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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ W ] / Would you like one

Would you like one translate Portuguese

760 parallel translation
Would you like one of my flowers?
Queres uma das minhas flores?
"Would you like one of those lacy things?"
"Queres uma coisa daquelas com renda?"
- Would you like one, Lydecker?
- Quer um, Lydecker?
Would you like one of these?
Quer um destes?
Would you like one?
Quer uma?
Would you like one?
Queres um?
Would you like one?
- É para a Tracy.
Would you like one too?
Também aceita um?
Would you like one?
Quer um?
So would you like one? No.
- Gostaria de obter um?
"Would you also like one..."
"Não quer também um..."
How would you like to have somebody... steal one of your heifers?
Gostavas que alguém... roubasse uma das tuas novilhas?
Gabrielle, would you like to read me one of those poems?
Gabrielle, gostaria de me ler um desses poemas?
Señor Donald, I would like to have you meet... one of the most eccentric birds you have ever seen.
Apresento-lhe uma das aves mais excêntricas que já viu.
Officer Peters, I don't wish to keep you from your wife and children any more than the district attorney, who was so concerned about them but I would like to ask you one question :
Não quero mantê-lo afastado da sua mulher e filhos, tal como o procurador público, que estava tão preocupado com eles, mas gostava de lhe fazer uma pergunta :
There are just one or two things I would like to say to you today.
Quero-lhes dizer hoje duas coisas.
But if you would like one on the front of the painting...
Mas se preferir uma na frente da pintura...
Harun, if I had a son, he would have been one like you.
Harun, se tivesse um filho, queria que fosse igual a si.
Would you like a drink? " Love one.
Queres uma bebida?
- Would you like me to introduce you to one?
How would you like to come out with me one night?
- Oh. Você gostaria de sair comigo qualquer noite destas?
In the past, I have given you many kinds of suspense pictures. But this time, I would like you to see a different one.
No passado, dei-vos muitos tipos de filmes de suspense, mas, desta vez, gostaria que vissem um diferente.
- Would you like to taste one?
Quer provar um?
But I'm sure you've realized by now that no one can have everything just as he would like it.
Mas tenho a certeza que já percebeste que ninguém pode ter tudo como desejaria.
Would you like us to get one of your men?
- Quer aqui um dos seus homens?
Would you like to see one of those heads?
Quer ver uma dessas cabeças?
Would you all like to see one of those heads?
E vocês querem ver?
Would you like to become one of them?
Gostarias de ser um deles?
Would you go with a woman like this one?
- Você iria com uma mulher destas? - Não.
- Would you like one?
- Quer?
would you like another one.
Senhorita, quer outro?
Figured like that would mean you'd get three shares for being three people, one for the car one share for going down and looking at the wreck and three for being three more people in the car.
Ou seja, você recebe 3 partes por 3 pessoas, 1 pelo carro... 1 por ir lá a baixo e 3 por ter 3 pessoas no carro.
How else would you get all this stuff into one suitcase, I'd like to know?
De que outra forma conseguiria enfiar tudo isto dentro de uma mala?
You, little one. Would you like to go out for coffee by yourself, when you're older? - Yes.
Pequena, você amaria poder enfim ir beber um café completamente sozinha quando for grande?
Gostaria de mostrar uma das armas mais modernas da CONTROL.
Would you like one of the girls to go with you?
Quer que alguma das moças Ihe acompanhe?
- Would you like to smoke one?
- Quer fumar um?
I would still like to keep one of you with me.
Gostava de manter um de vos comigo.
Would you like to see another one?
Gostaria de ver outra?
Now, which one of you guys would like to stick this in the major?
Qual de vocês gostaria de espetar isto no vosso major?
Would you like him to stay with us now, to be as one of us?
Queres que ele fique connosco, que seja um de nós?
Which one of you ladies and gentlemen would like an automatic haircut?
Qual de vocês senhoras e senhores gostaria de um corte de cabelo automático?
Colonel Kusenov, we would like to know everything you can tell us about one subject.
Coronel Kusenov, gostaríamos que nos dissesse tudo o que sabe sobre um assunto :
Now, if you and your pal had one big wish, Trevor, what would you like to see on television?
Se você e o seu amigo tivessem um desejo, Trevor, que gostariam de ver na televisão?
Would you like our charge card, good for charging at any one of thousands of establishments?
Quer um cartäo que pode ser carregado em milhares de estabelecimentos?
- Would you like to try one yourself?
- Quer tentar?
- Would you like me to get one?
Eu recebo uma de você?
We would like you to go ahead with this one.
Gostaríamos que fosse avante com este.
How would you like to swallow one sandwich de knuckles?
Como você gostaria de engolir um sanduíche "au" punho fechado?
There is one matter I would like to take up with you, Monsieur Pépé.
Mas queria falar de um assunto consigo, Monsieur Pépé.
Which one would you like?
Agora ela tem a tua horrivel irritação de garganta, Não a tem, a pobre criatura? Toma. Qual queres?

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