So many people traduction Français
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there are so many people, tonight, it feels like, that areon the chopping block.
Il y a tant de gens, ce soir, qui pensent avoir la tête sur le billot.
I was always amazed by how important he was to so many people.
J'étais toujours impressionnée de ce qu'il représentait pour les gens.
There was so much pain. So much pain to so many people who had never signed up for it.
Il y a eu tant de souffrance... éprouvée par tant de gens qui ne l'ont jamais voulue.
So many people in the neighborhood were hurt in the fire,
Beaucoup de gens du quartier ont été blessés.
We know so many people who have done it.
On connait tellement de gens qui l'ont fait.
I've been hugged by so many people today, I feel like I'm engaged to everyone but you.
Avec tous ces gens qui m'ont serré dans leurs bras, j'ai l'impression d'être marié à tous sauf à toi.
God, I know so many people whose parents are divorced, but I think I would justfreak if mine ever did.
Mon dieu, je connais tellement de personnes avec des parents divorcés pourtant je pense que je deviendrais folle si mes parents le faisait.
I have watched so many people I love die at your hands, Uther Pendragon.
J'ai vu tant de ceux que j'aimais mourir de ta main, Uther Pendragon.
So many people I don't care about getting in touch, it's brilliant.
Tant de gens dont je me moque qui me contacte... c'est génial.
So, what about it? Why do so many people write about the fall?
Alors, pourquoi tant de gens écrivent-ils sur l'automne?
There's so many people to thank.
J'ai tant de gens à remercier!
You know, you're very brave to be able to talk in front of so many people. No.
Il faut être vraiment courageux pour parler devant autant de personnes.
I see so many people out here. That I'd rather be eulogizing today than Jack.
Vous etes venus si nombreux que je pourrais faire votre éloge plutôt que le sien.
And Billy Wilder was asked : "Why did so many people show up for sυch a hated man?"
On demanda à Billy Wilder pourquoi les gens s'étaient déplacés.
I haven't had so many people in the kitchen since I don't know when.
II y a longtemps que je n'ai pas eu autant de gens dans la cuisine.
There were so many people waiting in line.
Il y avait tellement de gens qui attendaient en file.
I think they got scared when they saw so many people against them.
Ils ont pris peur en voyant tous ces gens se révolter.
There's so many people to call.
Il y a tellement de gens à prévenir.
Kill so many people.
Tuer tant de gens.
I killed so many people.
J'ai tué tant de gens...
You make so many people laugh.
T'es pas nul, tu fais marrer plein de gens!
That's what made it such a powerful lure for so many people.
Sans quoi elle n'aurait pas été aussi attrayante.
Igor knows so many people.
Igor connaît tant de monde!
I've gotten so many people into that band.
J'ai initié plein de monde.
I have failed so many people.
J'ai déçu tant de gens.
- So many people at the burial.
- Que de monde à cet enterrement!
So many people without shelter.
Il y a tellement de sans-abris...
Hey... look! So many people have gathered here!
Un peu d'eau?
Xiu Xiu, what are you looking at? Why so many people?
Xiu-xiu, tu regardes quoi?
And I'm sorry if I'm not acting grateful... that so many people are worried about me.
Et je suis désolé de ne pas me montrer plus reconnaissant... que tant de gens soient inquiets pour moi.
Larry, so many people have died today.
Larry, tant de gens sont morts aujourd'hui. On ne peut laisser pas
So many people just... Right.
Tant de gens...
Just so many dead people today.
Tant de morts aujourd'hui.
I mean, you'd think people who came here so many years before the English, that they'd build bigger houses!
Enfin, je pensais que les gens qui sont venus avant les Anglais avaient construit de plus grandes maisons!
There're so many wonderful people out there.
Il y a tant de gens formidables.
Young people like Aweke, Bitew, and so many others.
Des jeunes comme Awéké, Bitew et tant d'autres.
Luke, I have saved the lives of so many people. People I didn't even know. I don't know.
Luke, j'ai sauvé la vie de tant de gens, des inconnus pour moi, comme les mineurs de Peladon, les gens buvant du Bubbleshock, sans arrière pensée.
So many government people are there without uniforms.
Il y a beaucoup de gens du gouvernement en civil.
Because they did so many brutal things in front of people and we could document that.
Parce qu'ils se sont montrés très brutaux aux yeux de tous, et que nous avons pu les filmer.
It's ironic how white people hate us so much... when so many of'em been raised by black women.
C'est ironique à quel point les blancs nous haïiïssent tant... quand tant d'eux ont été élevés par des femmes noires.
It's all very well packing people into their homes like so many million sardines, but you drop a killer virus into that mix, and this town is gonna go tits-up in no short order.
C'est bien beau d'entasser les gens chez eux comme des millions de sardines, mais si on ajoute un virus mortel au portrait, cette ville sera sens dessus dessous en un rien de temps.
Too many people crammed into ghettos so tight they can barely move.
On a entassé trop de gens dans des ghettos. Ils pouvaient à peine bouger.
There's so many poor people down here that need...
Tant de pauvres gens ont besoin...
You see so many nice people trying to make it about something good and yet it turns into not just corrupt, but, like, fucking-little-kids corrupt and burning-people-alive cor...
Tous ces gens sympathiques qui essaient d'en faire quelque chose de bien, mais ça s'avère être pourri, avec des enfants violés et des gens brûlés vifs.
We have been talking to so many religious people and many of them believe the earth is 5,000 years old.
Des croyants nous ont dit que la Terre avait 5 000 ans.
Could you tell us why you took the lives of so many innocent people?
L'accusé peut-il nous dire pour quelle raison il a sacrifié la vie de tant de gens innocents?
Why, why must there be so many bad people...
Pourquoi, pourquoi il y a tant de mauvaises personnes...
One of the many reasons America came into being was so that we as a people could be free to practice the religion of our choice.
L'une des raisons qui a fait de l'Amérique ce qu'elle est, c'est que les gens sont libres de pratiquer la religion de leur choix.
So, how many people are you expecting at this shin-dizzle?
Combien de personnes attends-tu à ta nouba d'enfer?
There are so many other people who need our time and our attention.
Il y a tellement d'autres gens qui ont besoin de notre temps et de notre attention.
So how many people still live here?
Alors, combien de personnes encore vivre ici?
so many times 34
so many memories 19
so many 87
so many questions 44
so many things 62
so many years 16
so many of them 24
many people 30
people 5151
people don't change 46
so many memories 19
so many 87
so many questions 44
so many things 62
so many years 16
so many of them 24
many people 30
people 5151
people don't change 46
people of earth 28
people like you 105
people like me 81
people screaming 74
people change 205
people can change 59
people talk 81
people are talking 31
people make mistakes 71
people are scared 36
people like you 105
people like me 81
people screaming 74
people change 205
people can change 59
people talk 81
people are talking 31
people make mistakes 71
people are scared 36