You made me translate Portuguese
7,717 parallel translation
You made me look good.
- Fizeste-me fazer boa figura.
I'm actually really glad you made me do it this way.
Ainda bem que me obrigou a fazê-lo assim.
The fireworks you made me surrender when we reentered New York! Uh-huh.
O fogo de artifício que me obrigaste a entregar quando voltámos a Nova Iorque.
Well, you made me take out the brother-sister sex stuff, So there was this big hole on page 18.
Fizeste-me tirar o sexo incestuoso e ficou um espaço na página 18.
You made me a liar.
Transformaste-me num mentiroso.
You made me a liar, an accomplice in your treason. Do you forget how much Marcus suffered?
Você me fez mentir, cúmplice de sua traição.
What the hell is that supposed to mean? That home-cooked Italian meal you made me last week?
O jantar italiano caseiro que me serviste na semana passada?
You made me swallow my night guard.
Fizeste-me engolir a proteção para os dentes.
You made me. Now get used to it.
Criaste-me, acostuma-te com isso.
Well, it was your fault,'cause you made me burst out laughing.
Bem, a culpa foi tua, porque me fizeste engasgar de tanto rir.
Homer Simpson, you made me less of a man in my sons'eyes.
Homer Simpson, fizeste de mim menos homem aos olhos dos meus filhos.
♪ You made me feel so ♪
Fizeste-me sentir tão...
♪ You made me feel so young ♪
Fizeste-me sentir tão jovem
"You made me feel so young."
"Fizeste-me sentir tão jovem."
"You made me feel so young." Past tense.
"Fizeste-me sentir tão jovem." Passado.
If this isn't for a case, you could go to jail, and I could, too, because you've made me an accomplice.
Se isto não for para um caso, Podes ser preso, e eu também, porque fizeste de mim uma cúmplice.
You pushed me off onto another doctor who forced me into taking medications that only made things worse.
Empurrou-me para outro médico que forçou-me a tomar medicamentos, que apenas tornaram as coisas piores.
You just made me sound awesome.
Porque acabaste de me fazer sentir muito bem.
When we first met when I told you that Simon was dead that sound you made it still haunts me.
Quando nos conhecemos pela primeira vez quando te disse que o Simon estava morto aquele som que fizeste ainda me atormenta.
She told me all about you, how you made her cry in gym class, so why you?
Ela contou-me tudo sobre ti, como a fizeste chorar na aula de ginástica.
But I'm telling you, it made a brand-new man outta me.
Mas vou-te contar, fez de mim um novo homem.
- I told you, the war made me do things.
Já te disse, a guerra obrigou-me a fazer coisas.
Sim, foi o que me fez pensar em ligar-vos.
You remember when you made this for me, that time we went to the beach?
Lembras-te quando me fizeste isto? Daquela vez que fomos à praia?
You manipulated me, made me complicit in mass murder.
Tu manipulaste-me. E tornaste-me cúmplice de um genocídio.
You manipulated me, made me complicit in mass murder.
Manipulaste-me, tornaste-me cúmplice de um homicídio em massa.
Everything you've done in your life, you've made me proud.
Sempre tive orgulho de tudo o que fizeste na vida.
You swear that is the first client that Jessica gave him after me made name partner?
Juras que esse foi o primeiro cliente que a Jessica lhe deu, após a promoção?
You may have thought you were fighting for me, but I know that Jessica dumped me on Harvey, and it seems that the second you made name partner, Harvey did the same thing to you.
Pode ter julgado que sim, mas sei que a Jessica me passou para o Harvey e parece que, mal chegou a sócio nominal, o Harvey fez-lhe o mesmo.
You killed my sisters And made me pay for it My entire life!
Matou as minhas irmãs e me fez pagar toda a minha vida!
You know, I'm starting to believe You made this husband of yours up to discourage men like me.
Sabe, acho que seu marido faz isso para nos encorajar.
That's the energy you feel. It's what made me curious.
Foi isso que me deixou curioso.
All you need to think of are your loyalties and the promises you have made to me.
Só tens de pensar nas tuas lealdades e nas promessas que me fizeste.
One night she made me fuck her in her parents'kitchen, and I'm not shitting you here, she finished off a plate of stew while I was inside her.
Uma noite, ela me fez trepar com ela na cozinha de seus pais, E eu não estou cagando você aqui, Ela finalizou um prato de guisado enquanto eu estava dentro dela.
You can tell people you made it with me if you want.
Se quiseres, podes dizer que estiveste comigo.
Before I go, I want you to know that I've made a decision.
Antes de ir, preciso que saiba que me decidi.
You know how dear you are to me, and if there are changes that need to be made, we mustn't be afraid to face them.
Você sabe como me é querido, e se há mudanças a ser feitas, não devemos ter medo de as encarar.
You made a mistake, Miss Denker, in your haste to be rid of me.
A senhora cometeu um erro, na sua pressa de se livrar de mim.
It's just that when you said that out loud, it made me laugh.
Mas quando disseste isso em voz alta deu-me vontade de rir.
You just made me the happiest, prettiest, most talented girl in the world.
Fez de mim a rapariga mais feliz, linda e talentosa do mundo!
And I never thought I would say that. But you have made me a believer.
E nunca achei que diria isto mas tu fizeste-me acreditar.
You've already made me a whole lot of paper. - Ah.
Ganhei muito dinheiro contigo.
No, you made a choice to defy me and to back them.
Não. Fizeste isso para desafiar-me e apoiá-los.
You mean the old "Devil made me do it" defense?
A velha desculpa de que "é culpa do diabo"?
You've made me a very happy old man.
Tornou este velho muito feliz. Dê-lhe um banho e alimente-a.
I got to tell you, it hurt a little bit, but... it made it easier for me, to, um, give you this.
Mas tornou mais fácil de te entregar isto.
And then I heard the two of you, and it made me wonder.
E depois ouvi o que vocês disseram e comecei a interrogar-me.
The only mistake I made was not doing anything about you when Trubel told me what you did.
O único erro foi não fazer nada quando a Trubel me disse o que fez.
I want you to know that I remember every single time we've made love.
Quero que saibas que me lembro de todas as vezes que fizemos amor.
Castle, I just wanted to see what made Zhang tick... you know, how she achieved what she did, so maybe that could help me move forward.
Castle, eu queria ver o que faz a Zhang perfeita, sabes, como conseguiu tudo o que tem, talvez isso pudesse ajudar-me a seguir em frente.
Well, if memory serves, Oscar, you let yourself in one day and made off with several thousand dollars'worth of rare books and computer equipment.
Se bem me recordo, Oscar, entraste lá um dia e saíste com centenas de dólares em livros raros e equipamento de informática.
you made me a promise 19
you made it 730
you made your bed 27
you made your point 111
you made a mistake 169
you made your choice 40
you made the right decision 46
you made the right choice 44
you made a promise 37
you made it up 29
you made it 730
you made your bed 27
you made your point 111
you made a mistake 169
you made your choice 40
you made the right decision 46
you made the right choice 44
you made a promise 37
you made it up 29
you made a choice 27
you made a commitment 17
you made the right call 27
you made sure of that 16
you made this 52
you made 28
you made that up 37
you made bail 25
you made a deal 26
you made them 16
you made a commitment 17
you made the right call 27
you made sure of that 16
you made this 52
you made 28
you made that up 37
you made bail 25
you made a deal 26
you made them 16