What time was it translate Turkish
816 parallel translation
- What time was it?
- Saat kaçtı?
What time was it when you brought her in here, Watson?
Onu buraya getirdiğinde saat kaçtı, Watson?
- What time was it?
- Bu ne zamandı?
What time was it?
Saat kaçtı?
What time was it?
Ne zaman oldu bu olay?
What time was it?
- Saat kaçtı?
What time was it...
Saat kaçtı?
What time was it when you went out to fix the sign?
Tabelayı düzeltmek için dışarı çıktığında saat kaçtı?
Oceanographers had been aware of it for some time, but they couldn't explain what it was.
Oşinograflar, bu hendeğin bir süredir farkındaydı ancak ne olduğunu açıklayamıyorlardı.
And the way he answered this was to say, well, what must have happened to this grey rock is that it must have been deposited on the sea bed at one time and it must then have been twisted and brought up so that it's sitting vertically and it must then have been eroded off, so it must have been land.
Ve bu gri kayaya ne olmuş olabileceğini, şöyle açıkladı bu kaya bir zamanlar deniz yatağında birikmiş olmalıydı ve sonra bükülmüş ve yukarı çıkmıştı bu yüzden dikey duruyordu ve sonra da aşınmış ve toprağa dönüşmüştü.
- It reminds me of that other time. - What time was that?
- Bu bana eski bir anı hatırlattı.
Every time I tried to think of that song. What was it?
Ne zaman o şarkıyı hatırlamaya çalışsam.
Then you asked what time it was.
Sonra saatin kaç olduğunu sormuşsun.
- What? Well, it struck me that Mr. Morgan was looking absent-minded most of the time.
Bay Morgan'ın sık sık dalıp gittiği dikkatimi çekti.
What I mean is, we'd come to the point where it was time to quit playing.
Demek istediğim, oyunu bitirme noktasına gelmiştik.
I don't know what happened to it, but it was working... at the wrong time.
Ne olduğunu bilmiyordum ama çalışmaya başlamıştı... Yanlış zamanda.
Lucky you asked me before exactly what time it was.
Şansa bak ki az önce saatin tam olarak kaç olduğunu sormuştun.
- Just wondering what time it was. Why?
- Saatin kaç olduğunu merak etmiştim.
I don't know what it is, but every time I meet you... - it's like I was seeing a friend.
Bilmiyorum neden ama seninle her karşılaştığımızda sanki bir arkadaşı görmüş gibi oluyorum.
Yeah, sure forgot what time it was in Springfield.
Evet, Springfield'de saatin kaç olduğunu unutmuşum.
By the time I saw what had happened, it was too late.
Ne olduğunu anladığımda çok geç olmuştu.
And what made it even tougher was that she was around all the time... hovering over me, afraid I'd do injury to her precious brainchild.
Onun, biricik çocuğuna zarar vermemden korkarcasına başımın üzerinde dikilmesi işi daha da zorlaştırıyordu.
I don't know what time it was,
Saat kaçtı, bilmiyorum.
Can you tell me exactly what time it was?
Saatin kaç olduğunu söyleyebilir misiniz?
Now, did you notice what time it was he went to the phone?
Kendisi telefon etmeye gittiğinde saatin kaç olduğunu biliyor musunuz?
But when I think back about it now I realise that, all the time I was talking, the thing that was really in my mind was to remember not to ask what it was her boss Rappalo was so sorry for.
Ama şimdi düşününce fark ediyorum da tüm o konuştuğum süre boyunca aklımdaki tek şey, patronu Rappalo'nun ne için üzgün olduğunu sormamaktı.
What took a lot of time was putting it back in place.
Zaman, aldıklarını geri veriyordu.
What time did he say it was?
Saat kac dedi?
I've a request to do a song to all saloonkeepers who blew their liquor license. "l Didn't Know What Time It Was."
Şimdi içki lisansını kaybeden salon sahipleri için söylüyorum.
You haven't known what time it was since the day we were married.
Sen evlendiğimiz zaman saat kaçtı onu bile bilmezsin.
I had no idea what time it was.
Saatin kaç olduğu hakkında hiçbir fikrim yok.
So to pass the time one day, I calculated what it was worth getting shot at.
Bu yüzden bir gün vakit geçirmek için, ateş edilmenin ne kadar edeceğini hesapladım.
What made you believe it was him every other time?
Diğer seferlerinde gerçekten onun olduğuna inanmanı sağlayan şey neydi?
What should I do? Fortuna', it's my first day offreedom and it was my first night after a long time.
Bugün özgürlüğümün ilk günü.
It was time to make clear, individually and as a group, what the consequences of betrayal would be.
İhanetin sonuçlarının ne olacağını - ayrı ayrı ve grup olarak - açıklığa kavuşturma zamanıydı.
I thought it was time to ask, what are you trying to pull?
Sorma zamanım gelmişti : Sen ne çeviriyorsun?
I want the colonel to know that what happened tonight, the way it happened, was so quick that I hardly had time to marshal my forces.
- Kulak misafiri oldum, efendim. Albay'ın bilmesini isterim ki, bu gece olanlar müdahale etmeme fırsat vermeyecek kadar ani gelişti.
What was it you told me the last time?
Son defasında bana ne demiştin?
I mean, Old Billy wouldn't stop to think what time of day it was, would he?
Yaşlı Billy, "Saat kaç?" demez, değil mi?
I just asked what time it was.
Acelem yok. Saatin kaç olduğunu sordum sadece.
And the whole time I knew that I should remember something something someone had said but I had forgotten what it was.
Ve tüm bu zaman boyunca birisinin söylemiş olduğu birşeyi hatırlamam gerektiği aklımdaydı ama ne olduğunu unutmuştum.
And that you were right, it was time for you to accept that you are what you are.
Ve haklıydı da. Bu artık, kendini olduğun gibi kabul etme vaktin.
The first time we knew about it was when a guard, seeing what he thought was me in Garth's cell, released him.
İlk olarak bunu, bir korumanın, Garth'ı ben sanarak hücresinden çıkarıp serbest bıraktığında anladık.
What I did was, I computed the time on my watch, the 26-and-a-half minutes that it would take me to seduce her.
Yaptığım iş, 26,5 dakikalık süreyi saatimde hesaplamaktı, bu süre... -... bana kızı ayartmam için lazımdı. - 26,5 dakika mı?
Yeah, that's it, and he asked me what time it was.
Tamam, öyleydi. Bana saati sordu.
What was it this time?
Bu sefer neymiş?
E to see it, on this day strange, limpid and empty, the desert beaches, an immense barbed wire for all the side, at the time, I felt that it was a species of symbol of what the people felt,
Sonra orayı tuhaf, parlak, boş bir biçimde gördüm. Sahiller terkedilmişti, her yerde dikenli tel örgüler vardı. Sonra birden bu durumun, insanların savaşa girmek üzere hazır olduğunu gösteren bir tür işaret olduğunu hissettim.
It was in December of 1937, in Nanking, that the Japanese had committed, what it was until a time, one of the biggest atrocities of this century, when they had massacreed more than 200 a thousand Chinese the cold blood.
Japon ordusu, aralık 1937'de Nanking'de yüzyılın, o anına dek yapılan en büyük kıyımını gerçekleştirmiş 200.000'den fazla Çinliyi gözünü bile kırpmadan kılıçtan geçirmişti [4].
But we obtain to leave the roads main and to go for the province e was extraordinary, because it was a wonderful time, in the villages the people received them e offered them optimum brandy, optimum wine, therefore said "stops what to leave everything for the Germans?"
Ama güç bela anayola ulaşmayı başardık... Taşrada durum çok sıradışıydı. Hava günlük güneşlikti.
It was a revelation for me what happened last time.
Aramızda yaşananlar bana ilham verdi.
Just enough time for me to get dressed as a catamite, if I knew what it was.
Dönme kılığına bürünmem için yeterli bir zaman, eğer ne olduğunu bilirsem.
what time 422
what time do you get off 21
what time is it 1638
what time do you have 26
what time did you get home 22
what time is it now 72
what time do you call this 24
what time you got 28
what time did you leave 21
what time was this 58
what time do you get off 21
what time is it 1638
what time do you have 26
what time did you get home 22
what time is it now 72
what time do you call this 24
what time you got 28
what time did you leave 21
what time was this 58
what time was that 109
was it 1813
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
was it fun 48
was it nice 29
was it good 112
was it you 219
was it a 18
was it 1813
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
was it fun 48
was it nice 29
was it good 112
was it you 219
was it a 18