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You said it yourself traducir español

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You said it yourself. Nothing is what it seems.
Nada es lo que parece ser.
You said it yourself, you're closed until dinner.
Lo has dicho tú misma, vas a cerrar hasta la cena.
You said it yourself.
Tú misma lo dijiste
You said it yourself, Dawson.
Dawson, tú mismo lo dijiste.
All right, you said it yourself.
Muy bien, tú mismo lo dijiste.
You said it yourself.
Tú misma lo dijiste.
You said it yourself, doctor.
Usted misma lo dijo, doctora.
- Oh, you said it yourself years ago.
- Ah, tú misma lo dijiste hace años :
You said it yourself now.
Sí, Sr. Dígaselo a usted mismo ahora.
- You said it yourself.
- Tú lo dijiste.
Yeah, but he made it out. You said it yourself.
Sí, pero logró salir, tú mismo lo dijiste.
You said it yourself.
Tu mismo lo has dicho.
You said it yourself.
Tú mismo lo dijiste.
You said it yourself!
¡ Tú mismo lo dijiste!
You said it yourself, that he's an ambitious prick.
Tú mismo lo dijiste, es un engreido.
You said it yourself. You just don't want to lose me.
Tú mismo dijiste que no querías perderme.
Pacey, you said it yourself.
Pacey, tú mismo lo dijiste.
You said it yourself : in time we can wipeout the taelon tech... but until then we need that, to jump start the system.
Tu misma lo has dicho : en su tiempo, podremos reemplazar la tegnología Taelon pero hasta que lo podamos hacer, lo necesitamos para empezar el sistéma.
You said it yourself- - doctors heal.
Te llamas a ti mismo doctor sanador.
Come on, you said it yourself.
Tú lo dijiste.
- You said it yourself.
- Tú misma lo dijiste.
- You said it yourself.
- Tú mismo lo dijiste.
You said it yourself, there's no guarantee for me.
Tu lo dijiste, no hay garantías.
You said it yourself, I'm just a fucking driver.
Tu mismo lo dijiste, soy un simple chofer.
No, you said it yourself.
No, lo dijiste tu mismo.
You said it yourself.
Lo has dicho tú mismo.
Constantly looking over your shoulder. You said it yourself.
¿ Siempre corriendo, siempre mirando hacia atrás?
You said it yourself, sir.
Ud mismo lo ha dicho, Señor.
Well, you said it yourself, didn't you?
Lo dijiste tú misma, ¿ verdad?
Well, hey, you said it yourself, You're too old for this shit.
Bueno, lo has dicho tú mismo, eres demasiado viejo para esa mierda.
You said it yourself.
Usted misma lo dijo.
Red, you said it yourself.
Red, tu mismo lo dijiste.
You said it yourself. Edmond Dantes is dead.
Usted lo ha dicho.
And you said it yourself...
Y tu misma lo dijiste...
You said it yourself.
Lo dijo usted misma.
You said it yourself...
Lo dijiste tú mismo :
And you said yourself, what you saw in that living room, well, it wasn't the Risa Helms that you know.
Y lo dijo usted mismo, lo que vio en la sala no era la Risa Helms que conoce.
You've said it yourself.
Lo dijiste tu misma.
You said so yourself, it could be possible.
Tú mismo lo dijiste. Podría ser posible.
It's a crowd, you said so yourself. It doesn't matter if there's one more or less.
Tú lo has dicho, esa es una multitud. ¿ En qué la cambia uno más?
When I said you should screw yourself I didn't mean for you to take it literally.
Cuando dije que te jodieras no era literalmente.
Mama always said...... you want something done, you DO it yourself.
Mamá siempre dijo... si quieres hacer algo, hazlo tú mismo
You said, yourself, that it was important that we respect tradition.
Tú misma dijiste que era importante que respetáramos la tradición.
Yeah, like I said, you can totally train yourself to recognize it.
Sí, como te dije, puedes entrenarte perfectamente para reconocerlo.
- It's also a way of avoiding... - Yes, you said it... chaining yourself to the work you have to do.
Es una manera de evitar ponerse al trabajo que hay que hacer.
Rodger, I believe I read that you said you went in there, uh, attempting to not be mean, but be straightforward and couldn't bring yourself to do it.
Rodger me parece haber leído. Que fuiste con la intención de no ser malvado pero ser sincero y no pudiste hacerlo.
They said if you bring some candy, you can't eat it all yourself, you gotta share with other kids.
decían que si traía algunos dulces, usted no puede comérselo todo solo, usted debes compartir con otros niños.
You just said it yourself.
Usted mismo dijo eso.
Bueno, estoy seguro de que no significa lo que tú piensas, porque tú mismo dijiste que nunca haces nada.
You even said it yourself.
Tú lo dijiste.
And you said it yourself, that... that sometimes, it just doesn't really matter because it's a physiological impulse.
Y tu misma lo dijiste, que... que a veces,

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