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I saw them together traduction Français

96 traduction parallèle
I saw them together at the Bristol party. They were thick as thieves.
Ils semblaient bien s'entendre chez les Bristol.
I saw them together earlier this evening. The car was parked.
Je les ai vus dans la voiture, près du Bois.
I saw them together.
Je les ai vus.
The last time I saw them together, they were that big and you were pushing them.
La dernière fois que je les ai vues ensemble, tu les promenais dans...
The other day, I saw them together.
L'autre jour, je les ai vus ensemble.
I saw them together.
Je les ai vus ensemble.
I saw them together.
J les ai vu ensemble.
I saw them together.
- Oui. Je les ai vus.
That feeling was confirmed when I saw them together in the hotel room.
Ce sentiment a été confirmé quand je les ai vus ensemble à l'hôtel.
I saw them together today.
Je les ai vus ensemble aujourd'hui.
I saw them together in front of your house.
Je les ai vus ensemble devant ta maison.
And, uh... I saw them together.
Et, euh... je les ai vus tous les deux.
I did fire June because I saw them together. Twenty years?
Bien sûr, Playboy a dit non, alors on a pris quelques photos pour essayer de les convaincre.
I saw them together, out driving.
Je les ai vus tous les deux, dans une voiture.
It didn't leave much time for her. Then one day I saw them together and I watched the way they looked at each other.
Et un jour je les ai vu ensemble, j'ai vu la façon dont il se regardaient.
I saw them together... many times - doin'it.
Elle était épique avec lui. Je vous dis. Je les ai vus plusieurs fois...
I saw them together two days ago.
Je les ai vus ensemble il y a deux jours.
And that I saw them together last night.
Je les ai vus ensemble hier soir.
I saw them together, Porter trusted this guy.
Porter a confiance en lui.
Relatives! It's the first time in my life I saw them all together.
C'est la première fois que je la vois au complet, ma famille!
I saw them in the drug store together the other night.
Je les ai vus ensemble au drugstore l'autre soir.
I saw them walking together.
Je les ai vus. Ils se promenaient ensemble.
I saw them laughing together in some restaurant. I saw them out dancing.
Je les ai vus rire, dans un restaurant... je les ai vus danser.
I just saw them talking together.
Je viens de les voir se parler.
She was at the wine tasting. I saw them talking together.
Elle est venue seule.
I saw them at Felder's showroom yesterday together.
- Je les ai vus chez Felder. Il avait rendez-vous avec lui.
Walking together on the same street as her building. I was coming out of the street opposite and I saw them.
J'allais tout droit et juste quand j'ai tourné, à deux ou trois mètres devant moi, je les ai rencontrés tous les deux
I saw them k-k-kissing... together.
je les ai vu s'embrasser... - il avait ses bras autour d'elle. M. Lloyd!
- No. But I saw photos of them together.
Non, mais je l'ai vu en photo.
I haven't seen them together now for about a year and a half, but back then I saw them two or three times a week.
Je ne les ai pas vus ensemble depuis un an et demi, mais... à l'époque, je les voyais trois fois par semaine.
blake, I saw them in bed together.
Blake, je les ai vus au lit ensemble.
No, I just saw them together.
Je les ai vus ensemble.
Gosh, I used to try to get them back together... but they always saw it coming a mile away.
Mon Dieu, j'ai tant essayé de les réconcilier. Mais ils me sentaient toujours venir.
I saw them come out together.
- Vous l'avez vu partir?
Not yet, but I saw a photo of them together.
- Non, il est en photo avec Jean-Claude.
I saw the three of them together at this team party.
Je les ai vus tous les trois à la fête des commandos.
One day a gang of us were up on the cliffs... and I saw them... together.
Un jour, on était en bande dans les falaises, et je les ai vus... ensemble.
I saw that! What if we broker them back together?
Si on les réconciliait?
I never saw them together, but...
Je ne les ai jamais vus ensemble.
You saw them together. That's not enough. How can I bust him?
Tu les as juste vus ensemble, ce n'est pas suffisant.
There's a relationship there, I saw them at a party together.
Ils se connaissent. Je les ai vus à une fête ensemble.
This is the only time I saw the two of them together, but... clearly, they were involved.
C'est la seule fois que je les ai vus ensemble, mais ils devaient avoir une liaison.
Luxmi, I saw them flee together.
Luxmi, je les ai vu partir ensemble.
Well, last week I saw all three of them together in the quad.
La semaine dernière, je les ai vus tous les trois.
One day, I saw them walking together, so I went over to check it out.
Un jour, je les ai vus marcher ensemble, alors j'ai vérifié.
I saw the two of them together at the Neptune Grand.
Je les ai vu tous les deux au Neptune Grand.
It was there that I saw the two of them leave and go off together.
Et je les ai vus tous les deux s'en aller.
I saw them going to the bathroom together.
Je les ai vu aller à la salle de bain ensemble.
When I saw them together,
Quand je les ai vues ensemble, j'ai su qu'elle allait la prendre.
I saw them reading poetry together and the look in his eyes... He loved her so much.
Il l'aimait tellement.
I saw them come out of a closet together.
Je les ai vus sortir d'un placard.

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