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Give it a rest traducir francés

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Why, you seventh son of a seventh son, give it a rest.
Septième fils d'un septième fils, laissez tomber.
Hey, give it a rest.
Ça suffit!
Man, you're a pain. Give it a rest.
Laissez-moi tranquille!
- And noone's to be friend With me! - Give it a rest!
Pas de familiarités!
Then why not give it a rest?
alors pourquoi ne pas lâcher prise.
- Give it a rest, François.
- Fous-moi la paix, François.
- Give it a rest.
- Ho, ça va, toi.
- Give it a rest!
- Ça va, allez, monte!
Give it a rest, Simone.
Voyons, Simone...
Give it a rest, talking about the theatre.
Ne parlons plus de théâtre.
Give it a rest.
Non plus.
Serves him right - he shouldn't stick his nose into politics! You don't know a thing about it, so give it a rest!
Ça lui apprendra à s'occuper de politique.
Give it a rest, Jos.
Arrête un peu, Jos.
Give it a rest.
Will you give it a rest, kid?
Laisse tomber, gamin.
One more time and we give it a rest.
Encore un voyage et on fait une pause.
You can't go up and down the stairs. Give it a rest.
Evite de monter et descendre.
Why don't you give it a rest?
Arrête donc!
Give it a rest, sweetheart.
- Ça suffit, mon grand.
Cut it out Mort, give it a rest.
Laisse tomber Mort, tu es lourd.
Give it a rest Cork.
Arrête, Cork!
- Leave it alone. Give it a rest.
- Laisse ton nez tranquille.
- Give it a rest, will you? You work too hard.
Vous travaillez trop.
Just give it a rest, Marvin.
Laisse tomber, Marvin.
- Give it a rest old timer.
Arrête. Oui.
Don't start talking politics, not this evening. Give it a rest.
Assez de politique, c'est pas marrant, comme soirée.
Give it a rest!
Oh! Arrête ton char!
Give it a rest, paI, and give us a break.
Laisse-nous un peu respirer, mon vieux.
- Just give it a rest.
- Ça suffit avec tout ça.
Give it a rest, Victor.
Laisse tomber, Victor.
Give it a rest, will you?
Lâchez-nous un peu, vous serez gentil.
Give it a rest, Rose.
Change de disque, Rose.
Give it a rest.
Gardes-en un peu.
Give it a rest, huh?
T'arretes, ouais?
- Give it a rest, why don't you?
- Lâchez-la un peu!
But she thought it over. And for the rest of that tour I'll give you my word, sir John, she was tallulah.
Mais le reste de la tournée... elle a été extraordinaire.
It will give him a good night's rest, and he needs that.
Ça lui permettra d'avoir une bonne nuit de repos.
And I think it would be well if you were all to go now... and give Juan a few minutes'rest before his ordeal.
Maintenant retirez-vous... que Juan se recueille.
Give me Mike and a couple of kids, and she can have all the rest of it.
Je prends Mike et quelques enfants et elle peut avoir tout le reste.
You'd better give your brain a rest. You're gonna need it.
Vous avez besoin de repos.
You need a rest now why give it up for a dinner party?
Tu as besoin de repos! Pourquoi un dîner?
- Give it a rest.
Ça va!
After you get all this piled against that building all of it, then give them a 10-minute rest.
Quand ce sera empilé contre ce bâtiment, la totalité, laissez-les se reposer dix minutes.
Besides, it'll give you a chance to rest and me a chance to work.
Et, comme ça, tu te reposeras et moi, je pourrai travailler.
It's guys like you who give the rest of us a bad name!
Vous salissez le nom de la profession!
Give it a fucking rest.
Merde, arrêtez un peu.
Now I am going to give you a prescription. Just a harmless tranquillising tablet. It will help you to rest easy.
Je vais vous faire une ordonnance, un léger tranquillisant, ça vous aidera à vous reposer.
If you drove, it would give me a rest.
Si tu conduisais, ça me reposerait.
I'll give you a third of the loot and I'll be gone with the rest of it.
Je te donnerai 1 / 3 du butin et je partirai avec le reste.
Alcott, why don't you give it a little rest, all right?
Alcott, tu veux bien te la fermer un peu?
OK, just give me a second to rest, catch my breath, then we'll do it, OK?
Attends une minute, je reprends mon souffle et on y va.

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