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Where you come from traducir francés

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I know where you come from.
Je sais d'où tu viens.
Oh, where you come from, that must be a devastating thing to withhold.
Là d'où vous venez, ce doit être un crève-cœur.
Where you come from, people wear magic underwear.
Là d'où tu viens, les gens portent des sous-vêtements magiques.
Where you come from do they need maids?
Chez vous, on ne chercherait pas une femme de ménage?
I keep forgetting that's where you come from.
J'oublie que c'est là d'où tu viens.
You just remember where you come from.
Rappelle-toi juste d'où tu viens.
I don't know what things are like where you come from.
C'est comment là d'où tu viens?
I mean, this is where you come from.
- C'est d'ici que vous venez.
Because of the evators where you come from?
A cause des ascenseurs de chez toi?
Where did you come from?
D'où tu sors?
Back where I come from, you join the fire department to steal shit from people's bedrooms.
Là d'où je viens, on devient pompier pour pouvoir voler des trucs chez les gens.
Let me remind you where the torches come from...
Quoi qu'ils soient...
Where did you come from?
D'où venez-vous?
Where did you come from?
D'où viens-tu?
Or is you such a bitch-ass punk you worried about where my money come from?
Ou bien c'est sa provenance qui te fait flipper?
And if you come in with a wad of bills tomorrow, Randy, I want to know where they came from.
Et si tu viens avec un paquet de billets demain, Randy, je voudrai savoir d'où ils viennent.
- Where did you come from?
- D'où viens-tu?
When you're a kiddie, it's as good an explanation, as any to where the presents come from.
Quand on est gamin, c'est une très bonne explication... pour expliquer d'où viennent les cadeaux.
Come on, if you don't stay up to date on my notes, where's your next article going to come from?
Si tu ne regardes plus mes notes, comment écriras-tu ton prochain article?
The cash we caught you with on the drawbridge, where'd it come from?
D'où venait l'argent avec lequel on vous a arrêté sur le pont-levis?
Where'd you come from?
D'où tu sors?
All the power is in the people. And to the extent that government becomes alienated from the people, does things the people don't want, power is transfered'til you finally come to a police state, totalitarian state, whatever the word you wanna give it, where the desires of the people really have no consequence.
C'est le peuple qui a le pouvoir et à partir du moment où le gouvernement se détache du peuple, fait des choses dont le peuple ne veut pas, le pouvoir se transforme finalement en état policier, totalitaire peu importe le mot à utiliser,
But why are you so sure that's right? I mean if you think about where the scriptures come from,
Je veux dire que si vous savez d'où viennent les écritures,
Where I come from, when you say you're driving a ways, it means 45 minutes.
Par chez moi, assez loin, c'est 45 mn de voiture.
You gotta quit talking to people about their bodies, and about where, you know, babies come from.
Tu dois arrêter de parler aux gens de leurs corps Et de, tu sais, d'où viennent les bébés.
My dear Colonel, where do you think the reinforcements will come from?
Mon cher Colonel, d'où pensez-vous que les renforts vont arriver?
- Where did you come from?
- D'où venez-vous?
I come from a generation where it's the honorable thing to do when you get serious with someone.
Dans mon temps, on se mariait quand ça devenait sérieux.
Where did you come from?
C'est toi? Qu'est-ce que tu fais là?
SuChin Pak coming to you live from Cloverdale, Massachusetts, where the whole town has come out to see if Buddy Hall, a local car salesman, can achieve the impossible. Happy holidays.
Bonnes fêtes à tous.
And what did you see from where you were? Oh, no, come on, man ;
- Qu'avez-vous vu, d'où vous étiez?
Where did you come from?
D'où tu viens?
Where the hell'd you come from?
- Tu sors d'où?
Where did you come from? How's she paying you?
D'où venez-vous, et comment vous paie-t-elle?
- Where the hell did you all come from?
- D'où revenez-vous?
And to be completely honest with you, where I come from, you could do a whole lot worse.
Pour être honnête avec vous, d'où je viens, vous pouvez faire bien pire.
Ahh, ohh! Hey, beautiful, where did you come from?
Hé beau gosse, d'où viens tu?
Where did you come from, Dan Slutsky?
D'où viens tu, Dan Slutsky?
Where did you come from, Dan Slutsky?
D'où viens-tu, Dan Slutsky?
Where'd you come from?
D'où viens-tu?
Bastard, where did you come from?
Où tu te caches, assassin!
Where did you come from? !
Par où es-tu entré?
Oi, where did you all come from?
Princesse Tomi?
Tell us Where do you come from?
Dites-nous : d'où venez-vous?
Where have you come from?
- D'où viens-tu?
Do you want to know where I really come from?
Vous voulez savoir d'où je viens vraiment?
You know where I come from, you know how hard it was for me to get here.
Tu sais d'où je viens et combien ça a été dur pour moi de me rendre jusqu'ici.
You know, where I come from, we don't call that fighting.
Vous savez d'ou je viens on n'appelle pas ça se battre.
- Where'd you come from?
- D'où tu viens?
You guys don't know where your props come from?
Vous ne savez pas d'où viennent vos accessoires?
Where did you come from?
Tu arrives d'où comme ça?

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