonema surpreendeu-te?
Were you surprised to hear what your father did to me?
Surpreendeu-te ouvires o que o teu pai me fez?
Were you surprised?
Ficou surpreendido?
Were you surprised - at the way the Italians ceded midfield dominance - so early on in the game?
Ficou surpreendido com a forma como os italianos cederam o domínio do meio campo tão cedo no jogo?
- Why were you surprised to see me?
- Por que te surpreendeste ao ver-me?
Were you surprised? That I was.
- Ficou surpreendido?
Just something personal. Were you surprised he did it?
Ficou surpreendido com o que ele fez?
Were you surprised that I got here?
Ficou surpreendido que eu tenha chegado aqui?
Were you surprised?
Ficaste feliz?
Were you surprised when her marriage collapsed?
Ficou surpreendido quando o casamento dela acabou?
-... ficou surpreso?
Were you surprised to hear from me?
Surpreendido por ter notícias minhas?
Were you surprised by the not-guilty verdict?
Ficou surpreendida com o veredicto de inocente?
So were you surprised to find out you had such a brilliant employee?
Então, ficou surpreendido ao descobrir que tinha um funcionário tão brilhante?
Were you surprised at the verdict?
Ficou surpresa com o veredicto?
I wonder which one of you would be more surprised if Robert Landis... were to walk in here right now.
Pergunto-me qual de vós ficaria mais surpreso se o Robert Landis, entrasse por aqui dentro agora.
Were you really surprised?
- Ficaste surpresa?
I was surprised when I heard you were going to be here.
Fiquei surpreendido quando soube que vinha.
I wouldn't be surprised if you were.
- Não muito.
You know, I was so surprised when I heard what you were playing.
Fiquei tão surpresa ao ouvi-los tocar.
If you were surprised, I'd be surprised.
Se a surpreendesse, surpreendia-me.
I wouldn't even be surprised if you believed what they were all whispering.
Nem me admiraria que acreditasses naquilo que andam todos a sussurrar.
- And is it not a fact that you were surprised in the act of opening the safe by your uncle
- E não é um fato que foi surpreendido no ato de abrir o cofre por seu tio
I suppose you were surprised to get my call.
Suponho que ficou surpreendido por receber o meu telefonena.
Well, were you at all surprised
Ficou surpreendido com isto, Jack?
Would you be surprised if I told you a bunch of rookie cops were the ones who were doing all the killing?
E se Ihe dissesse que os assassinos são polícias?
But I wouldn't be surprised if you were to quarry his heart, you'd find a ton of gold.
Mas eu não ficaria surpreendido. se você tivesse uma pedreira no seu coração, você gostaria de encontrar uma tonelada de ouro.
But I wouldn't be surprised if you were a bit of a liar.
Mas não me surpreenderia se fosses um pouco mentirosa.
When was the last time you were surprised?
Quando foi a última vez que ficaste surpreendida?
You know, when Diane told me you were a critic for Fine Art Magazine... I was a little surprised.
Quando soube que era crítico fiquei um pouco surpreendido.
I was just as surprised to see him as you were.
Fiquei tão admirado por o ver quanto vocês.
Hey, I gotta tell you, man. I was just as surprised as you were, you know?
Eu fiquei tão espantado quanto vocês.
I was just as surprised as you were when he showed up.
Fiquei tão surpreendida como tu quando ele apareceu.
But if you were getting it every 36 hours before Tiffany, I'm surprised you're even conscious.
Mas se tu o tinhas a cada 36 horas antes da Tiffany, surpreende-me que estejas consciente.
In fact, you look so good, I wouldn't be surprised... if you were going out with Caspasian alone.
Na verdade, estás tão bonita, que eu não ficaria surpreendido se... fosses sair sozinha com o Caspasian.
I am not surprised, I knew all along that all along you were a real fortune teller.
Nunca duvidei. vós, os adivinhos possuem grandes poderes
Were you really surprised?
- Ficaste mesmo surpreendido?
Yesterday you were surprised to find me alive.
Ontem ficaste surpreendida por me encontrares viva.
It must say, I was surprised you were on board the Jenolen.
Surpreendeu-me que estivesse a bordo da Jenolen.
The day it happened, you were surprised he owned a gun.
No dia em que aconteceu isto, até ficou surpreso por ele ter uma arma.
- Undoubtedly you were not surprised.
- Não ficou surpreso.
I bet you were surprised.
Aposto que ficou surpreendido.
I must say we were surprised to hear from you.
Devo dizer que estamos surpresos em ouvir isto de vocês.
We were a little surprised when you agreed to see us, Mr. Doe.
Ficamos surpreendidos quando nos disse que queria ver, Sr.. Doe.
You were more than surprised, Sam.
Ficaste mais do que surpreendido.
Of course you were pleasantly surprised.
Retalharei a tua mente.
You were pretty surprised then.
Ficaste muito surpreendido quando isso aconteceu.
I'm surprised you didn't have any the last time you were here.
Estou surpreso que você não tenha comido na última vez que esteve aqui.
I bet you were surprised
Aposto que ficaste surpreendido

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