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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ W ] / Were you alone

Were you alone translate Portuguese

810 parallel translation
- Were you alone all the time?
Foi só há duas semanas! Estava a colocar cortinas!
Were you alone with Bithiah?
Estavam sozinhas?
Private Ferol, when you reached the middle of no-man's-land... were you alone with Private Meyer?
Recruta, quando chegou à metade da terra de ninguém... estava sozinho com o cabo Meyer?
Were you alone on the walk?
Estava só nessa caminhada?
You were willing to let him go to his death alone.
Você o deixou morrer sozinho.
I was so alone, and suddenly you were there.
Estava tão sozinha e de repente você estava lá.
I was delighted when I saw that you were alone.
Fiquei encantado, quando vi que estava sozinha.
- They told me outside you were alone.
- Disseram-me que estava sozinha.
I'd find out if you were alone, walk in, hit you on the head with a piece of lead pipe or a loaded cane...
Eu descobriria se estavas sozinho, entrava, batia-te na cabeça com um tubo de chumbo ou com um pau pesado...
When the stars were bright And you were mine alone
Quando as estrelas brilhavam E tu eras só minha
You were afraid of being alone and I'd be your escape.
Tinhas medo de ficar sozinha e eu era a tua escapatória.
You know what happened the last time we were alone.
Sabe o que aconteceu da última vez que estivemos sós.
- Do you think that perhaps if I were alone...
- Acham que se eu estivesse sozinha...
You were smart to carry a gun, travelling alone in the park, but if you knew you had the gun in your bag why throw away the bag?
Fez bem em levar uma arma, ao andar sozinha pelo parque, mas... se sabia que tinha a arma na mala, por que deitou fora a mala?
You were not here, I couldn't leave her at home alone
Ia deixá-la sozinha em casa?
Don't try to tell me you were alone!
Não queres que eu acredite que estavas sózinho?
You were alone.
Estavas sozinha...
Even if I never sang alone, if I were only in the chorus... couldn't you suggest it to somebody sometime?
Mesmo que nunca cantasse sozinha, se ficasse só no coro a senhora pode sugerir para alguém, uma hora destas?
- You said you were alone here?
- Disse que estava aqui sozinho?
But if I were you, I'd leave a thing like this alone.
Mas, no teu lugar, deixaria esse tipo de coisas em paz.
Wondered why you were alone.
Perguntei-me porque estaria sozinho.
It's not as if you were alone. This has happened to every boy.
Não é que sejas o único, isto acontece a todos os rapazes.
Two days ago we were strangers and now you're here alone with me.
Há dois dias, éramos estranhos e agora está aqui sozinha comigo.
You testified that the reason you got into Barney Quill's car was that you were afraid to go home alone.
Declarou que a razão de ter entrado no carro do Barney Quill... foi por ter medo de regressar a casa sozinha.
Were you 13 times 13 I would not be alone.
Fossem vocês treze vezes treze Eu não estaria só.
Were you afraid, being in the house all alone?
Tiveste medo de ficar sozinha em casa?
You two were left alone?
Vocês os dois ficaram sozinhos?
You were willing to let him go to his death alone.
Deixaste-o morrer sozinho.
If I die you'll be alone. But they'd be mean to me, like they were before. They'll be kind.
Se eu morrer ficaráa sozinha.
What were you doing upstairs? I went to see those poor things. They'd be alone all the time if not for me.
Fui visitar as coitadinhas, estão sempre sozinhas, se não for eu...
You were only about six months old when your mother stayed alone with you in a sod hut under eight foot of snow, while I moved the herd 300 miles south to try and save it.
Só tinhas cerca de seis meses quando a tua ficou sozinha contigo numa cabana debaixo de três metros de neve, enquanto eu mudava a manada 300 milhas para sul para a tentar salvar.
I'd leave well alone if I were you.
- Se fosse a ti deixaria estar.
You were Just sitting there alone trying to decide what to order...
Tu estavas sentada sozinha e não sabias o que encomendar...
And I thought you were alone.
E eu cri, que esteve sola.
You were instructed to come alone.
Devia de ter vindo sozinho.
Were you going to die alone?
Ias morrer sozinho?
If I were your husband, I wouldn't leave you alone so much.
Se eu fosse seu marido não a deixaria tão sozinha.
Tell me how it came to be that the two of you were wandering alone in the desert.
Digam-me lá, que andam vocês a vaguear sozinhos no deserto.
I thought you were already on the boat, so I told the police you'd come this way just so they'd leave me alone.
Temos que ir embora daqui. Eu achava que já tivesses partido.
You were found alone in the room.
Foi encontrado sozinho na sala.
Sheriff in Red Creek wired you were bringin'three killers in alone.
O Xerife de Red Creek telegrafou. Avisou que ia trazer 3 assassinos.
You were left alone down here, Ron.
Foste cá deixado sozinho, Ron. O que aconteceu?
There you were, standing on the scaffold... alone and friendless... and the crowd is yelling, "Kill him!"
Estavas lá, parado no patíbulo sozinho e sem amigos e o povo a gritar "Matem-no! Matem-no!"
I thought you were alone.
Pensei que estavas sozinha.
- You were sent alone?
- Você foi enviado sozinho?
How do I know you were alone in Deauville?
E como posso ter a certeza que estavas sozinho em Dauville.
If your father were small and weak. then you probably wouldn't grow big enough to handle a calf. let alone an ox,
Se seu pai fosse pequeno e fraco, provavelmente, não cresceria o suficiente... pra se encarregar nem de bezerros ou mesmo de bois.
maybe it's better... not to go where you're always reminded that once you were - you weren't alone.
Talvez seja melhor não ir... a um lugar onde tudo o que há lembra de um tempo em que não estava sozinha.
You were sitting there all alone and he frightened you.
Tu estavas sozinha e assustaste-te.
Now, Mrs. West, you were alone when your husband was killed.
Sra. West, estava sozinha quando o seu marido foi morto.
If I were to look after my interests alone, I shouldn't need you, fire the lot of you, especially all you day laborers.
Se só ligasse aos meus interesses, não precisaria de vocês, despedia-vos a todos, sobretudo vocês, os trabalhadores à jorna.

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